Figures! [Complete]

Sep 27, 2006 00:08

Character(s): Kairi, Lucifer, Sora, Riku
Content: Kairi's trying to find a safe place. Or at least a safe person...
Setting: In the Nifnif-area.
Time: Late afternoon
Warnings: -

It scared her that things just couldn't ever settle down. )

niflheim, lucifer morningstar, completed, sora, riku, kairi

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Comments 31

atsehaske September 27 2006, 12:44:30 UTC
Lucifer was not the most pleasent of people. In general, he wasn't, that is. At the moment he was rather rude, annoyed and having had a conversation with Death not looking forward to what the day was going to bring.

So far the day had brought white things. They weren't exactly the souls of the damned, or an army of Lilim, but they were certainly vexing. He had at first thought them to be about as annoying as ugly lawn gnomes. His opinion quickly elevated when they attacked. (Which, he had been mildly amused by their lack of tactics and overall lack of power as they headed towards him and he merely had to... well, he was the Lightbringer for a reason).

A young running girl caught his eye. He supposed, if he were her, he might he running around looking for a way to escape the white attackers as well. Hm. Glad he wasn't her, then.


myfearsmylies September 27 2006, 17:20:40 UTC
Kairi, of course, was messing with her journal all the while until she finally unzipped a pocket and shoved it in. Sora better get his butt over here then! Surely he'd catch that emergency in her panic.

On a normal basis, Kairi could tell the mood of other's. This wasn't quite a normal basis and so when she saw this man as she ran passed, she quickly stumbled as she skidded to a stop and turned towards him. Why wasn't he running? Or in panic? Or fighting? "How can you just be standing there?" she called out to him and then her eyes went wide. "Can't you do anything about these?! Please!"


atsehaske September 27 2006, 21:42:55 UTC
... joy. She decided to address him. And then make lots of babbling sort of nonsense sort of questions. Lucifer took a few steps in her direction, eyeing the white attackers. They were hardly terrifying looking, but he supposed that they may have some hidden attributes of some kind.

"I find it quite easy to 'just' stand here," Lucifer comment dryly. When a group of the creatures raised their heads and headed towards him he gave them a condescending look. They seemed to be mindless, which meant annihilation was just a better tactic. "Begone, pests."

He was the Lightbringer for a reason. The white attackers were engulfed in flame, and he made sure it was hot enough to melt iron before he let them fade. Then he turned his gaze to Kairi, almost expectant.


myfearsmylies September 28 2006, 00:38:53 UTC
"I don't think standing around is going to -" she blinked when the flames overtook the white creatures, no longer working her mouth for a few moments. Now she was 'just' standing there, watching the last of the flames lick over the strange bodies.

Sora didn't know what they were... But just because he didn't know, didn't mean they were unbeatable.

She stared back at the man and smiled, just a bit. Just a sign that the time of panic was fading. What, really, did running around screaming ever do for anyone, anyway?

"Thank you."


atsehaske September 28 2006, 00:42:59 UTC
He resisted the urge to smirk, he really did. Instead, Lucifer settled on a patentedly amused and collected smile. Really. He supposed that it wasn't her fault that she was unable to protect herself, but it seemed stupid for her to run around without an escort then.

"'re welcome," he replied, dryly. Why was she smiling at him? It wasn't as if he had gone out of his way to defend her. The things would have bothered him had he not gotten to them first. This situation was annoying, and the comment Death had made... that he'd find it nostalgic. As if these things were anything like the souls of the damned. Hardly.


myfearsmylies September 29 2006, 02:04:24 UTC
Kairi was like that. She displayed a certain... Kairi-ness, even to strangers. Words like 'thank you' didn't just need to express for her satisfaction... they were just something that needed to be said. Like 'hello'. Even though this man didn't seem like he was a very hello-orientated person. But he did acknowledge her with a response, and that was really something. But his overall attitude didn't frazzle Kairi one bit.

Her 'escorts' were on their way, apparently. She knew Sora wouldn't leave her hanging. And in the time that it seemed she was safe, even if this man walked off on her, she quickly checked her journal, nodded, and looked over to him. "My friend Riku says they're called Nobodies." She tucked the journal back away. She needed to stay in the Niflheim area. But she didn't exactly trust being alone... "I don't suppose you would let me walk with you?" She didn't ask if he minded. Of course he would mind. She's find a way though.

Sora and Riku were coming, after all.


atsehaske September 29 2006, 04:19:15 UTC
Lucifer swept his eyes around for any other annoyances. He wasn't looking forward to being surprised by anything today. Not like he was any day, but especially now. Vaguely he wondered if Death came for the likes of these... what had the girl just said? Nobodies. Interesting name choice, and probably significant of something.

"...if you wish to walk with me."

He wasn't cold and uncaring so much as plainly uncaring. She wouldn't hinder him much. If anything it might prove useful since she had mentioned that one of her friends knew what these Nobodies were. " mentioned that your friend knew what these Nobodies are?"

By default, he supposed, he was protecting her.


myfearsmylies September 29 2006, 04:33:59 UTC
Kairi nodded. Good. She had protection until the others came, and really... Riku gave that protection to her; he gave her a name. A word. He knew what these things were - which worried Kairi imensily, but she would deal with that later - and for that she had knowledge that many people didn't seem to have.

So Kairi would walk with him.

"Oh yes... I don't know how he knows, and he seemed in a rush, so I don't have much more information other than that they're called Nobodies. Still, it's something. It could help in the long run." Anything could help.


lichtes_krieger October 8 2006, 00:25:49 UTC
Sora hadn't realized it at first, but he was quickly learning that the area covered under the description "Niflheim" was actually quite large. As such, it was taking frustratingly longer than he'd anticipated to find Kairi after they teleported there. In his mind, he'd envisioned finding her immediately upon arrival, or maybe after a quick 50-yard dash. Obviously, such was not going to be the case.

As he paused in the middle of an intersection, Sora looked left and right for any sign of his friend. There! He spotted a flash of reddish hair and immediately knew it was her. "Kairi!!" he yelled, bolting down the street towards her. Finally! Now he and Riku could get her out of this place and somewhere safe!


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