Aug 21, 2010 19:05

We've had a ton of new members join during Spotlight Week, so to you all we want to say

We've put together a community overview post to make finding everything a bit easier!

SPNP party was created by ohnotheydidnt users as a place to have fun with the show (and post gifs. We love gifs!) We post mainly news, spoilers, and show-related articles here; in-season we have discussion posts for live viewers; off-season we have movie parties and episode rewatches to pass the weeks. That's SPNP in a nutshell!

We have a list of GENERAL RULES and a FAQ that we ask everyone to read, which includes our SPOILER POLICY.
    The general rules for spoilers are:
  • Comments with spoilers belong in posts tagged SPOILERS (S6) only.
  • When posting, any information about unaired episodes belong behind a cut.
All members are welcome to post! If you're interested, please read over our POSTING RULES and GUIDELINES first.

We don't allow actor GOSSIP and we ask members to keep SHIPPING to a minimum. We like to discuss the show here without all the wank associated with those two things! Also, we're a no fighting zone, so try not overreact over differing opinions!

We're not rated for adult content, so try to avoid embedding explicit images in SPNP (in the form of icons as well!)

Here's an overview of some of the unique or regularly scheduled posts you'll find here:
  • FREE-FOR-ALLS: a weekly post where you're not restricted to talking about SPN--it does have a few rules, though!
  • EPISODE REWATCHES: just what they sound like! all the information you need can be found in the Summer Schedule post.
  • FRIENDING MEMES: we post these occasionally as ways of getting to know each other better! currently scheduled memes can be found in the Summer Schedule post.
  • SPOILERPOST: a regularly-updated post with all the known S6 spoilers in one place!

If you ever need to CONTACT THE MODS for any reason, leave us a comment HERE!

This should cover the basics, but we ask you to please read over the FAQ and INFO PAGE for all the information you need! And most importantly, HAVE FUN!


1. 'Official content' posts will no longer have the spoilertext rule. For those who were with us last season, we want to let you know that this season, "official content" posts (promos/stills/descriptions) will no longer have the spoilertext rule. All posts here will either be spoiler-friendly or spoiler-free (as denoted by the tags), and the only time spoilertext will be required is:
  • if you need to comment with a spoiler in a spoiler-free post.
  • if you want to post a spoiler for another show/movie/etc.
  • if a convention round-up post asks you to use it (usually if the spoiler content is light.)
This change has been reflected in the FAQ, and you can find the coding for spoilertext there as well.

2. Please try not to post so many ''Where's Cas?!'' comments this season! (we're begging you!)This next part is mostly meant for commenters in spoiler posts, though it will extend to viewing posts and the like when those return. IN EFFECT NOW.

We've had several members request this rule and after last season, we think it's a good idea:
We'd like to ask members to forgo posting "Where's Cas?!" and "Moar Cas!" comments in favor of actually discussing the content of the posts where his character does not appear. We hate having to single those out, but people who were with us last season probably remember how those comments reached spam-levels and never really had anything to do with what was in the posts. Seeing how we already know that Castiel will not be in every episode this season (check the spoilerpost to see which episode he is expected to return in) and that likely means a lot of Castiel-less spoiler posts, we thought we should nip this in the bud so it doesn't reach spam-levels again in the new season. Thanks!

ETA: This rule will be applied to all characters for the upcoming season. These questions of "Where is (so and so)?" can happen in massive amounts, and we're trying to decrease the amount, because it is classified as spam and can clutter a good number of pages in a post. (Keep in mind, this is mainly for episode discussions.)

3. Clarifications on our 'Shipping Lite' rule.As there seems to have been some confusion lately as to our "Shipping Lite" rule, we tried to outline a little better what we're aiming for with that:
There is no set number of shippy comments allowed per post or per user, seeing how posts are so varied and it's impossible to enforce such a thing. As it is now, we generally leave the comments alone unless:
  • the shippy comment is randomly off-topic to the post.
  • there are a lot of shippy comments showing up in one post. (In general, say more than 2 threads [for all ships] per page, but that may depend on the content of the post.)
  • too many are being left by a single member.
  • we feel manipped images, art, or wording may be uncomfortable to users who are just here for the show.
It's subjective, we know, but there's really no formulaic way to do this short of banning the comments entirely. So this is the best we can do as far as guidelines for posting shippy stuff:
  • If your sole desire in joining an SPN comm is discuss/spam your ship, this is not the place for you. SPNP is a gen comm, about the show. There are communities dedicated to different ships, so please go to them for serious shipping purposes.
  • Lulzy ship comments are a lot less likely to be screened than serious ones about fanon pairings (assuming none of the conditions listed above are in play.)
  • If another thread already says what you were going to say (in a shipping sense), just reply to that one. It makes fewer threads for those not interested to scroll past.
  • Unmanipped screencaps/gifs/photos that have two characters are fine to post, as is discussing canon events. Just don't weave it into fanfic in such a way that breaks condition 4 above.
  • Strikethrough comments still count!

Hopefully this makes it a bit clearer. Please know that the mods aren't actively trying to ruin your fun, sitting here with banhammers and ready to kick out half the comm. We have scrollbars same as everyone, and unless it's happening enough for us to notice, is causing wank or we receive a complaint, we're not going to make a big deal of it. If it reaches that point, we will screen/delete as required and issue warnings when necessary.


4. If you have a concern about posted content, alert the mods.If you have a concern that there are too many shipper threads in a post or that ANY comment is inappropriate for the community, CONTACT THE MODS WITH A LINK. All messages to us will be kept private. Please do not get confrontational and jump into another member's thread, because whether intended or not, it often comes out as wank-bait and that is against our rules as well. We prefer that matters be handled privately to avoid the drama.

We've also added a section to our FAQ concerning disagreements of opinion at SPNP. It's pretty much the same stuff we've asked since the community started, but we'd like you to take a look at it (again).

Whew, that got longer than we expected. O.O

If anyone has questions, leave us a reply here or at our contact post! Don't be afraid to ask; all comments are screened!

And new members, don’t miss out on tomorrow night’s Sunday night Free-For-All, starting at 7:30pm EST!

And remember, the mods here at SPNP are a_way_of_sin, bellevue, gypsy_sunday, jecelli, and thisheartbeat!

!mod stuff, !community bsns

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