Spoiler Policy & FAQ

Sep 21, 2009 19:42

Here you can find information on our Spoiler Policy and some Frequently Asked Questions. (...they're really not asked all that frequently. But that's what you're supposed to call these things, right?)

As far as spoilers go, the general rule is:

For more information, please read through the questions below.

What are spoilers?
How do I know if a post contains spoilers?
Do I ever need to cover spoilers with html coding ("spoilertext")?
FOR POSTERS: My post has spoilers in it. What do I need to know before posting?
What do I do if I come across a spoiler in a non-spoiler post?

Why was this community created?
Where can I find more info on the show?
Are you accepting community affiliates? Can I pimp my comm here?
Why was my membership request rejected?
Why is posting moderated?

What kinds of posts are allowed at ontd_spnparty?
What are the rules for posting?
Do I need to use the "Adult Content" filter when making a post?

What are the general rules for commenters?
What's with the "no gossip" rule?
Why the "shipping-lite" rule?
Can I get all serious business if people say something I don't agree with?
Can I post off-topic comments?

What happens on New Episode Fridays?
     [topics: episode pre-parties, episode discussion posts, episode link posts]
Where can I find the most recently aired episodes online? Can I post links anywhere?
     [topics: link posts, crossroads exchange posts]
What are FFA/party posts? Are there any rules for them?
What's with the Episode Rewatches and Movie Nights?

What's the chatroom for?


What are spoilers?
Any information about or media (stills/gifs/videos) from an unaired episode.

EDIT [7/16/10]:
For the summer between S5 and S6, it's going to be assumed everyone knows that Jared, Jensen, Misha and Jim are returning and those names being posted in regards to the new season is NOT a spoiler.

However, the extent to which Misha and Jim are involved in the new season and which episodes they will appear in are spoilers, so give that information the appropriate warnings.

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How do I know if a post contains spoilers?
If the post uses the spoilers (s6) tag.

Please try to keep discussions of spoilers in spoiler posts only, but if you MUST post one in a spoiler-free post, use spoilertext. ([TEXT HERE])

The community also has a Spoiler Compilation Post that will be updated as new posts come in. If you ever need a quick link to it, click the SPOILERPOST link on the main page.

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Do I ever need to cover spoilers with html coding ("spoilertext")?
The only time you need to cover spoilers are in the following conditions:
- if you need to comment with a spoiler in a spoiler-free post.
- if you want to post a spoiler for another show/movie/etc.
- if a convention summary post asks you to use it (usually if the spoiler content is light.)
The code to use is:
    [TEXT HERE] which has [this effect], or

    TEXT HERE which has this effectNOTE: During Season 5 we implemented a "spoilertext" rule for posts with "official" show content (promos/stills/descriptions), but that will NOT be in effect for Season 6. All posts will either be "spoiler-free" or "spoiler-friendly" as denoted by the tags.

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    For posters of spoiler posts:
    Keep the spoilers behind a cut and put a warning on the post.

    For the sake of people that can't watch the show at first airing, details, images, and gifs from a newly aired episode should remain behind a cut for 2 days (48 hours)* after the episode originally airs in the U.S. (so, 9pm EST on Sunday. if you need to check for the hour in your time zone, look for your country here.)


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    What to do if you come across a spoiler in a non-spoiler post:
    Please provide a link to the mods so we can screen it. We won't freak out at anyone for letting a spoiler slip...just as long as it doesn't become a habit!

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    Why was this community created?
    So the Supernatural fans at ohnotheydidnt could have a place to be silly, gifspammy, and keep up-to-date with news without bugging the other ONTD members. You can find the exact reason for ontd_spnparty's creation in our community deflowering post!

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    I've never acually watched Supernatural, but you've seduced me with your relentless useage of gifs and picspams on ONTD. Where can I find more info on the show?
    Wikipedia, of course. Now start watching and join in on the fun! TNT's showing reruns now, you know!

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    Are you accepting community affiliates? Can I pimp my comm here?
    Affiliates: Not at this time.

    Pimping: You may advertise your comm in the comments of FFA posts, but please do not spam or harass members to join, for if it appears that's the only reason you're here you may be removed from SPNP. Also, remain respectful of the " No gossip" and " Shipping-lite" rules when it comes to the nature of the comm you want to pimp.

    Community links that come up in casual discussions here will likely not be removed, as long as they aren't being spammed and follow the same above-mentioned rules.

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    Why was my membership request rejected?
    It's most likely because your account looks like it could be a sock account (brand new, no posts, no comments, no friends, and/or minimal userinfo). It's a rule we brought over from ONTD proper, and is there to protect the community in case any are sockpuppets or were created for online trolling purposes. If your account was rejected you are welcome to reapply to join, but we do check stats so please make sure you show a little more activity on your journal first.

    We also don't permit role-playing accounts (just be yourself, yo.) If you're a regular poster and switch to a new journal, please inform the mods before deleting your old account so we don't reject your new one.

