Oh Stephanie Brown. Please come back. You have left so many asses woefully unkicked, and if anyone needs to have an awesome Misfit teamup, it's you. BTW, last check Wonder Girl was stealing your man. Awkwardly.
Spoiler! She's got her handy-dandy rope and claw-thingies (built in glove-claw-thingies are SUCH a good idea, why punch in the face and risk hand hurtage when you can shred enemy flesh and climb walls? Duuuuh) and... yeah.
I tied the shirt a leeeeetle bit into the Jason Todd Robin shirt I always draw, because I secretly think Jason/Steph parallels are really spooky in a cool way. Even if the only parallel is that they shop at the same store. :<
As Robin, she drops the cape because capes are silly (and also it didn't look cool), and gets badass red goggles to guard her eyes and help her see... not-red stuff. Her green is bringing all the style to the yard, because without it she looks like a blonde girl version of Tim and TIM IS TOO EMO, for serious.
And tonfas in sleeves! I noticed all the Robins have their signature phallic weapons. Like Dick has his signature metal nunchuck rod things. And Tim has his signature ninja pole. And Jason has his signature... gun and knife arsenal. (I think he wins the manliness contest lol.)
So of course Steph needs signature tonfas. They hide in the sleeve for arm armor, as well as punching and elbowing with the power of a million exploding suns, but they can also be used like hammers or spinny police batons! In conclusion they are hardcore.
I colored these on a tablet the size of New York, aren't you proud of me!
These are for Dryponder's Draw Steph Brown Meme, which is going on now, get your butts in gear people.
Seriously, check out these quality flavor crystals. While you're at it, go take a gander at, because
I herd they liek Grl Robin. (I am posting this at 1am. I plead sleep deprivation.)