Out of the frying pan, into the freezer [Completed]

Mar 21, 2006 11:35

Character(s): Riku, Sora, Namine, Kairi, Luffy
Content: Sora and friends emerge from the jungle and then are attacked by rabid Org Members/NPCs/Dogs figure out what to do next.
Setting: The jungle and then central Paixao
Time: Friday afternoon
Warnings: Nudity

"Climb on my back, Sora," Riku told the little monkey. "Hold on with your tail if you have to." Having Sora fall out of the branches as they were crossing the river would kind of defeat the purpose.

When they were ready, Riku picked Kairi up by the scruff of her neck and followed Briar's example in crossing the river by the high road. Relieved when they all got to the other side in one piece, Riku set the kitten down so that she could walk on her own and padded over to check on the lamb, Sora-monkey still on his back. "You ready?" he asked Namine. "I'll probably have to carry you in my mouth again once we get to the tunnel."

While Kairi and Namine had their little reunion, Riku gazed across the river at the sleeping monkey. The cat seemed to have disappeared again.


"Hey!" Riku shouted to Luffy. "We're getting out of here. If you want to be human again, follow us." Thus concluding his good deed for the day, Riku led his friends back toward the exit.

On their way, he saw the odd raccoon running off after the horse. "If you can get her to the entrance of the tunnel, maybe we can do something," he called after him. That was the closest Briar was going to get to thanks from Riku, though he really was grateful for the healer's efforts in helping Sora. As for helping them get out of here, well. It was really up to them now. Riku did not envy that guy his task of calming Tris down.

The tunnel back up to the street was steep. Riku made the first trip with Sora, carrying as many of their clothes in his teeth as he could manage. When he pulled them both up and out, the cold was almost enough to distract him from the fact they were both naked and Sora was clinging to him, pressed against his bare back. Riku put him down and gruffly told Sora to get dressed before jumping back down the hole to bring up Namine.

Carrying her was difficult, not only because it was tricky bearing her weight without ripping her throat out, but also because when they changed back to human partway up, Riku had to grab her around the waist so she wouldn't fall. He had to wait for her to put her arms around him before he could haul them the rest of the way up. Riku gave Namine an unsubtly lecherous glance and a cocky grin once they reached the street and the cold air had its predictable effect on her. He handed her her dress from the bundle of clothes and leapt back down into the jungle to bring Kairi up.

With all of them finally back in the city, the only problem seemed to be that Kairi's clothes had gotten lost in the jungle. Riku offered her his spare boxers and socks from the rucksack, along with the quilts they'd stolen from the Haja o Que Houver, but it was clear they'd have to get her some real clothes soon...

namine, trisana chandler, cheshire cat, completed, briar moss, before restart, sora, riku, kairi

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