This Is An Emergency Oz Drabble Tree

Sep 09, 2010 11:16

This Is An Emergency Oz Drabble Tree [named by ozsaur]

It's time for another Oz Drabble Tree! This is our lucky 7th drabble tree!

If you're new to this, check out: The First Ever Oz Drabble Tree, The Return of Oz Drabble Tree, The Little Oz Drabble Tree That Could, Are You There God? It's Oz Drabble Tree, Oz Drabble Tree Knows Best, and In Oz DrabbleRead more... )

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Comments 19

"he'll be strong for the both of them", 100 words levitatethis September 9 2010, 16:10:55 UTC
Beecher wants to scream so hard his throat shuts down. He’s the broken image of destruction, crying though no tears are left. He can feel his mind splitting, one half desperate to say, “Fuck you!” to this world, (finally) giving up…

But Holly and Harry (oh God, Gary, my boy, oh God, please, I’m so sorry) need a rock, an anchor; a reminder of all that can still be good. If he lets go, his children will disappear into the wind like a Grimm Brothers tale, fading away into Gary’s memory, vanishing…

He’ll be strong for the both of them.


"disappear into the wind", 100 words cmk418 September 11 2010, 16:18:59 UTC
The escape was never the problem. The tunneling was a project that he enjoyed, and after so many times, he knew how to do it right and conceal his efforts from the eyes of the C.O.’s. He never underestimated where a tunnel would end, always arrived safely outside of the gates.

The problem was evading capture once he was out. He couldn’t disappear into the wind like some sort of ghost. As the police closed in around him outside of Miss Sally’s house, he knew there were a few parts of the plan that still needed to be worked out.


Re: "as the police closed in around him " michele659 September 12 2010, 06:21:33 UTC
130 words

Ryan always had a plan.
He also had what he called the “luck of the Irish”(which had saved him many times).
He tried to keep personalities out of business,but when it came to Dino Ortolani he couldn’t.
He couldn’t let go of the betrayal he felt when Dino turned on him.
He had a scar across his chest,and memories of him and Dino entangled in the sheets at the hotel outside of town to remind him.
When he got sloppy with his plans for revenge he thought his luck would kick in.
As the police closed in around him,Ryan thought this was a hell of a time for his luck to run out.
He also found himself thinking: Dino,I can’t wait to see you again.


"her sanctuary", 100 words sinewa September 9 2010, 23:25:07 UTC
It used to be her sanctuary, a moment of precious silence with the Virginia Slims she tucked away in her husband’s dusty toolbox. Sitting on the hood of the car, she’d let the first drag sit in her mouth, tasting the smoke and marveling at the distinct powerful flavor of something so insubstantial.

Light pressure of lips, inhale softly and her whole body relaxed; every high pitched whine, cold dinner, and drunken kiss forgotten in the dim glow of the garage. That small break from her life had been all she needed.

Genevieve knows exactly when it stopped being enough.


"small break from her life" 100 words silver_galaxy September 11 2010, 10:24:16 UTC
Once a month she spends an afternoon at the children’s hospital, reading to the kids whose parents can’t be there.

It’s a small break from her life in Oz where she doesn’t have to be a doctor and she can help without being responsible for everything and everyone.

Everyone there calls her Gloria and nobody laces it with feelings and emotions that she can’t ignore.

She’s never read to the same child twice. She says it’s to make sure no-one misses out. But she knows it’s because she doesn’t want anyone, even a child, to get too attached, not again.


"responsible for everything", 100 words cmk418 September 11 2010, 16:51:59 UTC

When it came down to it, it was all about what you could and couldn’t handle. You could handle yourself, and made sure everyone knew it. You could handle your marriage, or at least make it bearable with enough booze and other women.

You couldn’t handle this. Your brother, smiling dumbly at you from his hospital bed. He was the one you turned to, the one responsible for everything. You never let on how much power he had. And now, the doctors said he would never get better. It was left to you.

In a moment of panic, you ran.


"hospital bed", 100 words sinewa September 11 2010, 21:42:56 UTC
There were flashing lights, sirens, balloons exploding, pop, shouting and whispers. He flew across pavement, colors blurred and runny, with wheels and tires and purring engines and green. Needles and pain, ants marching along his skin. Roadblock, do not pass go, do not collect $200, go straight to jail. Such a beautiful sky, rocking and spinning. Awake, but not.

Time remembered out of order. Dreams.

Industrial cleaner and antiseptic assault his nose. Pain comes next, his right arm on fire. His eyes open. A cast is on his right arm; his left is handcuffed to the hospital bed.

Time’s up.


wave him through, 100 words cmk418 September 11 2010, 16:00:14 UTC
Sean waits for the guard to wave him through, hearing the familiar slides and clanks as the gates open and close. He looks around.

So this is it, he thinks. Emerald City. This is Tim’s baby, the thing he’s forever rambling about whenever they get together to have a drink.

