The Little Oz Drabble Tree That Could

Mar 26, 2008 15:45

Sorry to get such a late start, couldn't come up with a good starter ficlet. If you want to see how this works, here is The First Ever Oz Drabble Tree and The Return of Oz Drabble Tree.

Same rules as last time:

1. Oz characters, please. Xovers with the usual suspects are also welcome (SVU, Wanted, Rescue Me etc.)

2. Het, slash, gen. Any character or pairing. It's all good.

3. Drabble (100 words) is a suggestion. You won't get shanked if you do a double drabble or it runs a bit long.

4. Your drabble must be posted as a comment to this entry.

5. Include a word, phrase or sentence from a previous drabble in the tree. Put it in the subject line and bold it.

6. You can riff on any drabble in the tree. Just reply to the drabble you're riffing from.

7. Write as many drabbles as you want.

8. Drabbles only, please. No comments. Show your appreciation by jumping off someone else's drabble.

9. If you have any questions, head over to my LJ-- I'll have an announcement post over there where you can ask for help or leave a comment.

10. The Drabble Tree will run through the weekend, but if there is enough interest we'll keep it running longer. When it's over, post your drabbles to your own LJ and/or archive them.

When Miguel had held his baby in his hands, he'd felt like a man. He thought he was a man the first time he'd fucked a woman, and he had thought it made him a man when he found out Maritza was pregnant.

But holding that little person in his hands, a person who needed him, he'd felt something clutch inside his chest: awe and joy and fear all mixed together. He was responsible for this life. The enormity of that responsibility scared the hell out of him, and yet filled him with pride.

He'd been willing to do anything for his child, fight the whole world, change his life, bargain with God. Scarred his own face to save his baby. In the end it had been for nothing but a sweet ache that never left his heart.

After the funeral, after everything, he still felt like a man. He was still a father, even if all he had left of his child was a faded picture. It was all he had to hold on to, the only thing that kept him from ending himself when he realized he was never getting out of Oz.

Despair filled him in this hell on Earth. But it couldn't destroy the hope that one day, if he some how made it to the other side, he'd once again hold his baby in his hands.

The Drabble Tree is now officially over!

ch: drabble tree

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