Figures! [Complete]

Sep 27, 2006 00:08

Character(s): Kairi, Lucifer, Sora, Riku
Content: Kairi's trying to find a safe place. Or at least a safe person...
Setting: In the Nifnif-area.
Time: Late afternoon
Warnings: -

It scared her that things just couldn't ever settle down. It scared her that no one seemed to ever be safe. But these creatures that were suddenly filing into streets didn't seem bent on sucking up this world into darkness.

Kairi knew they weren't Heartless. She had seen plenty of Heartless - by far not as many as Sora, but she had her handful. These things didn't fit the part. And so... she wasn't sure how to react.

Which wasn't all true either. Her reaction after getting over the stunned one was to run. Hide. Find safety. Shelter. Something to get her away from these things!

At least they didn't seem to be picking out specific targets; that made her feel a bit more secure. Hopefully these enemies knew nothing of the Princesses of Heart or Kingdom Hearts or anything like that that could pull her into danger. And hopefully that also kept her two friends safe, too.

Kairi's hands held tightly to her journal. She looked around her, eyes scanning over her surroundings, taking in quick clips of scenery to try and find one place - any place - that she could stay.

But she couldn't even finish doing that! Everything just was spinning out around her and she bolted, on the run down the street, no longer paying attention to things like scenery. She... ... she needed help!

niflheim, lucifer morningstar, completed, sora, riku, kairi

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