    There are also ways you can keep up-to-date without/before joining: LJ members can track new posts via email or add the comm to appear on your friends list; anyone can follow @ontd_spnparty on twitter or subscribe to our RSS feed. Almost all posts here that don't involve links to media are public and viewable by anyone.

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    Why is posting moderated?
    To make sure all posts are relevant to the community's interests, and to ensure spoilers don't sneak through on the front page.

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    What kinds of posts are allowed at ontd_spnparty?
    Posts should follow in the vein of those permitted at ohnotheydidnt (that is, "newsworthy" information). However, we're fine with letting smaller bits of information pertaining to the show through.

    Generally, we're interested in:
  • Official promotional media (stills/promos/clips/etc.)
  • News pertaining to the show, cast or crew. (If the actor/actress is not involved in the show's current season, please only post here if the news somehow involves SPN. The exception: Sir is always on topic! ;) )
  • Show spoilers (tag these posts appropriately!)
  • Interviews with the cast or crew.
  • Convention information. (Please read the next list for the personal report exception!)
  • Interesting information from cast and crew members' public social networking outlets.
  • Music and media featured in the show (make any posts with links protected as MEMBERS ONLY!)
  • Relevant publications on other sites (including articles, polls and inclusions on lists, though we may be selective on what we let through. For instance: we may limit the number of posts dedicated to a single poll; reject list posts where SPN is an extremely short mention in a long list, in favor of SPN-centric ones or where SPN's entry has a bit more substance to it; and we prefer opinionated pieces to come from more general news sites than ones dedicated solely to Supernatural.)

  • and other information of this nature.

    We generally do not allow:
  • Fanfic, fanart, fanvids, or any fandom-based works.
  • Fan reviews or meta posts.
  • Community pimping posts.
  • Old news/media.
  • Picspams or gifspams (that's what FFA posts are for!)
  • Posts about the actors based on gossip, including Ted Casablanca/blind item posts. ( Why?)
  • Information and media that originated from private sources and was leaked (as far as you or we know about it, anyway).
  • Personal reports from conventions - UNLESS your submission contains unposted spoilers or show/actor news, or if there is no convention summary post!
      [We try to create convention round-up posts for the major cons (where livetweets and fan reports are archived for easier browsing). If you'd like your images/report to be included, please either PM a_way_of_sin or leave a comment here with your link. You're also welcome to share your link or photos in the comments of the most recent related convention post or in any FFA!]

  • You can also get an idea by browsing old posts or checking out the tag list. If you're not sure about a post you'd like to submit, either ask the mods first (especially if it's something that will take you a long time to put together), or just submit it and see.

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    What are the rules for posting?
    Rules for posting include:
  • No hotlinking. (What is hotlinking?) Suggested free sites: imageshack.us, imgur.com, Tinypic, your LJ scrapbook or any similar.
  • Keep images larger than 600x600 behind a cut. (Basic coding for cuts: ).
  • ALL spoilers belong behind cuts. (Also be aware of our two day policy regarding just-aired episodes.)
  • Include a link back to the source when applicable.
  • Please add a title to your post for the twitter feed to pick up on.

  • If a post you submit is rejected, your rejection notice email will contain an explanation as to why. If the problem lies in one of the aforementioned rules or a coding fail, we will ask you to resubmit your post. (If someone submits the same information before you resubmit, however, theirs will be accepted.)

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    Do I need to use the "Adult Content" filter when making a post?
    Unless Supernatural suddenly makes the jump to HBO, not much of what is posted here will need to be Adult or Explicit rated. However, if your post contains extreeeemely strong language (as in make-your-grandma-blush strong) or is likely to draw about questionable gifs in response ( Misha's "Nudes", anyone?), setting the rating to Adult would probably be best. Just to be safe.

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    What are the general rules for commenting?
    To keep things as fun and drama-free as possible:
    • No "FIRST!" comments.
    • Limit 3 gifs per comment.
    • Keep spoiler comments in spoiler posts.
    • Links to downloads belong in MEMBERS ONLY posts only.
    • Don't post fanfic, and keep serious fanart to a minimum here.
    • Avoid embedding sexually explicit images/icons in SPNP (since we're not rated for adult content!)
    • Please don't spam out posts with "Needs moar _____" comments. :[ Most that are left tend to be off-topic to the actual content of posts and occur in spam-level quantities across the comment pages, so if threads already exist with those sentiments, try to reply there instead of making new threads!
    • No personal attacks (against members OR cast/crew), racist/discriminatory comments, spamming, trolling or wank-baiting.
    • Look over our ' No gossip,' ' Shipping lite' and ' No drama' rules!

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    What's with the "no gossip" rule?
    If there's one thing the internet isn't short on, it's communities for speculation about Certain Aspects of the Supernatural actors' and actresses' personal lives (and I think you know what we mean!) But ontd_spnparty is show-oriented first, so when it comes to their personal lives please only post or comment with things that are officially released or confirmed.

    This includes photographs/information that (as far as you know) have been leaked from private accounts. If we see any that we know were leaked (i.e. the wedding photos), we'll have to screen them.


