The Generation Kill Transcript Project - Assignments

Sep 10, 2009 15:19

We're Oscar Mike, folks!

Teams are sorted. CO is me; Gunny - godofwine (who's already proved herself a marvel); Chief Translator - shoshannagold (if a team is completely stuck on identifying someone, contact her - TLs will have a contact address). Seven teams listed below, each with a TL, translator and two or three team members. Each team should have at least two members with DVDs.

Team 1 - Get Some
templemarker (TL)
thejazzter (translator)

Team 2 - The Cradle of Civilization
snarkaddict (TL)
shoshannagold (translator)

Team 3 - Screwby
allopen (TL)
extrathursday (translator)

Team 4 - Combat Jack
godofwine (TL)
madmaxmaddison (translator)

Team 5 - A Burning Dog
bunnymcfoo (TL)
missdunham (translator)

Team 6 - Stay Frosty
oxoniensis (TL)
kindofdanceit (translator)

Team 7 - Bomb in the Garden
musical_emjay (TL)
memoryfloodsin (translator)

I'll be emailing TLs shortly with the email addresses of their teams, so they can contact their team. I'll also be giving TLs access to the googledoc containing their episode, and the TLs will be giving access to the rest of their team.

A few useful items:

A zip file of the subtitles, for use with .avi files. Download the zip file, and unzip the contents (seven .srt files) to the folder that contains your episode files. You should then simply be able to click on the subtitle button on your media player to activate the subtitles when playing episodes. If you're on a Mac, you might have to use VLC player - you can tell it where the subtitle file is in the Video > Subtitle track menu.

A zip file of subtitles in html form for all the episodes, including timestamps.

The quotes post on generation_kill may also be useful.

(Roughly) how this should work:

Once TLs have their teams, they can get started on editing. How you split up the work is up to you - maybe split the episode into equal parts and work on chunks, then tidy up and fix formatting/typos etc. You can edit directly in googledocs, and everyone on the team will see the edits as they're done. The TL will be in charge of seeing that the team are all working to the same format. The sample format is here. Each new scene starts with a time stamp in square brackets. Names of characters in capitals with their dialogue below, a single space between each chunk of dialogue, and a double space for each new scene. [OS] after a character's name if the dialogue is spoken off-screen, [on radio] if the dialogue is on the radio off-screen, [into radio] if it's on the radio on-screen. As there is so much action going on, we won't attempt to describe that unless it's something simple, like mentioning that it's nighttime. Translators on each team can help with any unidentified dialogue.

The subtitles we're starting from are reasonably accurate, but as you'll see from the comparison page here, they're not perfect (whoever wrote them clearly knew nothing about cricket! *g*). Where they're wrong, edit them - if you're not sure, use the team to decide.

I'll be keeping in touch with TLs, and I'll make a progress report in a week or two.

Finally, I'm going to set up a sub-domain on my site to host the finished work. It will have to be in the form of - any suggestions for a sub-domain name?

And don't forget yagkyas - giving gifts and getting gifts. Make your fellow grunts happy: enlist here.

project: transcripts, challenge: yagkyas, challenge

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