He takes in the glass, making anyone standing in the center of the quad feel like a fish in a fishbowl. It makes him want to squirm. And then…

A handclasp on the shoulder, a smile, a warm voice saying his name.

Murphy knows he’s going to take the job.


Re: wave him through, 100 words roguemarch September 11 2010, 20:36:34 UTC
Beecher is a straight man. Never once before he wanted a man with sexual intentions, but with his pod mate everything is so very different. Somehow he knows he should be running, getting the hell away from Chris before he looses his mind.

It started so innocent. Just a man- friend giving comfort to another after a nightmare.

A handclasp on the shoulder and Toby knows he is already lost, another willing victim for Killer Keller.

And for the first time in ages, Beecher is content.


smile, 200 words trillingstar September 12 2010, 23:30:21 UTC
Chuckling, Vern backs away from the table, dancing a little jig, hands clasped and a devilish smile on his face, and Keller schools his expression into one of disgust, just in case Toby's watching. He's not, so Keller observes Vern losing control, keeping a close eye on the performance. Vern must be losing his tiny mind to act like this, malicious glee spilling out; he looks like he wants to twirl around until he gets dizzy and falls down, still laughing and clapping ( ... )


It makes him wonder - 100 words blackchaps September 15 2010, 18:11:54 UTC
Fifteen years after he walks into Oz, he writes a book about his experiences, life, and he leaves out nothing. It's there in Times New Roman for everyone to titter over, and sob, if they're a sap.

The warden oscillates between horror and glee at the fame and signs off on the book tour. Toby is low-risk, and he cleans up nice.

After he gets drunk and throws a chair out the window to land on the highway below, the reporter asks him why he would do such a thing.

It makes him wonder if they read the fucking book.


"skyline of Chicago", 150 words sinewa September 12 2010, 01:41:14 UTC
It ain’t cheap, this view. But damn is it worth it. Worth everything.

The phone by the bed rings, and Chris grabs it before Toby can roll over and reach it. The front desk informs him that it is 7:30am and would he like anything? Chris declines and hangs up.

“Time to go?” Toby stretches, showing off deliciously bare skin and it’s all Chris can do not to rip off his suit and join him under the rumpled sheets.

“Yeah.” He leans back against the floor length window and enjoys the sight of Beecher searching for clothes. Once he’s got his underwear, he marches over to Chris and pulls him into a kiss.

They part for air, Toby resting his head on Chris’ shoulder and looking at the skyline of Chicago.

“Beautiful view.”


Chris feels Toby sigh. “I wish...”

Chris holds him tighter, because he knows. He wishes too.


leave his fingerprints, 100 natlet September 15 2010, 17:49:34 UTC
Pete wonders, sometimes, what Keller had intended; if he'd only been trying to tug her chain, knock her off balance, or if maybe his hand on her chest had been something more. His goal was clearly to mark her, but she's never sure if he'd meant to leave his fingerprints on her breast or throughout her mind. She figures the question itself is her answer, her confusion his ultimate goal - but she's a psychologist, and she's a nun, and she's been here long enough to understand that with guys like Keller, the one thing you'll never be is sure.


meant to leave, 100 numenora September 16 2010, 04:11:18 UTC
“Jefferson Keane, I owe you big, Bro. Who woulda thunk a dead man could end up being my best friend?” Moses whispered into the darkness on Death Row, chuckling with glee.

“Shut the fuck up, Dyell!” Corrections Officer Lopresti ordered the inmate. “No talking after ‘lights out.’”

“Yeah, whatevah, O-f-f-i-c-e-r,” Moses smirked, never losing his big grin as Lopresti walked off.

Nothing was gonna dampen his mood. He’d gone from dead-man-walking to soon-to-be-free. Moses meant to leave this fucking hellhole.

“Damn straight!” Moses mumbled, careful not to piss off that prick C.O. “Or die trying.”


dead man, 100 natlet September 18 2010, 16:56:35 UTC
Tuesdays and Thursdays start in Receiving, where Sean gets to welcome a new batch of inmates to Oswald. He runs through the script - no yelling, no fighting, no fucking, except everyone here knows the words don't mean shit.

He's starting to be able to spot them, pick them out from the lifers and the guys who'll be in and out in five. There's one in today's batch, a good-looking guy with broad shoulders and an edge in his eye; he sits and listens quiet, doesn't draw attention to himself, but at this point it doesn't matter. He's marked.

Dead man walking.


"No talking after 'lights out." 100 words lisacali September 19 2010, 01:16:47 UTC
"No talking after lights out."

Ryan stared defiantly, but did refrain from flipping off the new C.O. as he climbed from the bottom bunk to the top. The guard waited until Ryan was settled before moving on.

"Ryan?" Cyril whispered hopefully, after a cautious moment.

"Yeah, I'll finish, but I'm gonna stay up here, just in case he comes back. That new guy’s a real hard-ass."

"That’s okay, Ryan."

Ryan hung his head over the side of his bunk, keeping his eye out for the tell-tale circle of light. “And then Hansel pushed the evil queen, McManna, into the oven...”


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