
Mar 30, 2008 19:58

Who: Zerokins & assorted others. 
Where: Bar in the Realm of the Unwanted
When: January 14th, noon. 
What: A nice little conversation between 'friends.'

Three more days was three days too many. Zero had received only one of Gabriel’s letters, and that was a few too few for his liking. The Longcoat hadn’t said much, but Zero was expecting better news ( Read more... )

01/14, gordan, zero, dawson, kieran

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Comments 34

thomas_dawson March 31 2008, 00:27:57 UTC
Sliding onto the barstool beside Zero, Dawson held up a forefinger to the barkeep. "Make that two ( ... )


gordon_ransom March 31 2008, 00:40:05 UTC
Seconds after Dawson had arrived and downed his drink, another one of Zero's men entered. O"Whatever they're having," Gordon commented as he slipped into a seat on the other side of Zero, his eyes roaming across the bar quickly before he picked up his drink.

Dawson had been having some fun lately with a girl who'd made herself known a couple of days ago. She was a tiny little thing but he had no doubts she could hold her own in bed, and all he could think was; 'Damn, how did Dawson get her before me?' Ah well he was sure there'd be another woman around sometime that he'd find and get before anyone else. It was a pathetic competition but it was one.

"Finally got out of bed with that little thing I see." With a smirk he picked up his drink and eyed it for a moment before swiftly downing the drink, nearly choking as he happened to see the woman he was talking about enter.


kieran_goodman March 31 2008, 00:43:56 UTC
The she-devil she was just happened to pick the right bar at the right time. Or the wrong bar at the right time because as she entered she was reminded of just why she had always hated the Realm of the Unwanted. Not that she had to have things perfectly clean, but .. cleaner then this piece of crap, damn it was horrible.

Looking around for a moment she moved towards one of the chairs at the end of the bar and ordered something, she wasn't sure what it was but it was hopefully strong. Kieran needed something in her system before she went off to meet with the Queen and the Princesses. Nobility sucked sometimes.

Though if she had her way and the Queen was as kind as they said perhaps she could talk her into allowing Kieran a job at the kennells.


spiffeh_zero March 31 2008, 01:09:30 UTC
"Dawson." He greeted the man with a bored look, wondering what brought the fellow Longcoat to this place at this time. There were hundreds of bars in the Realm of the Unwanted. "and Ransom." The other man came in moments after the first. In fact, when one came, the other always appeared somewhere close behind. Zero was, nonetheless, glad for the company. They were loyal Longcoats, and ones held a little higher than the rest.

At the mention of Dawson getting out of bed, Zero took a deep swing of the drink placed before him, automatically wiping his hand on his pants after putting down the cup, and turned to the man who'd spoken.

"Find a whore who isn't absolutely repulsive on sight, did you?" That's a new one, Zero could bet the drink in front of him that Dawson's standards were simply a lot lower than his own. "This place is crawling with filth. I've grown to believe those did not exist down here..."


spiffeh_zero March 31 2008, 02:42:45 UTC
Zero wasn't sure if he hated Dawson or Ransom more at the moment, or maybe his darling ex-wife, or all three of them with the same burning passion. His eyes focused on the fae in an attempt to not shoot either of them as the two men would be a big bonus for usually having a brain in combat.

Dawson said nothing when Zero had turned on him, and Ransom let out a noise reminding him of one of the other Longcoats - one who couldn't quite get anything through his brain. It took a lot of will power to resist rolling his eyes.

A bit of movement tore his gaze away from the fae, and Zero found himself watching his ex-wife saunter over to wrap her arms around Dawson's neck, greeting him as if he were an old friend. His hand tensed around his gun.

