Torchwood, Friday Night Lights and Supernatural screencaps/gallery poll

Jan 25, 2008 20:09

Oh Torchwood, you are so silly and cheesy, and thank goodness you don't take yourself too seriously.

I made some screencaps, because Torchwood is pretty. And Supernatural caps because I was missing an episode, and Friday Night Lights, because it's also pretty.

[ Torchwood 2x02 - Sleeper - 1,350 caps (960 x 528) - gallery | zip 1 | zip 2 | Read more... )

screencaps: supernatural, fandom: friday night lights, fandom: torchwood, poll, screencaps, fandom: supernatural, screencaps: torchwood, screencaps: friday night lights

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Comments 43

keyweegirlie January 25 2008, 23:36:15 UTC
I use your site constantly for SPN caps so I'm use to the style of number one, however I really like the layout and style of number TWO.

I like how much simpler it is to go from page to page. I also really like the SMALLER thumbnails as opposed to the lager thumbnails...I mean both are just as clear, but I like the whole idea of more at once. I hope this helps. ;)



oxoniensis January 25 2008, 23:41:48 UTC
I'm glad you find the site handy - I did wonder if it was worth keeping it going, so it's good to hear it's being used!

If it makes any difference, I'd have the same number of thumbnails per page (48) whichever of the two sizes I go for. I think it's better to have a decent number on each page, save having to keep loading a new page.

And yes, every bit of feedback on what works and what doesn't is handy, so thanks!


keyweegirlie January 26 2008, 00:25:04 UTC
I do definitely find the site handy....I actually think it's a God send truthfully, because I don't have to download large zip files I can just peruse through the caps and snag whichever ones I want. I've just been super lazy this season and not really making TONS of icons like last season.

Oh, if you're gonna have 48 thumbnails on the page no matter what size then I change my vote to LARGE then. ;)

Glad, my feedback could be handy.


willoweese January 26 2008, 00:02:55 UTC
I much prefer style two, quickly jumping from page to page makes searching for particular caps so much easier.

Also, I'd prefer the slightly larger thumbs, but it's not really that big of an issue for me.



oxoniensis January 26 2008, 00:05:32 UTC
Thanks - it seems like the options you've mentioned are the most popular. I'm just waiting now to hear if any dialup people have problems with the larger thumbnails - if they're not a problem for them, then I'll go with those for future galleries.


sinecure January 26 2008, 00:40:44 UTC
I love style 2, and I think someone else mentioned this above, the smaller thumbnails, because you can see more at once. They're clear enough to be able to tell what they are, so they really don't need to be bigger. But, that's just me.


oxoniensis January 27 2008, 20:28:02 UTC
Style 2 is the definite winner in the poll. I have to try to visualise what other people see who maybe have smaller screen resolutions than me, because even with the larger thumbnails, they barely take up much more than half of my screen. I could actually go a size larger and still see the full 48 at a time!


zooey_glass04 January 26 2008, 11:35:19 UTC
Ooh, I much prefer style one - seems like I am in the minority, though! Being able to go from cap to cap is a clincher for me, as I frequently do go through looking between slight variations (ironically, the set-up you were beta-testing earlier, which wouldn't save in Firefox, wouldn't save because it was clicking onto the next cap, ne?). The jumping to later index pages doesn't really matter as much to me, since one can skip through index pages on style one.

If you were to go with style two, definitely the larger thumbnails. That way I'd be able to see enough that there'd be less need to skip from one cap to another.

Can I just say how much I appreciate you doing the caps <3 I use them a lot (sometimes just to look at the pretty, ahahah) Thank you!


oxoniensis January 27 2008, 20:32:08 UTC
Yeah, style 2 is getting most of the votes - I'm just hoping people aren't being influenced too much by the colour scheme, because that's totally irrelevant. Anyway, I'm still looking into alternatives that will give the cap to cap facility - I just can't get it to work (on Firefox) with the script I've been using. But I'm asking around, and maybe someone will be able to suggest something better. I have to admit though, I haven't done a thing about it today - just too depressing thinking about making all those galleries again! Grrr.

And OMG, I've just realised it's Sunday evening and I haven't nagged you about writing yet!! So, horribly late, but NAG NAG NAG!! What have you written this week?


zooey_glass04 January 27 2008, 23:02:57 UTC
It's so frustrating when bigs are browser-specific! Good luck in finding a script that works better. And if I can give you any help with the gruntwork in redoing the galleries (I'm no coder, but maybe there is raw labour involved?) I use them a fair bit, so I feel like it's only fair if I can put something back!

Ooh, my weekly prod *looks shifty* This week has not been a good week for writing, what with one thing and another in RL. But your prod tonight gave me a kick up the arse to do a drabble, at least *loves on you* I shall post it tomorrow. Also, I have an idea for a new fic! \0/ Just when I was getting all emo about my failure to come up with any new ideas lately!

In other news, I just watched up to the S5 breakup in GG *cries* So there may be compensatory schmoopy futurefic sometime in the near future, ahahah.

How's your writing going?


oxoniensis January 28 2008, 21:41:24 UTC
Aww, you're so sweet to offer help! The work needs to be done on the entire galleries though, so short of sending you tens of GB of folders of screencaps, it has to be done by me! I have had one suggestion I'm looking into, but I suspect it's not going to be a quick way of making galleries - I want to make usable ones, yes, but I also need it to be easy and quick or I just won't do it! *g*

Aha, thank goodness I remembered to kick you! I shall look out for your drabble. And whee, a new idea, I love that feeling.

I just watched up to the S5 breakup in GG *cries*

*holds you* I knew it was coming, because I'd been spoiled to a degree, but it didn't make it hurt any less. And oh, I could have hurt Luke for the way he treated Dean! Schmoopy futurefic will help make the pain better, though. *sad puppy dog eyes*


blue_meridian January 26 2008, 13:18:15 UTC
The background colors make Style 2 considerably easier to see. The thumbnail size could go either way for me, although all of the original option fits on one of my screens so I'd lean that way. Obviously, that's just me though. :P Still, the smaller would probably be better for dial-up.

I made off with your TW .zip files, too. Thank you! (Snarky Ianto ftw!!)


oxoniensis January 27 2008, 20:40:12 UTC
Ah, I did ask people not to take the colours into account - style one is just an old gallery I still had up, and so happens to be in an old colour scheme. But I'll definitely be going with the white background, as that fits the design of the new cap site (and, as you say, is easier for viewing). As for thumbnail size, it seems to be evenly divided so far, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do about that.


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