Adult Store =\= Sanctuary

Sep 26, 2006 23:49

Character(s): Ford, Faye, Ein
Content: Ford can't talk himself out of this one and needs bailing out
Setting: Estale a Cereja
Time: Afternoon
Warnings: Mostly cloudy with a 95% chance of sleaze

Ford had laid his somewhat inappropriate makeshift weapon aside, assuming he would be safe at least temporarily, and was typing away at his journal furiously. This really wasn't fair, Ford grumbled mentally, either he was bored absolutely senseless or running for his life ever since the Vogons blew up Earth the first time. He wanted a beach. A lovely pink beach with emerald green waters... and ladies! His eyes wandered around the room sneakily, appreciating the... merchandise, when suddenly the creature that had attacked him earlier came hurtling back into the store, colliding with Ford, knocking him and his journal to the ground.

I had better get a new one of those for free if that thing's broken, he thought as he scrambled up to his feet. As the creature made another lunge for him, Ford dived for his weapon, snatching it up off the floor, narrowly dodging the next swipe.

"Ha!" he cried and thrust the artificial phallus toward the creature like a sword. In actuality, the only swordplay he knew came from an acting class he had taken on Earth in an attempt to reinforce his identity as a struggling actor (and to pick up girls). The creature swiped. Ford managed to block. It swiped again, and again Ford parried. He was feeling quite proud of himself, but he could only keep it up for so long.

faye valentine, ford prefect, estale a cereja, ein, dusks

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