Out of the frying pan, into the freezer [Completed]

Mar 21, 2006 11:35

Character(s): Riku, Sora, Namine, Kairi, Luffy
Content: Sora and friends emerge from the jungle and then are attacked by rabid Org Members/NPCs/Dogs figure out what to do next.
Setting: The jungle and then central Paixao
Time: Friday afternoon
Warnings: Nudity

'Climb on my back, Sora,' Riku told the little monkey. )

namine, trisana chandler, cheshire cat, completed, briar moss, before restart, sora, riku, kairi

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Comments 80

To Kairi, Namine, and Sora alone_by_choice March 21 2006, 22:15:25 UTC
Riku skillfully ignored Kairi's reluctance to climb off of Sora and hid a smirk of victory concentrated on getting his jeans off and putting them on her properly. They were complicated, between the garters and ankle belts, and it was just easier for him to do it for her, seeing as he had so much practice. "Yeah I'm sure." One pair of pants was plenty enough for him to keep warm, though he looked so much more normal without the second pair, reduced to a single pair of black jeans, his wife beater, and the white bellhop's jacket.

When he was done, Riku stood back to admire his handiwork not that something as gay as dressing women really appealed to him, but... Thanks to his black silk boxers with the hearts on them that matched Sora's cropped leather jacket almost perfectly, Kairi actually looked strangely funky fresh stylish with the jeans-garters on over the top. He laughed. "Only you are cute enough to make that outfit work ( ... )


DRAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1ONE keynote March 21 2006, 22:42:59 UTC
Sora winced when Kairi had hopped off, reminding him of his hands. The bandages had come off during the transition, but the medication had done it's job in atleast stopping the blood and stinging. He would look the wounds over later, simply hoping his fingerless gloves will protect the cuts from infection for now.

Sora stopped himself from staring at his hands when Riku started taking off his pants. "What the.. Riku, if you have another pair why didn't you just give her those?"

Sora couldn't help the teasing urge, snickering. "Show off. You just want to give Namine a view of your flat butt."

And then something strange turned in his stomach with Riku's compliment to Kairi, making the boy want to scowl. It felt much like those feelings on the island when the elder boy would challenge him up and tease him, only a little different. Jealous? He'd been about to say something but got attacked for the second time today by the flying Poncho of doom, instantly fighting the course back up to pop his head out. "Hey! You might suffocate me ( ... )


To my love-muffin. alone_by_choice March 21 2006, 22:50:35 UTC
"What the.. Riku, if you have another pair why didn't you just give her those?"

Riku snorted, glancing at Sora out of the corner of his eye as he stripped off his jeans-garters. "These are my second pair, dumbass. Or did you think they were all one pair of pants?" He snickered. Sora had about as much fashion sense as the monkey he'd been a few minutes ago.

He scowled when Sora teased him about having a flat ass. "Quiet, you. She's already seen it anyway." Riku turned and set about the task of dressing Kairi, grinning mischievously to himself. Let Sora think what he would of that.

"Hey! You might suffocate me with that thing one day!"

Riku busted out laughing. Suffocate him with a poncho? Damn his friend could be a lame-ass whiny-puss. Sora's apology just barely saved him from getting more noogies.

"Let's go!""Wait." Riku suddenly noticed Sora was still holding his hands funny. The bandages had come off. Well, of course they had. Sora's hands were significantly larger now. Riku frowned ( ... )


once_royal March 21 2006, 23:05:12 UTC
kairi's eyes widened at the mention of namine seeing riku's butt, and she looked at riku with her mouth wide, and then looked to namine .. and then back to riku .. and to namine again .. " .. WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?! " oh man, how could she miss this? were riku and namine .. a .. couple?! but that didn't make sense .. or .. did it? no, it didn't .. but ..

argh, kairi's head hurt.

anyway, looking down at sora's hands, a worried look crossed her face. " maybe we should find somewhere to take care of those first .. " then she felt bad, because she realized it was her fault that his hands started to hurt. " ah -- i didn't mean to make you use your hands .. i'm sorry! "

eyeing riku's journal, she wondered once more about her little lost journal .. and how shiny it was .. and --

" wait. what pirate guy? "


To Kairi, mostly alone_by_choice March 21 2006, 23:12:45 UTC
Riku carefully sidestepped Kairi's total freakout fit question, concentrating instead on getting the belts and garters of his jeans just right on her. If Namine wanted to girl-talk with Kairi later on and tell her what had happened, it'd probably be better that way. If not, he wasn't about to spill the details. Riku was not one to kiss and tell - other women.

At least she apologised for making Sora carry her when his hands were fucked up...though to be fair, Sora had offered. Potatohead.

" wait. what pirate guy? "

Riku didn't look up as he answered, instead flipping through the message board for any ads for doctors. "Oh, there was this weird doctor who patched me up when my arm was broken. He was okay, I guess..."


To My Applemuffpuff and Munchkins and Sweetcakes <3 keynote March 21 2006, 23:19:28 UTC
Sora waved a hand back at Riku as if nothing, heading stubbornly off without stopping. "No need! I just need to fill up my tummy with something to eat and I'll be good and strong to heal it myself!"

Good thing he gave a look over his shoulder, because no one was following. He pouted.

"'Guys coming?"

Guess Sora was feeling a little moody, his stomach was growling at him and in all truth, it's not everyday one almost drowns. All that was needed was simple rest.

Kairi's blabbing only confused him, really. Besides, the boy didn't hear her from where he was waiting for everyone.

God, what the hell was wrong with him suddenly?


To Sora and other food products? alone_by_choice March 21 2006, 23:34:52 UTC
There didn't seem to be any ads placed by doctors on the message boards, just ads FOR doctors. Hmm. That didn't sound good ( ... )


YOU POST SO FAST, S. XD once_royal March 21 2006, 23:34:51 UTC
kairi watched sora wander off, wondering .. hm. he seemed a bit .. off. like something was wrong. maybe it was his hands? kairi didn't really know .. but .. she did know that she wanted to make him feel better ( ... )


by him i mean sora. XO once_royal March 21 2006, 23:47:15 UTC
{ crap. }


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