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    Why the "shipping-lite" rule?
    This rule doesn't mean you can't discuss your pairing at all, but please keep in mind that this community is about the show first, and that not everybody is into the same fandom-based ships or even ships at all. There are tons of places available to go crazy about your pairings, so try to relax a bit about it here so we never turn into one of those patented Supernatural Fan War Zones or become an uncomfortable place for fans who aren't into that.

    If you would like further clarifications on what we feel is an acceptable amount for a gen comm, please read this guideline we created as a result of confusion over this rule. Please note that you won't get banned just for discussing shippy stuff. If we ever feel it's becoming excessive, a mod will let you know or issue a warning.

    One thing we do we ask that you save all of your more--er, graphic pairing-related comments and shopped/edited/illustrated images for your personal journal or for communities made for shipping. A lot of shippers don't even want to see that stuff!


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    Can I get all serious business if people say something I don't agree with?
    SPNP is meant to be a fun and silly comm, but in the past we've had some issues with members arguing over differing opinions, mainly over characters. Here's our take on that at this time:
    Just because someone has a negative opinion on a character you like, there's no need to take that personally. Like with everything in life, not everyone is going to like what you like, and there's really no need for fighting over fictional characters.

    In the same regard, just because you don't like a character, please keep in mind that that character likely does have fans here who might not want to hear constant negativity. Try to be respectful of those members in what you choose to say. (And generalizing comments that hate on a character's fans are never okay. That has nothing to do with the show, so we don't want to hear it.)

    This also extends to things like spoilers, plotlines, episodes, etc. Not everyone thinks everything about the show is perfect, and that's okay. Please don't suggest members are "not fans" because they feel this way, or write essays telling them why their opinions are wrong. We're not a debate forum!

    If you ever feel a comment is inappropriate or against the rules, please provide a link to the mods and we will decide how to proceed. We ask this because unpopular opinions don't always equal wank-bait, and efforts to self-police the comm sometimes can be construed as wank-bait. These matters are just better handled privately.

    Most of all, keep in mind that we're here to have FUN, not to wank over silly stuff like this. Scrolling past things you don't agree with is simple! And also don't forget that it's JUST A TV SHOW!

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    Can I post off-topic comments?
    We're pretty lenient about off-topic comments (I mean, you can't talk about Supernatural all the time, can you?), but try to at least make sure your o/t comments are somewhat entertaining to the rest of us. You have your personal journal for sharing super-personal stuff, and there's always the weekly FFA post where you can go as o/t as you want!

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    What happens on New Episode Fridays?
    This is the schedule for days with new episodes:

    6:00 pm EST:  Pre-party post* goes up. This is a spoiler-free FFA-type post where you can release some new-episode excitement!
    8:50 pm EST:  Episode Discussion post* goes up; the show starts at 9pm! This is where live viewers can discuss the episode as it airs (stream links are often posted in the comments) or members can discuss it after it ends. Do not post spoilers from not-yet-aired scenes.
    10:00pm EST:   Link post* goes up! This is where you can find DLs of the new episode, and it needs to remain spoiler-free for both upcoming episodes and the just-aired episode.
    10:??pm EST:  Usually a new episode promo goes up soon after the episode ends. Often conversations about the just-aired episode spill over here, but beware of spoilers in this post.
    * Mods will put the asterisked posts up. Anyone is welcome to submit the new episode promo!

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    Where can I find the most recently aired episodes online? Can I post links anywhere?
    Check the link tag after the episode has aired in the US. Please only post or ask for links in MEMBERS ONLY posts.

    This rule goes for links to downloads of other tv show episodes/movies/music/other media as well. If you want to share a DL link to something, you're welcome to post it on the most recent SPNP Crossroads Exchange post, and then link to that comment from a public post. Direct links in public posts will be screened.

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    What are FFA/party posts? Are there any rules for them?
    Free-for-all (FFA) posts give you a chance each week to go as off-topic as you want! Discussion can be about anything, but please make sure you follow these few rules:
  • No fighting.
  • No porn. (This is a CW show, not Playboy!)
  • No Supernatural spoilers (and please give warning if your comments include spoilers for other shows, recently released movies, books, etc. Be courteous of other members!)
  • No fanfic, or fanart that wasn't clearly created for lulz. (We know some of those serious manips can be unintentionally hilarious, but we're trying to remain a haven from serious-fandom! So stick with macros and crack gifs -- there's plenty of funny there!)
  • The normal comm rules regarding shipping and gossip are still in effect.

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    What's with the Episode Rewatches and Movie Nights?
    That was an experiment to get us through the winter hiatus that went over very well! We basically organize viewing parties within the community, and anyone who wants to join in is welcome to. On weeks with Rewatches/Movie Nights, a reminder/link post will go up a day or so prior to.

    All of these posts can be found under the "spnp does it better" tag. The current schedule can be found in the community homepage's header.

    Badges of honor, for those brave souls with the fortitude to make it through the movies we watch:

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    What's the chatroom for?
    We're currently between chatrooms. Please stand by!

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    If your question still hasn't been answered, please follow the link below and we'll get back to you. All comments are screened.

    ( Post a new comment)

    !mod stuff, #faq

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