Brawn is Beautiful [Complete]

Aug 04, 2006 21:42

Character(s): Gaston, Jack Skellington, any others who want to join in.
Content: Gaston and Jack enter Paixao...
Setting: Joutenheim Gate
Time: Monday morning
Warnings: None

A soaked figure lay sprawled out on the ground near the Joutenheim gate, slowly pushing himself to his feet as he took in his new surroundings. )

gaston, completed, jack skellington, joutenheim

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averyspecialguy August 6 2006, 02:43:45 UTC
Well, what had he been supposed to say? Gaston had no tentacles, no extra limbs, nothing that could be removed and put back on at will, nothing slimy or rotting.... In short, he was the most fearfully normal person Jack could ever recall meeting, outside of the world of the living he visited every year. "A pleasure to meet you, sir; Jack Skellington the Pumpkin King, at your service." He rattled a little at the enthusiasm of the shake, but returned it warmly enough.

"Ah, actually...." There was a faint noise of creaking bone as Jack's expression changed to a thoughtful one, and he scratched his temple as he surveyed the line. "I don't believe so, no. If we were in my section of the afterlife, now, then I would most certainly be showing you around. Do you like Halloween, by the way?" A smile flickered over his face, at the only mildly irrelevant question.

"I'd like to find out where we are myself, actually; I was just on my way back to visit the living world for Halloween night, but ended up here rather than in England as I'd intended. Considering my mode of travel, we could be just about anywhere." Though one thing he had to wonder about was why he hadn't come out in a graveyard like he always did. Curious and more curious.... "Perhaps how you died could offer some clue?"


mymanlyself August 6 2006, 03:41:06 UTC
"Halloween?" Gaston frowned, not because of any dislike for the holiday, but because Jack's story didn't quite add up. "You're a few months late for that, aren't you?" he pointed out, remembering that it had still been wintertime when he had died. Then again, Jack had apparently been dead quite a while, so maybe he'd lost track of time at some point. An eternity in the afterlife could probably that to you.

The hunter straightened up a little more at the mention of his own death, adopting a somewhat more "noble" pose. "Well... I don't see how the way I died could have anything to do with your own troubles... But, since you asked, I died in battle with a monstrous beast who had was after the woman I was going to marry... We were on the roof of his castle, and it was raining, which is why my clothes are wet... After a long, difficult struggle, he got lucky and managed to knock me off balance, and I fell into the valley below. Speaking of which..."

Gaston glanced down at the spot where he'd "landed" a few moments before. "I seem to have lost my hunting knife..." he said with a frown. However, he still felt the quiver of arrows on his back and when he reached back to check on it, he found that there were still two arrows in it. "These are still here," he noted. "But I suppose my knife's still back in that valley where I dropped it..." He did a quick inventory of everything else he had on him, grinning in satisfaction when he found what he was looking for. "Good thing I always carry a spare," he announced, holding up a blade identical to the one he had lost.


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