Longest day of my life... [Completed! FINALLY!]

Mar 19, 2006 20:46

Character(s): Cid and his crew, Jenova, Miles Edgeworth
Content: Later part of the day in Cid's modest little shop...
Setting: Cid's shop, across the street from the center branch of the Actua Are.
Time: Friday afternoon
Warnings: Jenova is ugly and Miles is a gay lawyer?

Cid didn't know if he could take much more of this Paixao place. Since he'd arrived, he'd had his life threatened and his store trashed more than once, and it hadn't even been a goddamned week. Traverse Town had been a bit dull, honestly, what with the lack of customers and all, but he'd give anything to be back there right about now.

He and Cam had started working on a buggy right outside of the shop all morning with the assistance of some of the others in his shop--it wouldn't take long to finish now. He just hoped it would hold up okay... and that they could bring it on the train. Because while he didn't want to call his craftsmanship shoddy, he didn't think that it was a wise idea to drive it all across this god-forsaken continent.

It sure was refreshing to do some hard work, though.

phoenix wright, jenova, roxas, yaten kou, toshiro hojo, cid highwind, dias flac, completed, before restart, miles edgeworth

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