French Maid [Epilogue]

Mar 18, 2008 02:45

Title: French Maid [Epilogue]
Author: toromuffin
Pairing: Frank/OFC, Frank/Gerard/OFC
P.O.V: 3rd person
Rating: MA15+
Disclaimer: I do not know or own Frank or Gerard. I do know Mia, but she owns herself. X)
Summary: Gerard is a maid working for the Iero family. What does Frank make him do whilst his parents are on vacation?
Warnings: Sex, swearing
Author's Note: Oh, gosh. Sorry this has taken me so long to get out! But I kinda lost my writing drive for a while. Here 'tis, though. =]
Previous Chapters: Prologue || Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5

Two weeks after that eventful day, Mr and Mrs Iero arrived back home, causing everything to go back to normal.
Gerard was no longer wearing a dress to work, but his regular uniform of black pants, white shirt and sandshoes (and even he didn't quite know how he felt about that, not that he was thinking about it...).
Not much had been said about what had happened, and Gerard thanked pretty much everything holy - including Batman and Hell Boy - that nothing had been awkward when the trio had woken up later that evening...


Gerard had woken up first, the setting sun's rays peeking through the window and onto his face. He didn't want to move at first, being warm and comfortable, but as soon as he caught a glimpse of the time, he knew he'd have to get up and leave - he was supposed to be meeting his brother for dinner in just over an hour.

As the maid moved to sit up, his hand ghosted over Frank's waist, making the boy shiver and stir enough to open his eyes.
He stared at Gerard for a moment before letting a sleepy smile grace his features. Gerard smiled back.

"I have to get going," he whispered, his smile growing as Frank pouted.

"Stay," he whined quietly. "We can have some more fun later." Cue the devious grin.

Gerard laughed a little as he leaned over the still sleeping Mia and placed a gentle kiss on Frank's forehead.

"I can't."

Frank huffed and pouted once more as Gerard got out of the bed and started finding his clothes, placing them into a pile on the bed before pulling them on slowly.
As he was tying his apron around his waist, Mia sighed contently as she woke up with a small smile on her face. She leaned up and kissed her boyfriend before noticing that Gerard had moved from his place beside her. She looked over at him curiously.

"Where are you going?" Mia asked, stretching out and turning onto her side, facing Gerard properly.

"I'm going home. I have to meet my brother soon."

A pout made it's way onto the girl's face as well and Gerard giggled, leaning down to kiss both Frank and Mia on the lips quickly.

"I had fun today," he whispered, smirking seductively.

"Me, too," the other two replied at the same time, giggling as Frank said, "Maybe we can do this again sometime...?"

Gerard laughed. "Maybe. I'll see you guys later."

And with a wink and another smirk, he was gone.

The fortnight that followed had been a little hectic; the other staff all knew that something had happened - Gerard had gone missing for a good few hours, afterall. And besides that, Frank, Mia and Gerard were sharing smiles, giggles and small touches when they thought that no one else was paying attention.

But other than those little things, nothing happened again. And that brings us to now...


Frank sat at the dinner table with his parents, hoping that Gerard would walk through the dining room at least once more before he left for the night.
He didn't, but luckily for Frank, he was excused from the table early as his parents had a visitor arriving soon.

Frank took it as a sign and ran throughout the house looking for the male maid.


After twenty minutes of searching the entire house and finding hide nor hair of Gerard, Frank retreated to his bedroom with his head hung low.
He trudged through the door and began moving towards his bed until a noise on the other side of the room made him freeze and look up - only to see the exact person he had been searching for looking back at him.

"I thought you'd gone home already," Frank said, moving a litte closer to Gerard.

Gerard shook his head and smiled at Frank.

"Not yet," he replied quietly. "I wanted to see you first. You were looking for me?"

Frank nodded, looking down before moving his eyes back up to gaze seductively at the older man from beneath his fringe.
The lightest shade of pink made it's way onto Gerard's cheeks; Frank smirked.

