Case 10: The Mysterious Cake

Nov 10, 2011 19:29

[The voice coming over the journal today is slightly embarrassed sounding. Yup this is long over due and he's finally getting to it.]

I, would like to apologize to all who may have been harmed in the course of the loss I was under, not too long ago. The time, well let me only say I have changed since that me and my present self. Most notably to those I may have, presumed to be involved in something they were not.

...And no I am not currently under any loss, even though the beard was a part of it for those that may ask. I just thought a change in my appearance would be nice with the time of year. [Yes he is in the process of growing out his beard, don't judge.]

[Alan Bradley]

[This isn't written actually, but there is presently one fancy looking cake outside of Alan's room. Very well decorated, and with a card under the plate.]

The card says: In thanks for your understanding when I was not myself.

[But if Alan cuts into the tasty looking cake? It's not a cake, it's a large, car washing sponge decorated up fancily. Harmless payback Alan.]

james watson

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