"Kieran." As much as she did not deserve the use of her first name, she deserved the use of his last, as awful as it was, even less. "Come to beg your way back into my life?" His hand remained on the handle of the gun, but he didn't draw it yet, though there were too many reasons already. Zero was ( ... )


thomas_dawson March 31 2008, 03:09:49 UTC
Son of a whore! Dawson's eyes nearly widened dramatically before he pulled his reaction back with great effort. Any showing of weakness to Zero would end with him dead on the ground, and if by some astronomical odds the General didn't kill him then and there, the other Longcoats would jump at the chance to yank him down out of his position ( ... )


gordon_ransom March 31 2008, 03:28:01 UTC
He could have laughed at the poetic injustice of it all that Dawson of all the women in the realms had to be with Kieran. Only now did her name make sense to him, it was Zeros ex-wife, now why she was his ex he had no idea, she was hot as hell, a small lithe little thing with a lot of strength despite her little size.

Dawson did what Gordon wanted to do, pulled her into his lap. His mind went ramped with all the ideas that hit him, and then he made a face when he imagined the two of them together. A naked Kieran was one thing but a naked Thomas was just not in his things to see in his lifetime, or in any lifetime to be exact.

With a smirk towards Dawson he managed to remove it when Zero looked around, and instead put on a blank look as to not be read, hopefully. It wasn't a crime to think she was hot, and only now was he grateful that he was the loser in the little game the two of them played. Gordon had no intention of being in the end of Zeros wrath.


kieran_goodman March 31 2008, 04:57:40 UTC
"I think that question should be for you Zero, after all you're the one who looked like a kicked puppy when I told you to leave." Kieran was nothing if not bold, after all with him as a husband you'd sort of have to be, what with his attitude and his violent tendencies. "You know.." Trailing off she shifted in Dawson's lap - in a way that was probably favourable to the man who's lap she was on - she produced a familiar looking gun out of her back pocket and twirled it around on her finger. "Look like something of yours? Oh that's right, it is."

It was just far too easy to mock him, after all she was the one who had ended things so why should she care? If the bastard hadn't changed so damned much she wouldn't have made him leave, after all that was the reasoning behind forcing him out with his own gun. She never really expected to see him again and not here, and not under these circumstances either.


spiffeh_zero March 31 2008, 23:42:28 UTC
He damn well knew what he'd heard about her from a close trustee... She'd seen Kieran enter a truck with another man, then leave an hour or two later, looking thoroughly flustered. He trusted his informant a whole lot more than he'd trusted his wife ( ... )


thomas_dawson April 1 2008, 01:18:20 UTC
If Zero fired that gun, not only would Dawson be out of his new bedmate, but he himself would end up dead. Not how he wanted to end his evening, thank you very much. Luckily (or unlucky as the case may end) Kieran placed her own gun under Zero's jaw. And Dawson mentally gave a sigh of relief, the General was anything but stupid, he would not shoot.

The lieutenant nearly raised an eyebrow over the fact that both Zero and Kieran had been stepping out on eachother. This was why he'd never get married. Fuck that 'to have and to hold' bullshit, no one stuck to that. Someone was always fucking the neighborhood whore (paid or otherwise), what was the point?

Might as well enjoy a person's body while you could, then when you bored of them, move on. Hell, most of Dawson's 'relationships' over the years had been of the one or two night variety. If that long.


gordon_ransom April 1 2008, 01:33:00 UTC
Ooh now things were getting interested, but this small little thing next to him was equally as tempting. Finishing his shot he stood and gave a wink of amusement to Dawson, partially wondering if the man was even going to survive the night. Even if he didn't he'd have the satisfaction of well, satisfaction. She was a tiny little thing but she oddly reminded him of Kieran, small but probably good.

"As much fun as this is, I think I'll pass on watching them." Placing his hand on the lower back of the fae he began to walk with her out of the club.


kieran_goodman April 1 2008, 01:39:51 UTC
"Well my one night vs. your one hundred, I do believe I was the better partner." Kieran replied with a shrug. She'd remembered that night in a way, she knew that she was drunk beyond belief and had no memory of things that had happened when she woke up, and so perhaps she had - but that didn't make her the worse of the two. It was her first time. Ozma she was loyal to the prick.

"And now, we're both done and over, so you lower you gun I'll lower mine and we can go back to pretending the other doesn't exist." After all she was pretty sure Dawson was ready to just toss her on the bar and have his way with her given the way she was moving in his lap.


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