Brawn is Beautiful [Complete]

Aug 04, 2006 21:42

Character(s): Gaston, Jack Skellington, any others who want to join in.
Content: Gaston and Jack enter Paixao...
Setting: Joutenheim Gate
Time: Monday morning
Warnings: None

A soaked figure lay sprawled out on the ground near the Joutenheim gate, slowly pushing himself to his feet as he took in his new surroundings. )

gaston, completed, jack skellington, joutenheim

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Comments 20

averyspecialguy August 5 2006, 02:14:52 UTC
Jack straightened himself out and turned to close the gravestone he had just emerged from, realizing that something was wrong only when he saw there was nothing to close at all. In fact, he wasn't in a graveyard at all.... He wasn't in York, either. And judging by the warmth of the sunlight falling over him, it was neither dusk, nor Halloween. "My word ( ... )


mymanlyself August 5 2006, 02:48:20 UTC
Still a bit distracted, Gaston hadn't noticed Jack's approach, but when he heard the voice addressing him, he turned towards it with his most charming smile. "Actually, I -- GAH!"

The well-muscled hunter took a step back involuntarily as he found himself looking ~up~ at what he could only describe as an extremely tall skeleton. And a living (or at least undead) one at that.

To his credit, he recovered from the surprise fairly quickly. It wasn't that he was scared of dead things. After all, he had been a hunter for years. It was just that he hadn't been expecting a member of the undead to come over and engage him in small talk. "Well, now..." he said, putting his hands on his hips, "I suppose this only proves that I've died... I wouldn't say it was a pleasant experience, but it was apparently quick and painless."


averyspecialguy August 5 2006, 10:21:23 UTC
Jack's smile widened at the strapping man's shock, despite his own best intentions; even if he hadn't meant to do it, deep down inside, he had to admit that the little start felt good. "I do apologize.... that was a bit sudden, wasn't it?"

Jack gave the man a speculative look, easily leaning forward so he could get a decent view of behind him as well as his front. Finally, he let out a thoughtful 'hmm', offering his new acquaintance a bony hand. "If you ask me, you look quite hale and hearty for a newly dead man. And I must say, most every dead person I know not only looks more unique than you do, but doesn't remember their death in the slightest.... Regardless, if you are right, allow me to be the first to welcome you to the afterlife, Mr....?"


mymanlyself August 5 2006, 16:00:57 UTC
"Gaston!" The hunter introduced himself, giving the skeleton's hand an enthusiastic shake, despite the irregularity of it all. It galled him just a bit that his new acquaintance thought that other dead people looked "more unique" than he did. However, if he looked in far better shape than most others, than their appearance must not have been much to talk about, unique or not. And if he remembered things nobody else did, that made him stand out even more. Obviously, no one passed over to the great beyond like Gaston ( ... )


averyspecialguy August 6 2006, 02:43:45 UTC
Well, what had he been supposed to say? Gaston had no tentacles, no extra limbs, nothing that could be removed and put back on at will, nothing slimy or rotting.... In short, he was the most fearfully normal person Jack could ever recall meeting, outside of the world of the living he visited every year. "A pleasure to meet you, sir; Jack Skellington the Pumpkin King, at your service." He rattled a little at the enthusiasm of the shake, but returned it warmly enough.

"Ah, actually...." There was a faint noise of creaking bone as Jack's expression changed to a thoughtful one, and he scratched his temple as he surveyed the line. "I don't believe so, no. If we were in my section of the afterlife, now, then I would most certainly be showing you around. Do you like Halloween, by the way?" A smile flickered over his face, at the only mildly irrelevant question ( ... )


mymanlyself August 6 2006, 03:41:06 UTC
"Halloween?" Gaston frowned, not because of any dislike for the holiday, but because Jack's story didn't quite add up. "You're a few months late for that, aren't you?" he pointed out, remembering that it had still been wintertime when he had died. Then again, Jack had apparently been dead quite a while, so maybe he'd lost track of time at some point. An eternity in the afterlife could probably that to you ( ... )


averyspecialguy August 6 2006, 04:13:10 UTC
"Late?" Jack gave Gaston a quizzical look. "I can't imagine so; the entire town counts down the days until Halloween every year, so we're quite accurate. It's our busiest night of the year, you understand. Today is October thirty-first, and I left at.... oh, 7 PM, I believe? Right after sundown, so my friends and I could have the whole night among the living." He pulled out a large and silver pocket watch, the back covered in an intricate carving of interlaced spiderwebs and twining ivy. "7:06 PM, just as I thought. Or at least, it should be.... Perhaps we've ended up in the wrong time as well as place ( ... )


mymanlyself August 6 2006, 04:40:28 UTC
"Well, I suppose we might as well go ask someone else," Gaston agreed. He wasn't overly worried about getting answers, but it couldn't hurt to make a few inquiries. It seemed as if they should probably head through the gates at some point anyway, and the hunter saw no reason to stick around outside. He replaced the knife in its sheath, glad to have it, even if the place was as peaceful as Jack said it was. The fact that he still had it was proof enough that he might need it, in his opinion. After all, if there were weapons in the afterlife, then perhaps they still served some purpose.

He grinned with pride as he replied to Jack's earlier question. "I ~did~ manage to wound that beast before I died, though," he assured his new skeletal friend. "Shot him with an arrow, and stabbed him with my knife, before I lost it... I expect that last blow was probably a mortal wound, though if it was, I doubt he'll end up here... I would assume there's a more fitting afterlife reserved for such vile creatures..."


averyspecialguy August 6 2006, 04:57:49 UTC
"Personally, I'd like to see just what sort of wrong turn I made--my friends can enjoy Halloween without me, surely enough, but it'd would be a shame to miss the night I've worked so hard for...." He strode to the end of the line, reaching up and twisting his head to face behind him so the two could still easily converse.

"As is only to be expected." He agreed readily enough. Gaston didn't seem like a bad sort at all, and certainly looked like he had a fair amount of prowess in physical fighting. Barring extreme disadvantage against whatever he was fighting, why wouldn't he have managed to get a few good hits in? "If it was a solid blow, it very well may have been. But I wouldn't assume anything of the sort, if I were you--I may not know everything about the afterlife, but I can safely say that its governing rules are mysterious at best, inexplicable at worst. A fair number of my friends, for example, I'm certain you would believe to be monstrous--but good people every one of them, I assure you."


mymanlyself August 6 2006, 19:02:28 UTC
Gaston blinked as Jack twisted his head around to face backwards, feeling a little pleased that his own head was still attached normally. It might have been helpful to be able to look behind himself like that, but it was still a little bizarre. Also, it probably would have required him to look something like Jack. Friendly as his skeletal companion was, Gaston preferred his own good looks to remain as they were. After all, he'd spent a lot of time building those muscles to their present size ( ... )


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