"What's up?" Gerard asked, sitting on the boy's bed and waiting for him to speak.

Frank was silent for a few minutes, scuffing his shoes against the carpet and looking between the floor and Gerard, whom was sat twiddling his thumbs in the almost (almost) awkward silence.
Finally, Frank spoke.

"I wanna do it again," he said, allowing a slight blush to creep across his face as he looked shyly up at the maid.

Gerard stared at him blankly, running over the words in his head and trying to figure out what Frank was talking about.
Frank took Gerard's silence as a bad sign and started to panic a little.

"If you don't want to...I-I totally un-"

Until it finally dawned on Gerard what it was.

"No, Frank. That..." he cut in, trailing off for a moment as he stood and moved over to the boy, taking his face in his hands and smiling down at him. "I didn't know what you meant...for a minute," he addmitted sheepishly.

"Oh," Frank mumbled, taking in a deep breath before looking Gerard in the eye. "So...?"

Gerard grinned, nodded and placed his lips against Frank's, kissing him gently.
That was really all the answer Frank needed and he kissed Gerard back, running his tongue over the older man's bottom lip as he moved them both backwards towards his bed.


Gerard bounced a little as he hit the bed and giggled, causing Frank to laugh before he advanced on the older male.
He pushed Gerard's shirt up and kissed up his stomach as he crawled up onto the bed, pulling the material off as he moved further up.
Gerard shivered as Frank gently ran his fingers down his sides; he smirked and sat himself on Gerard's hips, grinding down and illiciting a moan from both their mouths at the friction.

Gerard reached up and pulled Frank down to him, crushing their lips together and thrusting his hips up. He moved his hands to the hem of Frank's shirt and pulled it up, breaking the kiss for only a few seconds to pull it over the boy's head and throw it across the room somewhere.

Frank moved his mouth to Gerard's neck and bit down, earning another moan and thrust from the man beneath him, before moving further down; he nipped at both of Gerard's nipples in turn, bit down around Gerard's belly button and finally, he licked along the waist line of Gerard's pants.
By this time, Gerard was, to say the least, rock hard and wanting, needing release.

"Fuck me, Frank." It came out in a growl; practically and order.

Frank stopped what he was doing to stare up at Gerard for a moment, the latter gazed back through half lidded eyes and gently thrust his hips up to help get his point accross.
A devious grin made its way onto Frank's face and he proceeded to undo Gerard's belt and pants, dragging them and his underwear down his legs antagonizingly slowly.

Gerard watched Frank the entire time, but he was soon seeing black again as his eyes fell shut and his head fell back the second he felt Frank's hot breath ghost over his erection.
Frank smirked and ran his tongue over the tip of Gerard's cock, lapping up the pre-cum and receiving a moan of gratification. That moan became louder, however, as Frank took more into his mouth and started sucking; he started taking more in until he felt the tip of the erection hit the back of his throat, where he swallowed a couple of times before moving his mouth away once more.

Gerard groaned in frustration but was soon quieted when Frank pressed their lips together again. He ground his hips down and Gerard pulled back and mewled at the friction of Frank's jeans against his skin.

"You're wearing too much," he panted, frantically tugging at Frank's belt and hoping that the younger man would get the message.

Frank nodded in agreement and pulled his belt undone before practically ripping his jeans off, discarding them, along with his underwear, in a pile on the floor and beginning another attack on Gerard's neck with his mouth.
He ran his hands down the elder's sides and quickly moved away and to his bedside table, pulling out a bottle of lube and placing himself once more between Gerard's legs, coating two of his fingers with the substance.

One finger slipped inside and Gerard arched his back, shutting his eyes and letting out a breathy moan, getting louder as Frank added a second digit and started to scissor them.
Once Gerard started pushing back on his fingers, Frank knew he was ready and withdrew his hand, squeezing more lube into his palm and coating his own hard cock with it; he allowed his head to fall back on his shoulders as a moan escaped his own lips.

