Title: The ABCs of Eunhyuk and Chaerin
Rating: PG
Chaerin could not hide her tears of frustration after she returned to her dressing room. She knew that one of their performances wasn’t going to be broadcasted because she had fallen on stage. Granted, the stage was slippery, but her perfectionist tendencies could not reconcile with this.
She refused to be consoled by her members, who wisely left her some space after their initial attempts to cheer her up. She mustered a smile for them and told them she was going for a walk. Even her manager decided to leave her be, tersely reminding her that they would be leaving in 20 minutes.
She ended up sitting on a deserted patch of grass nearby, her arms around her knees, staring up at the stars. All she could do was stare blankly as her mistake kept repeating in her head. A few moments later, she was startled when she noticed a presence by her side.
“The stars are pretty, aren’t they?” Eunhyuk grinned at her brightly. She turned away.
“Hey.” Eunhyuk nudged her. She refused to respond and instead buried her head in her arms. She realized there was an arm snaking underneath her knees and an arm behind her back and then was being lifted in the air, bridal style. She automatically latched on to Eunhyuk’s neck in panic. Once Eunhyuk had stabilized himself, she smacked him on the chest.
“Put me down!” she shouted. Eunhyuk granted her request, placing her back on the ground feet first.
“Yah! What was that for?” She attempted to smack him on the chest once again, but was thwarted when Eunhyuk grabbed her hand. His other hand reached for her other hand and he gently clasped them together.
“Just so you know that I’ll always pick you up when you fall down,” Eunhyuk said, still grinning. Chaerin managed to free her hand and smacked him on the chest - successfully, this time.
“Ow! What was that for?” Eunhyuk pouted. “You didn’t like it?”
“You’re so cheesy,” Chaerin said, turning away once again but now with a smile playing across her lips.
Chaerin did not want to explain to her members how she got grass stains on her brand new shirt after she returned from the park on her nightly “walk”.
“We’re going to have to let go sometime, you know,” Chaerin’s muffled words reverberated from the folds of his jacket. “My plane leaves for LA in an hour.”
“I know.”
Neither moved.
“I can’t decide!” Eunhyuk sighed, frustrated. He turned to his closest friends. “What do you think?”
Donghae and Junsu shrugged in tandem, as clueless as Eunhyuk was. Although the store owner had allowed them to shop after-hours, they still felt a little strange being in a ring shop where anyone could see them. Junsu, in particular, was the one they were most concerned about since his lawsuit from SM made him black-listed in the company’s eyes.
“I’ve narrowed it down to these two,” Eunhyuk explained, pointing out two rings.
“They look exactly the same,” Donghae deadpanned.
“They’re completely different!” Eunhyuk protested. “This one has one more line going this way than the other, see…”
“That’s one line, Hyukjae,” Junsu said, exasperated. “One line. It’s only a couple ring - why are you so concerned?” He took a look at the glass display and let out a low whistle. “And such a hefty price too.”
“Oh, I already have the couple rings,” Eunhyuk waved off. “This has got to be the perfect ring - I’m going to propose to her with it.”
“Well why did you think I’d risk being out with Junsu in public if I wasn’t shopping for an engagement ring?”
A-E |
F-I |
J-M |