
Jan 13, 2008 01:17

Here Inn, have three different, very much infected, people.

Romana has taken up the violin, her eyes closed as she produces a soft, sad song that would sound completely unfamiliar to those from Earth but might ring a bell to a few of the Time Lords out there.

A Gallifreyian song of mourning.

Lucy is positioned in front of a piano, something she hasn’t ( Read more... )

plot with rocks in, robert chase, the doctor, the doctor (nine), spencer reid, the doctor (five), romana ii, lucy saxon

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Comments 60

celery_love January 13 2008, 06:40:22 UTC
This Doctor has found himself humming lately and he doesn't really know why. Not that it is a particularly bad thing, he's just not sure how this music came to be stuck in his head.

It's when he hears soft music from one corner that he goes to investigate.

And he's quite surprised to find Reid is the producer of that music. He'll approach the other, but not speak. Instead, he just listens.


physics_magic January 13 2008, 07:43:54 UTC
Reid can feel eyes upon him but he doesn't seem to care

His playing will gain confidence within the next few minutes, cautious notes soon turning to strong, proud melodies as he finds that he’s actually rather good.

A pleased smile will tug at the ends of his lips and oh, if you listen very, very closely, you might even hear singing.

“Have you seen the bright lily grow, before rude hands have touch'd it? Have you mark'd the fall of the snow, Before the earth hath smutch'd it?”


celery_love January 13 2008, 08:26:30 UTC
Hearing Spencer singing is a little bit of a surprise, too. He certainly hadn't been expecting it!

Then again, he also hadn't expected his own lips to form a humming harmony to the words Reid sang. Oh, Rassilon, he hoped he didn't actually start singing the words, too.


physics_magic January 13 2008, 09:40:35 UTC
He doesn’t quite realize he’s doing anything beyond playing until the Doctor joins in. Looking up, he feels his face begin to burn with embarrassment and he’s looking down at the lute wondering what exactly he’d gotten himself into.

"I didn’t notice you were there,” he mutters to the older one as hands move to pluck lightly at the instruments strings.

Even when he’s flustered, he can’t seem to resist.


intensivistmd January 13 2008, 06:50:47 UTC
Chase had been thinking of leaving, but the strange mood about the Inn has kept him lingering a little while longer.

Walking into the Lobby (looking much better than he had before), he spots Lucy at the piano and is more than a little surprised.

"You play?" Then again, he had been captured by his own music, picking up his violin earlier and playing as many ballads that would find his fingertips.

So yeah, he might just be infected.


lucy_in_his_sky January 13 2008, 07:44:29 UTC
“I used to,” she admits, folding her hands on her lap so as to make resistance a bit easier. “It’s been years.”

Eyes clock away from the piano for a few moments so as to get a quick look at him, but they are soon back to studying the keys once more.

“You seem a bit better.”


intensivistmd January 13 2008, 07:56:57 UTC
Chase offers a faint smile and gives a nod, "I feel a bit better."

But really, he knows it's undoubtedly the music's doing. What with his violin playing and all.

His eyes drop to examine the keys himself. "I'm sure you're just as talented."

And yes, he's compelled to actually think up his violin. "I can play with you, if you'd like."


lucy_in_his_sky January 13 2008, 09:46:35 UTC
“It’s not a lack of talent that worries me,” she informs, eying the violin cautiously. “Something isn’t right, all this music isn’t right.”

Oh but she finds that even though it may be wrong, it’s also far too alluring for her to try and resist for long.

“Well, I suppose if it means I would get to hear you play…”

She takes a breath and turns back to the piano, fingers burning with their desire to grace the keys. The music starts off slow and sweet, more of a warm up than anything else, but it will soon turn a bit more lively, once she finds that it’s as if she’s never been away from a piano at all.


timelord_lastof January 13 2008, 15:56:48 UTC
The Doctor stands about halfway across the room, staring at Romana with an utterly stricken expression. It's one thing to have his previous regenerations running around here, but her?

Oh, not her. Not when he knows how it ends, how he killed her and the rest of their kind... or will kill them... it's all relative, in this place outside of time.

It doesn't help that the song she's playing makes his hearts ache, for her, for their lost world, for everything that once was and never will be again.


yourimperiatrix January 14 2008, 00:35:42 UTC
She feels his eyes upon her but disregards it for now, the song needs to be finished, it deserves that much.

Eventually though, her arms will fall to her sides and she will take a breath, regaining composure that felt like it had been lost when she first began to play. Still, her hands shake just a little.

Holding the instrument, she speaks, "It's rude to stare, you know. The least you an do is offer some kind of applause."


timelord_lastof January 14 2008, 01:35:13 UTC
His hearts still hurt from the song, though he thinks it might hurt even more when it stops.

The Doctor manages a faint smile when she speaks. Still definitely Romana.

"It was fantastic. But... you're supposed to be dead."

Yeah, yeah, time travel, place outside of space and time, but... even so. It's a different matter altogether with Romana.


yourimperiatrix January 14 2008, 03:54:32 UTC
"So I've been told." There's a bittersweet smile given as she approaches. "But, from what I can tell, the Inn seems to enjoy doing that sort of thing."

The smile will turn less bitter and a bit more sweet. "I have to say, I was expecting a warmer welcome, or at least one that doesn't involve you gaping at the fact that I exist."

What she means is, she would very much like a hug, and if he's not going to give her one, she'll walk up and take it from him.


broodingshadow January 14 2008, 02:19:58 UTC
Angel can sense the weirdness in the Inn.

It's a vampire thing.

And the weirdness seems to be all around him, but concentrated in certain people.

He associates the weird with demons, dangers from the Hellmouth so he's more than a little concerned. Concerned enough to act, especially since this is Buffy's place and well... yeah.

"Reid?" It takes him a moment to realize he knows one of the people. "... are you playing the lute?"


physics_magic January 14 2008, 03:55:43 UTC
His fingers freeze and he looks up, a little surprised that his playing has warranted any kind of attention simply because there has been so much music as of late.

Not that he minds it. The music that is.

He looks down at the instrument, his fingers sill moving across the strings and producing a sweet little melody. "Yeah, I suppose i am."


broodingshadow January 14 2008, 23:55:27 UTC
"You suppose?"

Angel keeps his distance. In the shadows where he belongs.

There's... some kind of difference here, but he can't figure out what. What has changed in his smell, his aura.

"You're very good at it for only supposing."


physics_magic January 15 2008, 01:57:34 UTC
He's silent for a long while, fingers teasing the strings, coaxing the music out. This feels good, feels right. A part of him wants to question why but the vast majority says that it doesn't even matter.

"I couldn't play and now I can," he say simply, eyes unfocused as he listens to his own music.

"The music, it just comes to me. It'was in my head and now it's not anymore."


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