Romantical Reaction [2/?]

Mar 22, 2008 11:00

Title: Romantical Reaction [2/?]
Author: Mia and me (toromuffin)
Pairing: slight Mikey/Pumpkin(OFC); Frank/Pumpkin(OFC)
P.O.V: First person; Pumpkin's
Rating: MA15+
Disclaimer: We do not know or own the members of My Chemical Romance or Mindless Self Indulgence. The character's personalities are based purely on how we think the people would act. We do own Pumpkin.
Summary: Pumpkin is the new PR for My Chemical Romance. Along the road, she comes across a lot of obstacles, but will everything turn out good in the end? Or will it end in heartbreak?
Warnings: A couple bad words.
Author's Note: Mia asked me to write this, so I said I'd give it a shot. =] Self beta'd.
Dedication: For my bumble-bee, Mia. ♥
Previous Chapters: Chapter 1

Third Person P.O.V

As the band left their dressing room and headed to their bus, Ray, Bob and Gerard were talking excitedly, still on their post-show high. Mikey was smiling half-heartedly and occasionally putting in some quiet input, still upset about what had gone down before the show. Frank, however, was completely silent, glaring at the ground and taking long, angry drags from his cigarette.

The show had been a good one, yes, but the hostility could be felt in the dressing room both before and after the show, Brian being able to tell that something had happened, but not getting an answer from anyone.

As the boys neared the bus they noticed that the lights were still on, indicating that Pumpkin was still there; as they entered the bus, however, they realised that it was a different story...

"Where's Pumpkin?" Gerard asked, not seeing her in the front.

Bob shrugged. "She might be in the back..."

Gerard nodded, heading back but still not able to find her.
He shook his head as he re-entered the front room.

"Maybe she finally fucked off back home," Frank mumbled, sitting himself on the couch and grabbing the TV remote, ignoring the glares from his band mates.

Mikey shook his head angrily, huffing and stomping his way to the bunk area.
Once he was on his own he took a deep breath, trying to calm down a little; he didn't like being angry like this, especially not at his best friends.

Once he had composed himself, Mikey pulled back the curtain on his bunk...only to get the shock of his life.
Curled up under his blankets with his pillow hugged to her chest was Pumpkin; her iPod was still playing and every now and then she would sniffle, even though she was sound asleep.

Mikey couldn't quite decide what to do. He didn't want to wake her and, as he could tell she had once been crying, he didn't want to leave.
Luckily, his brother helped him with his decision.

"Mikes, just ignore Frank, okay? He's just...I think he's just moody because of what happened with Jamia. I..." Gerard paused, realising then that Mikey wasn't really paying attention. "Mikey? Are you even- what are you looking at?"

As Gerard moved closer to his brother, he heard a soft sigh escape the bunk, looking in himself and seeing Pumpkin.

"Oh," he whispered, looking at Mikey and then back to the sleeping girl. " Do you think we should wake her?"

Mikey thought about it for a second, and as he opened his mouth to speak, Pumpkin whimpered and groaned slightly, her eyes fluttering open and landing on the Way brothers.
Tears sprung to her eyes for a second time that night.

Pumpkin's P.O.V

As soon as I saw Mikey and Gerard standing in front of me, I couldn't stop the tears from coming.
I curled into a tighter ball and let the tears flow, sobs wracking my body.
I jumped as I felt two sets of arms wrap around me, raising my head slightly and noticing that both brothers had squashed themselves into the bunk with me.

Gerard reached up and gently tugged my earphones from my ears, placing them and my iPod on the floor before stroking the hair from my face.
For the next ten minutes, Gerard gently stroked my face, kissing my forehead every now and then and Mikey place gentle pecks on the back of my neck, running his fingers soothingly across my hip.

Once I had calmed down, I sighed and nuzzled my face into Gerard's chest, knowing that I would have a bunch of questions to answer.
Before anyone had the chance to speak, though, Gerard's cell phone rang; he sighed and answered it, a smile making its way onto his face as soon as he heard who had called him.

"I'm meeting Lindsey in a minute," he said after hanging up. "I won't tell her what's going on, okay? Not unless you want me to..."

I smiled and nodded, whispering a small "thanks, not yet" and hugging him before he stood up and left.

