[Cain had been on his way home from school, backpack over his shoulders and nose stuck in a history book about this time period, when he almost walked into this poor harassed woman.]
[she manages to catch herself from her thoughts just short of bumping into him! it looks like she was a bit spacey at the moment, too-- but seeing it was a child, her face warms up easily.]
No, it's alright...! It looks like we both had our head in the clouds...
Then we're neighbors? [she is trying to digest this, but it's a little overwhelming. still, she has her family to find... so she can worry about the rest later.]
[her expression softens further at that. then he's been kidnapped too?]
A little bit... [but the important thing is:] Are you here all by yourself?
I haven't found anyone familiar yet... But if my family is here, I'm sure they will find me! They're all good boys. [she reaches out to lightly tuck some of his hair behind an ear. it's just sort've a compulsion-- he's so cute and she can see he's trying to be reassuring. ahhh, heartstrings...]
Your brother looks after you, Cain? Is he older than you are? [because she knows brothers have a special bond... and he's pretty young himself. his brother can't be too much older, right?]
[How to explain Abel to someone so new here, who is probably confused enough without adding in 'different times' to the mix. He's honestly a bit taken aback by the affectionate gesture, nobody... has done anything like that with him growing up.]
Yes, he's a lot older than me... if your family isn't here, don't worry. People have said that we're not missed from home while we're here, so they'll be safe.
[she doesn't understand all of this, really. but as time goes on, the hope that it was Hohenheim who had brought her here, who had saved her, seems slimming.]
Good! I'm happy you have someone to watch over you.
Brothers are very special... I can tell you must take good care of him, too.
['not missed' from home... she wonders what that means.]
[flskdjf he is so cute...! he can't be much older than what, nine? ten? offering her tea like a hospitable gentleman... she can't help an endeared little laugh.]
I would love to take you up on that offer, but I'm looking for my boys. They're little and not quite as mature as you are just yet. They shouldn't be out on their own... so I should try my hardest to get them home safe and sound.
[He doesn't want to crush her hopes, but it's possible they won't be. And whoever they are... he feels a tiny pang of jealousy for the mother they have. Someone normal, someone affectionate.]
Ah--! Sorry, ma'am.
No, it's alright...! It looks like we both had our head in the clouds...
Are you alright? Did I hurt you?
I'm just fine, please don't worry! We missed each other just in time.
I'm Cain, by the way. Do you live near here?
You're awfully well-mannered, Cain! I'm so impressed! I wonder if you could teach Edward and Alphonse that trick...
[she seems fond before drawing that hand back. 'live'; do people really 'live' in this town?]
I'm... my home is in Resembool, but the house I woke up in is on... [what was it...] Albright Lane?
I live there too, at the moment. Did... anyone tell you about Mayfield, yet?
[her expression softens further at that. then he's been kidnapped too?]
A little bit... [but the important thing is:] Are you here all by yourself?
[He's quick to reassure her, she looks worried enough as it is.]
Is anyone here with you?
Your brother looks after you, Cain? Is he older than you are? [because she knows brothers have a special bond... and he's pretty young himself. his brother can't be too much older, right?]
Yes, he's a lot older than me... if your family isn't here, don't worry. People have said that we're not missed from home while we're here, so they'll be safe.
Good! I'm happy you have someone to watch over you.
Brothers are very special... I can tell you must take good care of him, too.
['not missed' from home... she wonders what that means.]
Do you want to come inside? Abel is still at work, but I can make you some tea if you like?
I would love to take you up on that offer, but I'm looking for my boys. They're little and not quite as mature as you are just yet. They shouldn't be out on their own... so I should try my hardest to get them home safe and sound.
[He doesn't want to crush her hopes, but it's possible they won't be. And whoever they are... he feels a tiny pang of jealousy for the mother they have. Someone normal, someone affectionate.]
Would you like me to help you look?
But I want to try until I'm sure. It's very chivalrous of you to offer to help, but it's chilly outside! I would feel very bad if you caught a cold.
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