As Frank positioned himself between Gerard's legs, the elder pulled him down for a kiss; hot, hard and passionate.
As Frank pulled away, he gazed down at Gerard, receiving a nod - the perfect answer to his un-asked question. He nodded in return and buried himself inside of Gerard with just one thrust.

The maid gasped in pain and Frank remained unmoving for a moment, placing soft, feather-light kisses across Gerard's throat and cheeks until he moved his hips, letting Frank know to move ("Move now").
The younger boy giggled and pulled halfway out before pushing back in and managing to hit Gerard's prostate dead on first time. As he did it again, the elder opened his mouth and let out a stream of incoherent words and curses, causing Frank to giggle again and collapse onto his chest.

Gerard let out a groan and whined for Frank to move, getting annoyed at the laughing boy lying on top of him.

"What the fuck is so fucking funny?!" he slurred out, poking Frank in the side but only managing to make him laugh more.

Gerard let out a growl of annoyance this time and grabbed the younger boy's face in his hands, forcing him to look into his eyes.
Frank immediently shut up, gulping at the look on Gerard's face.

"Stop laughing and finish the job," he practically hissed out, thrusting his hips into Frank's, who nodded frantically with wide eyes.

Frank quickly composed himself and started moving again, quickening his pace as Gerard started thrusting up to meet him each time.
He lowered his head, flicked his tongue against the older man's skin, nibbled at his throat; Gerard let his head fall right back into the pillow, allowing Frank better access.

Frank licked across Gerard's throat and up to his ear, breathing over it a few times before licking the shell and gently kissing the skin just beneath it.

"Close," he panted, this time nipping at the skin before moving back a little.

Gerard nodded and let out a gasp of pleasure as Frank reached a hand between them and took hold of his neglected erection, squeezing it and rubbing his thumb over the tip before pumping in time with his thrusts.

It didn't take very long for Gerard to fall over the edge, crying out and mumbling Frank's name repeatedly. And as his muscles tightened around the other boy, Frank followed, cussing and mumbling nonsense until he finally collapsed on the maid's chest.

They both lay there panting and remained in that position for some time, even after their breathing was back to normal; Gerard's fingers gently stroking through the younger boy's hair, slowly putting him to sleep.

Gerard sighed.

"I should probably go," he whispered, smiling as the boy on his chest groaned in protest.

"I don't want you to," he mumbled, moving his head to look up at Gerard. "Stay the night," he whispered, placing a small kiss on the skin in front of him.

Gerard chuckled and arched his back, stretching a little before wrapping his arms around Frank and rolling them over so they were laying side by side.
He pressed their lips together, gently moving them over the other's and pulling away to smile at Frank.

"I don't think your parents would like it very much if I stayed..."

"Screw them," Frank whispered in response, nuzzling his face into the crook of Gerard's neck and closing his eyes, ready to submit to the sleepiness that was taking him over.

Gerard giggled and placed a gentle kiss on Frank's forehead, making himself a little more comfortable as he said quietly, "I'll stay until you're asleep."

Frank smiled and nodded tiredly, nuzzling even further into Gerard's chest.
The elder continued to stroke Frank's hair and shoulders until his breathing had completely evened out and he had fallen asleep, the smile still on his face.


When Frank woke up to the birds chirping happily the next morning, he expected to be on his own in an empty bed. He sighed and rolled over, his eyes still closed, and stretched out his arm. His hand came into contact with something soft and warm, causing him to open his eyes and grin...Gerard was still there.

A/N: The end has finally arrived! I really am sorry that it's taken me so long to get this done, guys. I've been doing a bunch of stuff as well as being lazy all at the same time. lol
Also, so I don't lose any of my writing (as I was so fucking scared had happened when the comm was closed!) I shall just be posting a link to my new writing journal whenever I post something new in here.
Hope you guys have liked this, and thankyou to anyone that actually waited around for it. XD
Huge thankyou and hugs to everyone that has read and commented. ^^
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