I sighed and slowly turned over to face Mikey, looking at his chest for a minute before raising my eyes to meet his.
He smiled shyly at me and moved his hand up to gently stroke my cheek.

"You wanna tell me why you cried yourself to sleep in my bunk?" he asked quietly, pulling me a little closer as I sighed and dropped my gaze again.

"I just..." I started, trailing off and trying to think of the right words. "It was my fault that you and Frank had that arguement. And you came out of it with a blood nose! And...maybe I should just go home..." I whispered the last part, once again looking at Mikey's chest and trying to avoid his gaze at all costs.

"Hey, hey," he grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. "Don't say that. Frank's just...he's going through a rough patch right now. He didn't mean any of it, I'm sure. And there's no way any of us are letting you go home! We want you here whether Frank's being a bitch about it or not. Okay?"

I nodded, smiling up at him as a few more tears fell from my eyes.
Mikey wrapped his arms around me and held me close to his chest, stroking my hair.

"Hey! No more tears, okay?"

I laughed, nodding again and pulling away to wipe at my eyes.

"I'm sorry," I sniffled, laughing slightly again. "Ugh. I just...hmm. I'll stop soon, I'll be fine."

For the next hour or so, Mikey and I just lay in his bunk in a comfortable silence, only speaking if someone came to see how we were.
As I started falling asleep, Mikey shifted, sitting up in the little space he had and started climbing over me. I stirred, looking up at him with bleary eyes.

"Where are you going?" I mumbled, grabbing at his shirt to keep him there.

"I'm just gonna get changed," he said quietly, prying his shirt from my fingers and moving out of the bunk, grabbing some pajamas from his suitcase. "I'll be back soon."

I nodded and snuggled back into the warm sheets, closing my eyes and starting to doze off again.

The next time I woke up, the bus was dark and completely silent, save for a few snores being heard every now and then.
I realised that I was still in Mikey's bunk, curled up against his chest. I smiled and gently moved his arm from around my waist, getting out of the bed and quietly making my way towards the bathroom.
It was then that I noticed the soft light and flickering from the TV in the back room, and vowed to see who was still up at this hour afterwards.


I tip toed up the bus and poked my head through the door of the back lounge, seeing Frank sitting on the couch, illuminated by the light from the television set.
As I turned and was about to make my way back to bed, I accidentally hit my arm on the door frame. I glanced back at Frank - I had been busted.

"What do you want?" Frank asked, sitting up a little more and glaring at me.

I shook my head and started to head back to bed when he spoke again, voice a littler louder this time.

"Hey, don't walk away from me. I asked you a question."

I turned back, speaking softly. "I heard the TV..."

He nodded and sat back, staring at me for a minute and making me feel slightly uncomfortable under his intense gaze.

"I'm gonna go back to bed now-"

"You can stay, you can watch some TV if you want..." He interrupted, trailing off.

I smiled at him, nodding and walking into the room, sitting near him on the couch and blankly staring at the television set.
It was uncomfortable and awkward.

After ten minutes, I stood up, looking at the floor and fidgetting like a small child.
As I opened my mouth to speak, a third person entered the room.

"'Kin?" Mikey mumbled tiredly. "What are you doing up?"

As I turned to look at him, he was rubbing his eyes. A sleepy smile made its way onto his face as he looked up at me, but it soon diminished as he saw Frank sitting on the sofa.
Mikey reached out and grabbed my arm, pulling me to stand next to him.

"I think you should just go back to bed, Pumpkin," Mikey said in a low voice, glaring at Frank.

I opened my mouth and tried again to speak, but Mikey spun me around and gently pushed me towards his bunk. Once I was out the door and back in the hallway, Mikey quickly turned around and marched over to Frank, whispering darkly, "don't go near her again, asshole," and not intending for me to hear.

As he stormed his way back to me, I glanced back at Frank to see him glaring at Mikey, before a crest-fallen look made its way across his face.

As Mikey and I crawled back into his bunk, he grabbed my face in his hands, stroking my cheeks gently and pushing my hair back behind my ears.

"Did he touch you or-or hurt you or anything?" he asked quietly, frantically running his eyes over my face as if looking for injuries.

I shook my head and smiled at him, snuggling into his chest as he nodded.
I listened to his breathing even out and knew he was alseep again. I followed in his steps not long after, thoughts of Frank and his sudden change towards me plaguing my mind.
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