Book #1: Star Trek: The Next Generation: Death in Winter (no spoilers)

Jan 05, 2009 13:38

My first book of 2009 is Star Trek: The Next Generation: Death in Winter by Michael Jan Friedman.

I'd decided to pick up the last few Next Generation books, once I'd found out that the 24th century Star Trek novels are being worked into a cohesive universe moving forward from the last movie, Nemesis . This one, originally published in 2005, is the first.

Friedman is no stranger to the franchise, having written Star Trek  episodes, novel, and comics. He knows the character and writes them well. I was particularly looking forward to reading this book for that reason.

Basically, the book has a theme of missed opportunities and second chances. Many of the characters in the book are getting second chances. These come in the form of correcting mistakes, finding redemption, or doing what should have been done much earlier. The emotional focus of the book is Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Doctor Beverly Crusher, both of whom are looking for second chances of different types.

It is not giving anything away to say that the book involves the Romulans. as the fact is on the back cover. As a political junkie, I found the passages concerning Romulan political intrigue to be enjoyable and well played. This is exactly how I picture the Romulans.

My favorite character outside of Picard and Crusher is Dr. Carter Greyhorse. I find his story to be heart wrenching. He is a damaged individual who is trying to redeem himself in the best way he can.

This book is written like a good television episode. There is a bit of jumping around and some early stage-setting flashbacks. It is, however, ultimately a  small personal novel, not an epic. If you like that in your books, or are interested in any of its themes, I highly recommend it. Of course, being a Star Trek fan may be a prerequisite.

I enjoyed the book a great deal. I give it a 4 of 5.

star trek, reviews, books

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