Two Absence Drabbles

Mar 05, 2007 13:10

Title Kodak Moments
Prompt Absence
Timeline Angel Season 5

He found the camera while getting her things together to give Anne. A whole lifetime fit into a few boxes. Was one of those disposable ones that she used to keep in her desk. He developed the pictures, forced himself to look.

Pictures of her apartment, her Jeep, her clothes, showing off her material possessions from the great beyond. But after the first twenty were four that stood out. Wes, him, her. Wes, Gunn, him, her. Wes, Gunn, Fred, him, her. Wes, Gunn, Fred, baby Connor, him, her. He put the first three on his desk and destroyed the last.


Title Jessica Cosby’s Day Off
Prompt Absence

“Cosby? Cosby?”

Buffy’s head snapped up when she heard the name called. Jessica Cosby wouldn’t be coming in today. Wouldn’t be here for the big test. Wouldn’t be coming to school ever again. Last night Buffy had put a stake in Jessica’s chest and watched her turn to dust.

The quiet girl that always sat in the corner, doodling on her notebook, had tried to rip Buffy’s arm out of the socket and beat her with it. Peril of living on the Hellmouth, classmates quickly became enemies.

Getting dusted, hell of a way to get out of a pop quiz.
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