attempt number thirteen ♓ (dictated) (before the final isis post obvs)

Jan 23, 2011 14:37

( clark kent )

So, I found her. Obviously. And ... don't worry, I'm okay now. But there's some stuff I learned that you really need to know before running in there.

Isis has an amulet around her neck. You can probably seal her in it or destroy it and get her out without hurting Lois.

She has a guy captured that no one's mentioned yet -- Jono, I think. She wants to use him for her vessel, but he's not going to work. Something about his chest being a furnace -- he wants to let her put Osiris' heart in him so he can destroy it for good.

But, the hostages aren't hostages, Clark, they're sacrifices. She needs lifeblood to complete her ritual and she tried to use me, but -- [ :( /guilt guilt guilt ] Look, we need to get them out of there. Fast. If we don't ... Isis made it pretty clear Osiris is gonna bring all his baggage with him.

She had us in some tower. I don't know which one, but ... I don't know, does that help any? [ except she's moved to the ballroom. too bad claire doesn't know that. :( ]

( cassie sandsmark )

Good news is, she has the amulet. It's a little different than you described, but ... that has to be it. Bad news is, it's around her neck and that makes it a little harder to get to. Think you and your hero friends can figure something out?

( stephanie brown )

Hey, thanks for ... you know. The other night. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have freaked out on you about ... well, I shouldn't have freaked out on you period. I know, "shut up, Claire, this isn't the time for your feel-good apologies" but I learned pretty fast that sometimes, it's the only time for them. Especially considering what we might be facing if Isis can't be stopped in time.

edited in later: ( everyone working to stop isis filter )

All right, Kara said I should probably give you guys the run down. Here's the deal: the clock is ticking. Pretty bad, too. Isis had me held hostage in one of the towers right up until she started grabbing the others, and there's something you all need to know before you go back to the books. She's not just holding them hostage, she's going to try and sacrifice them.

That's the bad news. The good news is, there's a way to stop her. I think. There's this amulet that she has around her neck -- if we can seal her back into it or destroy it, Isis should go out of Lois without much of a fight. There shouldn't be any reason for Lois to get hurt by all of this, but we need to move now.

She's not going to wait to sacrifice these people, she has everything she needs. Including Jono, who's the lucky candidate to be the next Osiris if we don't move fast. He told me -- or, I don't know, telepathy'd me I guess? Anyway. He said that if she tries to put the heart in him, it'll probably destroy it, but I don't think that's a chance we should really be taking. Especially considering people are going to have to die for her to even get that far.

We need to go in and get those hostages out, even if we don't have a way to seal her back in yet.

claire bennet

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