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Comments 58

doverz August 13 2012, 16:52:21 UTC
Yeah, I really don't think a lot of Americans will even know about all the problems Romney has been facing in the media.


brother_dour August 13 2012, 17:36:44 UTC
Yeah, I don't understand why the GOP chose to make the far Right even happier when the far Right alone will not get Romney in the White House. I guess they figured McCain-Palin was TOO moderate (dumbasses).

We can only hope that this combo will fail miserably. Personally, I would love nothing more than to see the GOPs nose bloodied and humbled a bit by losing AGAIN because they insist on pandering to Right-wing nutjobs.


layweed August 13 2012, 17:53:26 UTC
Probably because the Right wasn't too thrilled about Romney to begin with, so picking Ryan consolidates the base. Of course, the moderate vote probably goes out the window, or they think Romney is "moderate" and already has that vote down.


maladaptive August 13 2012, 18:24:40 UTC
But who else would the far right vote for? A lot of them are every bit as constrained by "no better option/least evil" as liberals are with Obama. And, I note with some bitterness, unhappy conservatives are waaaaay better at voting en masse than unhappy liberals are.

The Republicans have hardcore conservatives in the bag. Do they really need to pander to them? I mean, does the far right actually stay home because of voter apathy? I haven't seen such a trend, but I also don't watch as carefully as some other political folks do.


amyura August 13 2012, 23:11:54 UTC
And, I note with some bitterness, unhappy conservatives are waaaaay better at voting en masse than unhappy liberals are.

Agreed. Too many Nader votes ended up tipping 2000 to Bush (with more than a little help from his cronies in Florida and the Supreme Court, of course). And I know far too many liberals, many not even as liberal as I am, who insist that it's a more responsible choice to vote for obscure third-party candidates (I'm not even talking the Greens) if that's whom their views line up with.

When push comes to shove, the hardcore tinfoil hat wearing libertarians, the Christian Dominionist fundamentalists, and the rank and file Republicans will all vote for Romney. Can't say the same about analogous groups on the left.


brucelynn August 13 2012, 17:38:37 UTC
HmmT either they are really batshit or they know they are going to lose and they are trying to set up 2016 for Ryan.

I really have no idea what is happening lol it's a bunch of craziness.

He pretty much just lost the latino, women, elderly, and independent votes tbh.


amyura August 13 2012, 23:13:25 UTC
And some of those are precisely the groups that the "voter fraud prevention" drives going on in places like Florida are going to disenfranchise. I think the Republicans know that they only way they win in most places is to make sure that it's predominantly older white guys voting.


brucelynn August 13 2012, 23:18:36 UTC
Yeah it is so ridiculous what they are doing right now

The only voter "fraud" is the diebold bullshit tbh


mindrtist August 14 2012, 05:55:38 UTC
it's true, they only way they can win is by cheating... they did it in 2000 and 2004


honeyspun August 13 2012, 17:49:41 UTC
damn, you know something's seriously rank when it doesn't even meet catholic moral critera


fornikate August 13 2012, 18:29:12 UTC


tsu_ August 13 2012, 18:33:25 UTC
mte. how low can you go?


redstar826 August 13 2012, 19:03:45 UTC
the Catholic Church has had a long history of caring about poverty, workers rights, stuff like that. In some ways, they are better than the Protestants because of Catholic Church's history in the US of being the church of recent immigrants and working class people. They tend to be pretty decent when you get them away from gender/sexuality/reproduction issues.


atomic_joe2 August 13 2012, 18:42:21 UTC
Pandering to the Tea Party innit and by proxy Fox News and whatever uncle Rupert Murdoch feels like this morning. The Tea Party want to take America back. Backwards it seems. Back to some imagined past that didn't really exist in the first place.

I wonder how many of them have actually been outside the United States. Hawaii doesn't count.


sassalicious August 14 2012, 06:32:17 UTC
*all inclusive resorts in the tropics don't count


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