Romantical Reaction [1/?]

Mar 19, 2008 07:09

Title: Romantical Reaction [1/?]
Author: Mia and me (toromuffin)
Pairing: slight Mikey/Pumpkin(OFC); Frank/Pumpkin(OFC)
P.O.V: First person; Pumpkin's
Rating: MA15+
Disclaimer: We do not know or own the members of My Chemical Romance or Mindless Self Indulgence. The character's personalities are based purely on how we think the people would act. We do own Pumpkin.
Summary: Pumpkin is the new PR for My Chemical Romance. Along the road, she comes across a lot of obstacles, but will everything turn out good in the end? Or will it end in heartbreak?
Warnings: A couple bad words.
Author's Note: Mia asked me to write this, so I said I'd give it a shot. =] Self beta'd.
Dedication: For my bumble-bee, Mia. ♥

I grabbed my bags from the cab, paying the driver and turning to look at the already crowded arena carpark. Taking a deep breath, I started walking, pushing my way through the crowds and heading towards where a few large buses were parked; one of which would soon be my new home for the next few months.

Once I got to the security fence, I flashed my pass to the guard and was allowed through. Now to find the correct bus...
It actually didn't take me as long as I thought, as there was a huge sign on the front of it. Plus, if the squabbling coming from inside was anything to go by, then I was definately at the right place.
I sat my suitcase on the ground and hesitated for a second before raising my fist to the door and knocking a couple times, having to repeat the action a few moments later as it had gone unheard the first time.

"It's open!" came a yell from inside, so I shrugged and opened the door, lugging my suitcase up the steps and sighing as I let it drop once again.

As I looked up and over at the group sitting in front of the television, I soon found myself looking at black instead. Along with tasting a moutful of hair as I was literally pounced on, falling to the floor under the sudden extra weight.

"Kinny!" the muffled voice yelled, the arms squeezing me tighter, and I finally realised who it was.

"Gee!" I replied in the same tone, wrapping my arms around Gerard's waist and hugging him tightly.

"I missed you," he said, pecking my cheek and standing up, holding his hand out for me.

I took his hand and let him pull me up, about to ask him how he'd been before Bob came bounding over and started babbling about how he was 'totally kicking ass on the Xbox and they had ice-cream for dinner and for dessert and he had drank four cups of coffee and was on his second iced one and - ' I cut him off there, slapping my hand over his mouth and hugging him.
He grinned and bear-hugged me back before once again skipping off to fight for a game controller.

I laughed and shook my head before smiling up at Gerard, but his attention was elsewhere, and when I followed his line of vision, I realised why.
Walking out of the bunk area was my sister, better known as Lyn-Z.

She smiled over at Gerard until she saw me and stopped in her tracks...before jumping over the boys on the floor and tackling me.
As she pulled away, we both started talking at once - 'how are you?', 'I've missed you', 'I can't believe you're here!', etc - until we were interrupted.

"Uuuhh...what's going on?" Frank asked, watching the scene before him with a rather bewildered expression on his face. "And who's she?"

Lyn-Z threw her arm around my shoulders and pulled me into her side, a huge grin on her face as she answered him.

"This is my sister, Pumpkin." She kissed my cheek.

Frank muttered an "oh" before looking back to the television, focusing his attention once more on the game that Ray and Bob had going on.

"Ignore him," Gerard told me, leaning in closer and whispering loudly, "he's on his period."

Lindsey and I both giggled, especially when a cushion came hurtling through the air and hit Gerard in the head.


Over the next hour or so, I was shown around the bus and where I would be sleeping, was re-aquainted with everyone and was given Xbox game choice and the chance to play first - which, I was told, was something to take full advantage of as it didn't happen often.

Half-way through a gruelling game of Halo with Bob, there was a knock at the door which almost went unnoticed...until it turned into incessant hammering.
We paused our game and Ray went to answer the door, the people on the other side barging in and almost knocking him over.

When the strangers made their way into the room, I quickly moved myself to hide behind Bob, ducking down low and trying to make myself invisible completely. But it didn't work so well...

"Is that...Pumpkin?" came Jimmy Urine's voice, fooststeps coming closer as I willed myself to melt into either Bob or the floor.

The bus was completely silent for a minute and I chanced a look up, but I regretted it the moment I saw the maniacal grin on Jimmy's face.
I squealed and attempted to get up and run, but I fell to the floor as I was pounced on, this time the attacker biting lightly at my neck. And then came the relentless tickling to my sides.

I managed to wriggle around onto my back and started trying to push Jimmy away whilst laughing and squealing. But all of my attempts were useless.
After about five minutes, he stopped, collapsing on top of me in his own fit of laughter. I took this chance to finally catch my breath before I slapped him in the back of the head.

"Jerkface. I couldn't breath!"

"Oh, you were fine," he retorted, licking my cheek before getting up and plonking himself on the couch.

Idle chatter filled the bus for the next half an hour until the members of Mindless Self Indulgence made their way to their own but to get ready for tonight's show.
Lyndsey stopped to hug me on the way out, mumbling in my ear about how we would meet up afterwards to hang out before sleeping.

Once they were gone, the boys of My Chemical Romance started wandering about and getting ready themselves, Gerard pulling me towards him and plonking himself in a seat at the dining table.

