Wow, you go, Mayor Bloomberg!

Feb 02, 2012 13:32

Bloomberg to Give $250,000 to Planned ParenthoodMayor Michael R. Bloomberg, responding to the controversy over a breast cancer advocacy group that cut off most of its grants to Planned Parenthood for breast cancer screening, said on Thursday that he would make up a large part of the missing money.

Mr. Bloomberg, a billionaire with a long-term ( Read more... )

donations, reproductive rights, planned parenthood

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Comments 57

sihaya09 February 2 2012, 21:04:28 UTC


(The comment has been removed)

13chapters February 2 2012, 21:19:32 UTC
just donated another $10. :D (I'd give a little more, but I already donated $20 to a peace corps partnership project today.)

feeling pretty good about being able to help out a little. :D


cuterabbit33 February 2 2012, 21:08:41 UTC
“Politics have no place in health care,” he said in a statement.

I reread that three times to make sure I read it correctly, since it's so rare to see common sense like this. A politician actually said this? Be still my beating heart!


dncingmalkavian February 2 2012, 21:50:08 UTC
I know, right?


mirhanda February 2 2012, 22:25:46 UTC
Why isn't THIS guy running for president?


thepuddingcook February 2 2012, 22:50:50 UTC
Ehhhhhh really this is the first awesome thing Bloomberg has done that I remember. His administration of the public school system is horrible and he is really concerned with making new york city a playground for millionaires and to hell with the rest of us.


darsynia February 2 2012, 21:34:37 UTC
That's SO awesome, especially since he's currently a Republican (though I'm sure someone will spin this as 'but he USED to be a Democrat, so this just shows all the libruls want to abort all the babies' or some stupid crap). It will do PP good to have a high profile Republican pointing out that women's health shouldn't be politicized, even though it already is.


mountain_hiker February 2 2012, 21:38:40 UTC
I really think he's just a RINO. A lot of time it seems like moderate Dems switch parties because they identify more with being fiscally conservative even though they are socially liberal. That's what happened years ago with Ben "Nighthorse" Campbell, a senator from my home state of CO. He switched parties, but I voted for him a couple of times before he retired because he continued to be socially liberal.

Just my 2¢.


darsynia February 2 2012, 21:41:29 UTC
Oh I totally agree, but I guess what I wanted to say was that any chink in the Republican 'I like to put air quotes around women's health' armor is good, heh.


etherealtsuki February 2 2012, 21:43:18 UTC
Actually he's a Independent now. But it's not really unsurprising to find a pro-choice GOP in the Northeastern big cities. It sorta gets you elected around these parts.

But make no mistake, the guy's a dick.


etherealtsuki February 2 2012, 21:38:21 UTC
While this is great and all, watch as he will shit over it the next couple of weeks or so.

That's my mayor, folks!


mountain_hiker February 2 2012, 21:39:03 UTC
Argh, I hope not. :/


etherealtsuki February 2 2012, 21:47:31 UTC
I don't think he will rescind the donation but the guy isn't very socially liberal as he put himself as. He lives in a staunchly socially liberal city that being anti-woman and anti-gay don't get you elected to a big office.

I can a feeling he will be shitting over POCs soon. It never fails.


mirhanda February 2 2012, 22:27:59 UTC
Oh dang. I take back my previous comment. Oh well, even if he's a jerk overall, this donation was a good thing to do.


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