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Comments 459

Phone ☆ badend_replay November 17 2011, 17:50:37 UTC

[ Rika's a bit... okay, very startled. She remembers Trisha being in Mayfield before and how much the previous Edward and Alphonse adored her.

She also remembers that Trisha is a mother. Something about that makes Rika hesitant to speak anymore. But she closes her eyes, breaths in, and begins talking cutely to the woman on the other end; ]

mi~. I am sorry. My response to your questions may cause confusion. But do not be worried. The three you mentioned are certainly okay.


Phone ☆ outliven November 17 2011, 18:34:46 UTC
[confusion? she's just relieved to hear they're all okay... and it leaks into her voice, a little more enthusiastic for word of Hohenheim's well-being as well.]

Please don't be sorry! I'm happy to hear they're safe.

Do you know where I can find them? Edward and Alphonse must be wondering where I am, by now...


Phone ☆ badend_replay November 18 2011, 14:11:07 UTC
Edward will likely be contacting you by phone, Trisha. He will explain to you the situation, I am certain.

I am Furude Rika. I am a friend of Edward's. [ Read: I am his creepy stalker. ]


Phone ☆ outliven November 18 2011, 19:22:33 UTC
It's nice to meet you, Rika. [a friend of Edward's? she doesn't recognize the name...]

Is my husband with the boys?


B kinships November 17 2011, 17:51:46 UTC
[Cain had been on his way home from school, backpack over his shoulders and nose stuck in a history book about this time period, when he almost walked into this poor harassed woman.]

Ah--! Sorry, ma'am.


outliven November 17 2011, 18:36:41 UTC
[she manages to catch herself from her thoughts just short of bumping into him! it looks like she was a bit spacey at the moment, too-- but seeing it was a child, her face warms up easily.]

No, it's alright...! It looks like we both had our head in the clouds...


kinships November 17 2011, 18:44:28 UTC
[Warm though her expression is now, there is unmistakable tension in her eyes.]

Are you alright? Did I hurt you?


outliven November 17 2011, 18:48:11 UTC
[she shakes her head to assuage his concerns. b'aww so cute, he's polite too!;;]

I'm just fine, please don't worry! We missed each other just in time.


A freedomofwomen November 17 2011, 17:58:06 UTC
[ Eva doesn't recognize any of the names, but.. well, she can empathize a little with just wanting to find your family again. So her tone lacks its usual teasing tone. ]

... Ah, I hope you'll find them soon.


outliven November 17 2011, 18:38:55 UTC
[aww, Eva ;; she would appreciate it if she knew! this is a little bit of a crazy situation, huh...]

Thank you, miss...

If you happen to hear anything of any of them, could you let me know?


freedomofwomen November 17 2011, 18:49:30 UTC
I will, don't worry. I haven't met any of them personally if they are here, but..

[ a pause. ]

Hmm, there's always the possibility that they aren't here, so please don't get your hopes up too much.


outliven November 17 2011, 19:02:01 UTC

Have we really been 'kidnapped,' then?


[ phone ] notalwystrthful November 17 2011, 19:36:35 UTC
[ It takes her a moment, however she does reply with: ]

Ed's here, Miss Elric. I know where he is.


[ phone ] outliven November 17 2011, 20:13:32 UTC
You know where Edward is? [ah! she sounds so happy-- and relieved...]

Alphonse must be with him! Those two know to stick together... Can you tell me where to find them?


[ phone ] notalwystrthful November 18 2011, 19:43:58 UTC
Yeah, and... I don't think Alphonse is here. [ Otherwise, she probably would have met him already. ]

Though, Ed is at 1652 Albright Lane. I live at 913 Bilko Boulevard.


[ phone ] outliven November 18 2011, 19:51:19 UTC
Alphonse isn't with his brother?


B 1/3 hintcoinplz November 17 2011, 19:39:43 UTC
[As Luke approaches from the other direction, he stops dead in his tracks as soon as he spots Trisha. While he isn't close enough to get a good look at her, Trisha bears a striking resemblance to Luke's own mother.

Luke dashes towards the other woman.]

Mum?! Is that you, I can't believe you're-


B 2/3 hintcoinplz November 17 2011, 19:41:48 UTC
[And when finally Luke gets closer, he skids to a halt.

O-oh, she wasn't at all who he thought she was.

This...this was embarrassing, yeah.]


B 3/3 hintcoinplz November 17 2011, 19:42:30 UTC
Ah-! I'm so sorry, miss. I er, I thought you were someone else...


1/2 flksjdf poor Luke ;; outliven November 17 2011, 20:15:38 UTC
[the call of a boy for his mother is sure to pluck at any Mom's heartstrings-- especially since Trisha was looking for any sign of her boys. so, she's naturally turning to the sound of the call with a little thrill! one of them had spotted her?--]


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