Fighting wank with chocolate pudding!

Nov 30, 2006 21:09

vegetariansushi mentioned chocolate and coconut muffins the other day, and made me pudding-hungry.

puddings )


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Comments 23

katkim November 30 2006, 21:17:56 UTC
Can I say pudding is more important that fic on LJ or will I be sultana-ed to death?


oxoniensis November 30 2006, 21:24:03 UTC
Pudding is important, but pudding and fic together are even better!

I have a fantastic cake recipe that's to die for - I was going to post that as well, but I can't find it!!! *cries*


linshea November 30 2006, 21:21:29 UTC
That chocolate dessert is definitely one to try. It sounds absolutely divine!


oxoniensis November 30 2006, 21:25:15 UTC
And it's easy too, which is important in my book, as I prefer to eat than cook! *g*


mmmyyummmy lemonitsa November 30 2006, 21:28:57 UTC
I think I will try those out! I love to bake!

Would you like a recipe to a really delish coffee/honey/spice cake?


Re: mmmyyummmy oxoniensis November 30 2006, 21:31:33 UTC
Would you like a recipe to a really delish coffee/honey/spice cake?

Hell, yes!

I have a fantastic light spice cake recipe - it's topped with fruit, nuts and sticky toffee stuff which is gorgeous - but I can't find it! I shall scour the house until I find it, and then I'll share.


(The comment has been removed)

oxoniensis November 30 2006, 22:02:58 UTC
I think it'd work pretty well without the flour - you could use extra oats, maybe something like ground almonds to act instead of flour. It really is good!


elli November 30 2006, 21:47:27 UTC


oxoniensis November 30 2006, 22:05:17 UTC
*snugs you*

Wish I could make you some cake!


elli November 30 2006, 22:14:21 UTC
Iif you did, I wouldn't be able to eat it anyway.


oxoniensis November 30 2006, 22:41:02 UTC
You can't eat cake?! Nooo, that's not good.


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