Today is the last day of June which is called misoka in Japan. This day, as well as the last day of the year (December 31, oomisoka) are specially celebrated with rituals of purification in Japanese Shrines and Temples. The rituals of these two days are also called "Great Purification" ooharae 大祓, when people thank for the past half year and pray
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Well, if you are to start submitting your haiku, Claudia -- this time is as good as any other.
You are most welcome! And good luck with submission!
Btw, Claudia -- I agree 100% with your assertion on the Atlas Shrugged. Ayn's philosophy reverberates in my mind as true and rational. I know what socialism is in realuty, I lived in it most of my life ...
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Володя, а Вы посмотрели трейлер о хайку? Что-то понятно или нет?
Хорошей поездки вам! Буду ждать фоток. Привет Питеру :)
соседский огород
отрываю взглядом
набор для окрошки
а я вот такой суп делаю, когда лень что-то глобальное готовить и объедаться не охота:
нарезаю болгарский перец, репчатый цветной лук, побольше зелени и на выбор можно сыр, колбасу, да всё что угодно дополнительно. всё это заправляется холодным томатным соком, солью, перцем. я ещё, как любитель, добавляю немного уксуса и растительного масла!о) моих домашних воротит от этого месива, а я торчу!о)))
Перец, лук и зелень с томатным соком -- нормально. Остальное я бы опустила. Хотя в далёком детстве тоже ела колбасу с томатным соком. Отравлялась тока так! :)
I had fears when I saw your subject line: I was afraid you meant mixed in the sense of both good and bad. I'm happy to see that actually you just meant mixed in topic. Thanks as ever for the haiku links. I haven't yet looked at the video, but I will.
So far, we are alive (even if not well). Thanks for your concern, I appreciate it. The film has quite a few wonderful haiku in it.
Can you share a recipe too? Or, point me to a good one online? I will find some kvass. We have lots of Russian immigrants in the area.
The classic soup is a mix of mostly raw vegetables (like cucumbers and spring onions), boiled potatoes, eggs and ham or cooked beef with kvass. Okroshka is usually garnished with sour cream. The ingredients are diced and then mixed with kvass just before eating; the ratio of chopped food to kvass is similar to that of cereal to milk.
I also add radish and chopped dill. So, there are 7 ingredients (boiled potato, boiled eggs, cucumber, radish, green onion, dill, cooked beef/ham) plus kvass and sour cream, that's all. Just chopped as you do for salad, mix, and enjoy :)
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