Character(s): Riku, Sora, Namine, Kairi, Luffy
Content: Sora and friends emerge from the jungle and then are attacked by rabid Org Members/NPCs/Dogs figure out what to do next.
Setting: The jungle and then central Paixao
Time: Friday afternoon
Warnings: Nudity
'Climb on my back, Sora,' Riku told the little monkey. )
Riku snorted, glancing at Sora out of the corner of his eye as he stripped off his jeans-garters. "These are my second pair, dumbass. Or did you think they were all one pair of pants?" He snickered. Sora had about as much fashion sense as the monkey he'd been a few minutes ago.
He scowled when Sora teased him about having a flat ass. "Quiet, you. She's already seen it anyway." Riku turned and set about the task of dressing Kairi, grinning mischievously to himself. Let Sora think what he would of that.
"Hey! You might suffocate me with that thing one day!"
Riku busted out laughing. Suffocate him with a poncho? Damn his friend could be a lame-ass whiny-puss. Sora's apology just barely saved him from getting more noogies.
"Let's go!"
"Wait." Riku suddenly noticed Sora was still holding his hands funny. The bandages had come off. Well, of course they had. Sora's hands were significantly larger now. Riku frowned.
"Maybe we should find you a doctor, first. I wonder if I can contact that pirate guy who helped me out before..."
This last was muttered mostly to himself as Riku fished into his back pocket for his journal.
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