
Mar 30, 2008 19:58

Who: Zerokins & assorted others. 
Where: Bar in the Realm of the Unwanted
When: January 14th, noon. 
What: A nice little conversation between 'friends.'

Three more days was three days too many. Zero had received only one of Gabriel’s letters, and that was a few too few for his liking. The Longcoat hadn’t said much, but Zero was expecting better news ( Read more... )

01/14, gordan, zero, dawson, kieran

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spiffeh_zero March 31 2008, 23:42:28 UTC
He damn well knew what he'd heard about her from a close trustee... She'd seen Kieran enter a truck with another man, then leave an hour or two later, looking thoroughly flustered. He trusted his informant a whole lot more than he'd trusted his wife ( ... )


thomas_dawson April 1 2008, 01:18:20 UTC
If Zero fired that gun, not only would Dawson be out of his new bedmate, but he himself would end up dead. Not how he wanted to end his evening, thank you very much. Luckily (or unlucky as the case may end) Kieran placed her own gun under Zero's jaw. And Dawson mentally gave a sigh of relief, the General was anything but stupid, he would not shoot.

The lieutenant nearly raised an eyebrow over the fact that both Zero and Kieran had been stepping out on eachother. This was why he'd never get married. Fuck that 'to have and to hold' bullshit, no one stuck to that. Someone was always fucking the neighborhood whore (paid or otherwise), what was the point?

Might as well enjoy a person's body while you could, then when you bored of them, move on. Hell, most of Dawson's 'relationships' over the years had been of the one or two night variety. If that long.


gordon_ransom April 1 2008, 01:33:00 UTC
Ooh now things were getting interested, but this small little thing next to him was equally as tempting. Finishing his shot he stood and gave a wink of amusement to Dawson, partially wondering if the man was even going to survive the night. Even if he didn't he'd have the satisfaction of well, satisfaction. She was a tiny little thing but she oddly reminded him of Kieran, small but probably good.

"As much fun as this is, I think I'll pass on watching them." Placing his hand on the lower back of the fae he began to walk with her out of the club.


kieran_goodman April 1 2008, 01:39:51 UTC
"Well my one night vs. your one hundred, I do believe I was the better partner." Kieran replied with a shrug. She'd remembered that night in a way, she knew that she was drunk beyond belief and had no memory of things that had happened when she woke up, and so perhaps she had - but that didn't make her the worse of the two. It was her first time. Ozma she was loyal to the prick.

"And now, we're both done and over, so you lower you gun I'll lower mine and we can go back to pretending the other doesn't exist." After all she was pretty sure Dawson was ready to just toss her on the bar and have his way with her given the way she was moving in his lap.


spiffeh_zero April 1 2008, 01:51:44 UTC
Ransom had already moved away with the fae, and as of right now, Zero did not want to see more of Dawson for at least several hours. As it was, he wouldn't mind shooting him.

As she commented on being the better partner, he let out a snort of disgust, ready to turn away, but not wishing to lower his gun just yet. Kieran had been the one woman, the only woman, Zero had allowed himself to trust with all of his life since then. Sure, there had been Desiree who knew quite a lot about the man, but no one knew enough besides this slut.

Her proposal almost went past his ears, yet it sounded reasonable. Zero didn't trust her to not shoot him once he'd removed his gun, giving her another narrow-eyed glare. "Go on then," he moved his gun away from his neck, but kept it pointing in her direction, waving her off with it. "Take your little lover with you, I'll deal with him," Zero turned the glare on Dawson, "later ( ... )


thomas_dawson April 1 2008, 02:23:49 UTC
Fuck! Damn! Son of a BITCH!

Dawson knew that the only reason he was still alive was the fact that he was still somewhat useful to Zero. If that status every changed, he'd be dead in an instant. Well, he wouldn't let that happen. Thomas Dawson was many things, a sociopath, a man!slut and an all around gorgeous guy among them, but he was not an idiot.

He stood, setting Kieran on her feet at the same time. "Sir." The brunette nodded before he headed out of the bar, his fingers wrapped around the copper-skinned female's wrist. Leading her out, and back to the room he was renting. Fingering his belt with his other hand. It would work perfectly for his purpose of tying her up.


doctorsrose April 1 2008, 02:19:16 UTC
"I'm gonna show you things even you have never imagined." Miel promised as she led the way to one of the better inns. Better meaning no fleas, tics or roaches. She could take care of the rest.

After all, she'd had centuries to explore all kinds of pleasures.

"Best be good, pretty boy. I've been known to bite."


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