[Isis has waited thousands of years to be reunited with Osiris, as everybody who's come within fifty feet of her is sure to know by now thanks to her cramming that fact down all their throats. The time for patience is over: she's come too close to fail once again, and she knows the residents of the castle are plotting against her. Who knows how many more of the inhabitants of this castle possess Claire's infuriating ability to regenerate?
She needs a fully mortal sacrifice, and as such, she decides its easier to play the odds if she stacks them in her favor. Residents have gone missing over the past several days, blasted into unconsciousness by powerful magic spells. When they awake, they'll find themselves strapped to slabs created out of what are probably fallen chunks of ceiling from somewhere in the castle. The
rope that binds them isn't real 'rope' at all, but braided directly out of glowing
magic. After a moment, they'll be able to perhaps recognize the room they've found themselves in:
It's the castle ballroom.
Isis moves around the room, chanting to herself as she strengthens the magical wards that cloak the room with the illusion that it's empty. A more powerful ward would drain her of power -- and she'd like to be in peak condition in case one of the intended sacrifices pulls out some idiotic attempt at escape.
One of the slabs stands upright in the middle of the room, to which Jonothan Starsmore is bound. Besides him sits the
urn in which Isis has Osiris' heart.
In other words, it's just another Sunday in Paradisa.]
[ooc; This post is forward-dated to tonight. Please see the
ooc post before tagging in, if you haven't already. Also, since I feel the need to do all my tagging to music, feel free to listen along with my
Isis plot playlist. ♥
Sacrifice thread | On-going, no tagging order, threadjacking okay, go for it! Please keep backtagging while we move along~
Supergirl thread | Completed!
Superman & Hawkgirl thread | On-going, open to Clark, Shayera, Jono, (and Faith ;D). Tagging order: Isis, Clark, Jono, Shayera]
Heroes thread | On-going, open to those who are signed up! Please hop into the chat icingisis if you can! We're trying our hardest to maintain a semblance of tagging order.]