Back to the Old Drawing Board. [solo/completed]

Mar 19, 2006 18:28

Character(s): Dark Mousy.
Content: Dark reflects back on the past activities as an animal, mentally complains about only everything about Zexion, and then finds himself once again defeated.
Setting: In his mancage inside the Boiler Room of Savage Garden.
Time: Friday Night.
Warnings: Suggestive lines/phrases/language, lots of blood... and a shot of nudity. Other warnings might be the massive amount of grammar errors, lots of nonsense and mentions of OMFGKrad. Fun stuff.

In truth, Dark could not stand the thought of being caught, especially if one, it was by the same person or two, he himself was the one who caused his own doom. That was the case this time around. Kind of... but he would blame his buddy, Zexion, just to make himself feel a bit better. Still, this situation was getting worse because of his damned wounds, the ones that the animalized version of the Nobody made. Dark never knew Zexion could be such a wild man~...

The former art thief grumbled in mild pain as he shifted about in his ‘humble’ cage. Huh, the cage. He really did enjoyed his few moments of freedom from his prison, minus the part of being physically attacked by the pretty boy... even if it meant being an animal that he really didn’t like. Raccoons were never his favorite. Never ever. It was ironic that he turned into the creature he hated most. But... ha, running so fast and so freely was quite refreshing. Being able to move around and be free after being held down in a mancage for almost a week now. Haha, mancage. That described this stage so well that it amused him. Dark held back a snicker.

Even so, none of that running lasted for long as he met his Paixao-an enemy; his captor, Zexion. It might have been an animal instinct that he was the one who started it, running up to the animalized Nobody and attacking him. He didn’t even make a mark on him! It could have been easily identified as “back scratching,” or in that case, “stomach scratching with an itty-bitty bit of violent intentions”... still. The thief did not actually do any damage to Zexion. Rather, it was the other way around.

Before he had time to react, he was pounced on and bitten to near-death. If Dark had time to exaggerate, then he would tell everyone that he had one of those near death experiences because of the Nobody. Nothing is ever fortunate being around that person, huh? Maybe it was a sign of bad omen. In that case, he would gladly stay as far away from Zexion as possible~... if he was able to. If Dark had any time at all, he would complain about he was mentally tortured by Zexion, even if he was not really there. If he had time, he would’ve thought of a plan escape the Boiler Room, and then commit a karma-like experience on ‘Number Six’, kidnapping him, locking him up on a cage, and then leave him there for days.

...If he had time, he would do anything.

But of course, that was only if he had any time. Moreover, if he was even ABLE to do that. If it was one thing Dark learned from all of the events that happened thus far, it would the fact that Zexion was not a stupid man. The Nobody was always a few steps ahead of him... and even that was an understatement. His plans seemed to be flexible enough to cope with anything that might happen... Such a cunning man should be a threat to his existence... hell, Satoshi could not even compare to the enigma. That was probably why he feels a little bit of... respect for him. However, that was only based on his tactics; it had nothing dealing with his personality, that tint of ego that loomed around him whenever they have a conversation of some sort.

Jeez, even thinking about the events that have happened gave him a headache. Moreover, his wounds, they were bleeding again. Right when the thief thought that he had control of the flow of blood already. It was a good thing that he came back... in a twisted way, anyhow. Right after he fainted coming back to cage to attempt to get his stuff, he woke up finding out he was very naked and was bleeding horribly from various parts of his body. Usually, it would heal fast. This time, for some reason, the wounds took forever to heal itself. How strange.

So anyway, waking up stripped from his clothes and was in a hemorrhage spree was not exactly his idea of paradise. More like a master and slave situation, with Dark being the slave and the master... Zexion, admittedly so. He didn’t believe that this experiment thing was going anywhere, since it seemed that it had been only a week since he was randomly instant messaged by the pretty boy. ...Or how ever long it has been. Nevertheless, it was another strange factor... how Zexion sudden found out what his screen name was. Was he also a hacker, or was he part of hate!gang that had the ability to manage through people’s journals? He remembered one of the people commenting on his journal saying something along the lines of hacking into people’s journals.

And... Wow, thinking too much was starting hurting his brain even more than it already was. Nevertheless, where was he? The wounds. Of course, the injuries that Zexion caused him. Dark would never get over this. He would probably pester and annoy the other about this to get even, if he does not attempt murder Zexion, which was most likely not going to happen. As much as he despised Zexion, he would never do such thing to such a pretty boy with a such an attractive personality... He laughed at his own sarcasm, causing a pang of pain on his upper thigh.

His legs were bleeding a lot when he left Simba and pony... and the screeching animal. As a result for all the climbing (to get over the river to get back to the cage), he probably blacked out from blood loss and all the activity even in his completely wrecked state. That was really not his idea of a heroic exit, but it was enough. He stood up until the end! Even that would make a good movie ending of some sort. So after passing out, he woke up and was so close to scream his mind out at the amount of blood he had lost during his beauty sleep, and on top of that, he was in the nude, as complained so many times before.

Despite his wounds, he decided to wear his boxers in first just in case Zexion happened to pop up out of nowhere. It made him feel a little bit safe, since he was not fully exposed of skin. It was... awkward. That was then he realized that he was not a fan of being naked, and God forbid the kinky Nobody of using chains and handcuffs the next time they meet in his current state. Not only it would embarrass the hell out of him, but it would make him seem as if he was the one on the bottom. And the thought of that did not pleased him at all, although admittedly, he was never this defeated since those ‘moments’ with Krad... hundreds of years in the past. So far in the past that he could hardly remember. But yeah, Dark had times that he was ultimately defeated, but never two times within a week. That was pathetic. Out of all the people Dark have met and ‘pissed off,’ only Zexy was able to cage him two times by basically the same method: fainting and waking up (horrified!) in a cage.

Dark’s mind rambled on as he ripped off the remains of his shirt and pants, layering the cloth around his treated injuries. Already, the first ‘bandages’ were soaked with fresh blood. It was disgusting. If he was anymore human, he would have been dead by now. Perhaps the sleeping bunny had something to do with this. Always so loyal; he was glad to have such companionship. One of his (mildly) bloods-soaked hands reached out shakily to pet the snoozing ’animal’. Poor thing. He had nothing to do with this, huh? Yet he had to suffer along with him. Not exactly logical... Nevertheless, he was almost certain that Zexion knows there was something awfully off about this “bunny”. If he knew, would he experiment on Wiz also? What would he-


The phantom thief mentally cursed, biting his lips so fiercely that he feared that he might have made that bleed as well. It appeared that he was so caught up with the thought of Wiz that he had forgotten that he was treating his wounds and ended up wrapping up the wounds TOO tightly that it hurt twice as much as it already was. His eyes squeezed tightly together as he tried to withstand the pain. Well now, it seems that injuries like this was far worst when in the human form.

Oh shit. Animal bites.


Dark... didn’t really want to drift his mind to that yet. All he knew was he was overpowered by that same guy once again. He might as well get used to it, since he figured that he wouldn’t be leaving his ‘prison’ anytime soon, or would be able to, for that matter. Maybe sometime in the future he’d be able to escape. Hell, he WOULD eventually. No man could be caught in one place for too long without dying. ‘Later’ was the key word to his sanity for the moment.

Because for now, he’d go back to the old drawing board.

completed, before restart, dark mousy

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