"Do my hair, please?" He fluttered his eye lashes at me as an innocent smile made its way onto his face.

I giggled and told him to go and get his things, watching him run off and turning as I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"I have something for you," Mikey said, smiling at me as he pulled something out from behind his back.

I gasped and squealed as I saw what it was, wrapping my arms tightly around Mikey's neck before taking the toy from him.

"You didn't have to do that, Mikey!" I gushed, playing with the rabbit's ears.

"But I know you love skelanimals. And I know that you don't have Jack yet. Plus it's a kinda 'thanks for coming and attempting to put up with us' present."

I laughed and hugged Mikey again before hearing someone scoff behind us.

"A 'thanks for coming' present?" Frank mocked. "Please. We all know it's a 'thanks for the Vegas sex' present. Pretty lousy payment, Mikey."

The room went silent after that comment, Mikey's jaw dropping as he stared at Frank, completely appalled.

"You..." he trailed off, opening his mouth a second later to try again. "Why are you being such an asshole?"

Frank shrugged and smirked before turning around and heading to the back of the bus, leaving the rest of us in shock.

A few seconds later Gerard made his way back in, looking through his bag of make-up and hair products and talking excitedly about how he wanted his hair done and how, if it was good enough, I would have to do it for him all the time.
As he looked up from the bag, he stopped in his tracks, a confused expression making its way onto his face.

"...what's going on?" he asked slowly, setting the bag on the table and looking around at Ray, Bob, Mikey and I in turn, waiting for an answer.

The four of us glanced at each other, Bob and Ray going about getting ready again as Mikey and I looked at the floor for a moment.

"Nothing," Mikey muttered, walking off.

Gerard gave me a questioning look but I shook my head and gave him a weak smile, telling him to sit down.
He did so slowly, glancing back at me until I grabbed a brush and started running it through his hair gently.

For the next ten minutes, the bus was relatively silent, the only sounds being that of Bob and Ray getting ready to perform, and Gerard's incessant questioning about what had happened. I remained silent, though.
And that's when the yelling started.

"Fuck you, Way! You were crawling so far up her ass I could see your head!"

"Oh, you think your the shit don't you?! Just because Jamia left you doesn't mean you have to take it out on Pumpkin!"

"Jeez, you don't understand do you, Mikey?"

"Understand what? That you're a complete fucking asshole?! I get that, Frank!"

Gerard looked at me, towards the back of the bus and then at me again.

"I'll uh...I'll be right back." And he scrambled up and ran to where the arguing was coming from.

I sat heavily in the now empty seat and listened to the quietening voices, trying to figure out exactly what was going on.
Suddenly there was a thud and a cry of pain and Gerard was yelling at Frank to 'calm the fuck down'. And then he was locked in the back room as Gerard helped a bleeding Mikey out to the kitchen area, sitting him down across from me and going to grab a wet cloth for his nose.

"Oh, Mikey!" I quickly got up and sat next to him, pulling his face to look at me so I could inspect the damage. "Are you okay?"

He nodded his head, wincing slightly as I gently touched his nose.

"Sorry, sorry!" I placed my hands in my lap and looked down, sighing.

Mikey laughed and grabbed my hands in his, opening his mouth to speak before we were interrupted by Gerard coming back and handing me the cloth.
I smiled in thanks and hesitantly lifted it to Mikey's face, gently wiping the blood away and apologising every time he winced.

Once he was cleaned up and everyone was ready to go - Frank having been released from his "prison" to get changed and running out the door as soon as he was done - I hugged the remaining boys and wished them good luck, getting looks of disbelief in return.

"You're not coming to watch?" Gerard asked, putting on his best puppy dog face - teary eyes, lip wibble and all.
I laughed.

"As much as I hate saying no to that face, Gee, I'm gonna stay here tonight...get used to everything and stuff."

He sighed and nodded, following Ray and Bob out the door and heading through the back door of the arena.
I turned to Mikey, raising my eyebrow at him.

"Are you okay?" he asked, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

I smiled and nodded. "I just need to be alone for a while," I assured him, hugging him once more as he nodded, still unsure. "Now go!" I said, pushing him gently towards the door. "You don't wanna be late for your own show."

He nodded hesitantly again and slowly followed the path that his band mates had only a few minutes ago.
As soon as he had disappeared out of my sight, I let the tears flow, grabbing my iPod from my bag and crawling into Mikey's bunk. I put Cupid De Locke on repeat and cried myself to sleep.

Cupid hath pulled back his sweetheart's bow
To cast divine arrows into her soul
To grab her attention swift and quick
Or morrow the marrow of her bones be thick
With turpentine kisses and mistaken blows

See the devil may do as the devil may care
He loves none sweeter as sweeter the dare
Her mouth the mischief he doth seek
Her heart the captive of which he speaks
So note all ye lovers in love with the sound
Your world be shattered with nary a note
Of one cupids arrow under your coat

And in the land of star crossed lovers
And barren hearted wanderers
Forever lost in forsaken missives and satan's pull
We seek the unseekable and we speak the unspeakable
Our hopes dead gathering dust to dust
In faith, in compassion, and in love
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