Midnight Stroll [open!]

Mar 21, 2006 00:04

Character(s): Isaac and whoever wants to join him :D
Content: Isaac gets twitchy and talking to himself
Setting: Muspelheim (probably waddling near Ecos na Catedral).
Time: Very late Friday evening
Warnings: None?

Since meeting that strange dark-skinned man Isaac had spent a lot of his time loitering in alleys and sleeping away days and evenings in the darkest corners he could find. But after this disgusting little hibernation he had finally woken up from the shock of his new glassy prison, this Paixao, and was in desperate need of entertainment. The pale faced ghosts that resided here were beginning to tickle at his sanity and he felt the cogs of madness begin to crunch and turn in his dusty old brain. It was too much for the redhead to take... Those hollow, translucent eyes glued to his lanky body like light blue tar and their quiet whispers... Ohh, they were enough to drive a perfectly mad person even more mad!

Isaac stood up out of his little hovel of dust and stale air he had been cultivating in the alleyway and stepped out into the open air of one of the main streets. Stretching his gangly arms about his head he took in a slow, raspy, breath (sucking in his stomach to show off a gaunt, bony figure) "Ahhhh~ Hector..." he said to the sky "How many moons have waxed and waned since our last meeting?" the redhead mused to himself. "Why, it feels like only the other day we were carving Rosely's name in a tombstone and now look, I've found myself in another city full of ghosts and liars." Oh yes, he hadn't forgotten the lies he'd been told when he first came here, confused and vulnerable -people claiming this land was Hell, claiming they had seen Master, all dirty liars... Isaac would have to punish them if he came across them again. "They say this land is Hell, Hector!" he screeched loudly with a slight giggle "Hehe... but... How can that possibly be true, for you know as well as I that if this were hell then you would have to be here alongside me!! Iyaaahahaaa!"

Some time passed and Isaac began to walk, he didn't travel in a specific direction, he was simply idly sauntering along until he came across of note. Occasionally he would comment to himself or snap at a random passer by. Telling the that "If you don't keep those eyes to yourself, then I'll have them!!" As per usual, he was making a spectacle of himself...

completed, ashe (ashelia b'nargin dalmasca), isaac

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