SGA fic: 'The One We Loved And Left Behind'

Apr 19, 2006 13:04

Title: The One We Loved And Left Behind
Author: Signe
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: John, Rodney, Atlantis, ensemble, hint of John/Rodney
Rating: PG
Word count: 10,000
Notes: For logovo - other notes/credits at the end.

It is Radek who first realizes that something is wrong, much to Rodney's dismay. Though in fairness Radek only stumbles across the matter - it isn't like it was a *genuine* discovery, or anything. At least, that's what Rodney keeps telling everyone. )

fiction: stargate atlantis, fiction, fandom: stargate atlantis

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Comments 94

birdsflying April 19 2006, 12:48:04 UTC
Ow but in a good way. Smiling through the metaphoric tears and all. Such a fascinating idea, humans as a virus.


oxoniensis April 19 2006, 20:33:01 UTC
Thanks so much - it was an idea that I really enjoyed working through, so I'm glad you enjoyed it.


anitac588 April 19 2006, 13:13:28 UTC
Great stuff!
Love the idea -- the expedition as a disease, intruder infecting the city. The story gave me chills throughout, but what Sheppard shared with Mckay at the end -- that is a nice, quiet and optimistic conclusion, in a way.
Thanks for sharing!


oxoniensis April 19 2006, 20:34:42 UTC
what Sheppard shared with Mckay at the end -- that is a nice, quiet and optimistic conclusion, in a way.

Thanks! I didn't think it was possible to have an entirely happy ending, but even just having hope would mean a lot.


ship_recs April 19 2006, 14:04:16 UTC
oh, this is sad, but so beautiful as well.

I love the idea.


oxoniensis April 19 2006, 20:35:35 UTC
Thanks so much!


joolz01 April 19 2006, 14:59:24 UTC
So poignant and realistic, with a wonderful growing sense of dread and powerlessness. Nicely done, thanks!


oxoniensis April 19 2006, 20:36:27 UTC
Thank you! I'm really pleased that the build-up worked for you, and especially that you found it realistic.


chiroho April 19 2006, 15:53:37 UTC
Very nice melancholy. I really enjoyed the way this flowed together, and the way that John can almost hear what's going on with Atlantis.

I also liked the fact that this was a generic ensemble fic. Don't seem to see a lot of those around.

Good story.


oxoniensis April 19 2006, 20:42:05 UTC
I also liked the fact that this was a generic ensemble fic. Don't seem to see a lot of those around.

Thanks! It's something I always like to read too, but I do find it harder to write multiple characters, if only because it's all too easy to forget about some of them, or that they're even in the room! *g*


chiroho April 21 2006, 11:49:59 UTC
Unlike SG1, where you can write a team fic with just four characters, if you want to write one for Atlantis you almost need to use six, or even more. So it can certainly be more of a challenge.

Thank you for doing it.


oxoniensis April 23 2006, 11:02:14 UTC
I guess Atlantis team fic can be written with four characters if all the action takes place off Atlantis. But when even some of the plot is on Atlantis, there are so many other characters to consider, and whose inclusion can make a story much richer.

I think that for me the problem is that I learned to write by writing fanfiction, and I started off with Smallville slash, so I rarely had to deal with more than two characters at a time. Kinda made me lazy at that aspect of writing, so I'm trying to overcome it!


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