[001] open: phone & action.

Nov 17, 2011 12:40

[Trisha had woken up some time ago in a house not her own, despite the cheerful and nostalgic pictures on the wall of her with a... complete and total stranger by her side and children whose faces she didn't recognize, some with a sweet little cat in one of their laps as they smiled. smiled, like they were happy -- like they had always been, in clothes not her own to backdrops she couldn't remember. the house had been quiet... very quiet; disoriented and so confused -- where was she? how had she gotten here...? hadn't she...


-- she had looked out the window, poked her head out the front door... and retreated back inside, bewildered and concerned.

calling for Ed and Al had been fruitless; she searched every door in the house -- even found the bedrooms of the 'children' with more pictures in their rooms. but there was no sign of her boys.

her search lead her at last to the phone; she had picked it up in hopes of calling Pinako, or even home to check on the boys -- this... was overwhelming and larger than she knew what to do with. but she was surprised to find voices on the other end of the line... ones no more familiar than the faces in the pictures. through snippets of conversation, she had gathered this was a town called 'Mayfield,' and they were trapped... so she did the only thing she could as she sat at the kitchen table, cradling the phone worriedly to her ear.]

A) phone;

Excuse me for disturbing everyone... I hope I'm not using this wrong! [she sounds a little uneasy, but is trying to be upbeat, perhaps even cheerful. if something's happened, then she'll have to figure it out and... that's that. she can't simply vanish like this, even if she had come to terms with a departure of another kind, just before--

...maybe she's simply holding onto the hope that this is somehow his work, however naively.]

My name is Trisha Elric, and I was hoping that someone could tell me if they knew anything of a man going by Hohenheim? He's very tall with broad shoulders and blonde hair usually pulled back from his face.

Or two small boys? Edward, and Alphonse? They both have their father's hair, and are very young -- we seem to have been separated, and I would be so grateful if anyone could help me find them. They shouldn't be on their own in a strange place... [so she's hoping they're with their father. this is all so strange...]

I'll wait on the line a bit before going to look. Thank you very much for your help.

B) open; around town.

[true to her word, Trisha is out and about in search of answers she isn't likely to find. feel free to bump into the lost-looking woman in one of the dresses she found in her wardrobe and a coat against the chill?]

&action, *intro, we're not in resembool anymore, looking for hohenheim, &phone, still clinging to husbando, where's my babies? ;;, these pictures are creepy, only time ed gets called 'tall' inc

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