Wow, you go, Mayor Bloomberg!

Feb 02, 2012 13:32

Bloomberg to Give $250,000 to Planned ParenthoodMayor Michael R. Bloomberg, responding to the controversy over a breast cancer advocacy group that cut off most of its grants to Planned Parenthood for breast cancer screening, said on Thursday that he would make up a large part of the missing money.

Mr. Bloomberg, a billionaire with a long-term ( Read more... )

donations, reproductive rights, planned parenthood

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Comments 57

dncingmalkavian February 2 2012, 21:50:30 UTC
This pleases me very, very much.


smilingskull February 2 2012, 21:55:08 UTC
I had to read the headline like 3 times to make sure that it was indeed Bloomberg that had done this. I'm surprised, but hey, not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth.


bnmc2005 February 2 2012, 22:08:38 UTC
Well, one thing good thing to come out of all this is the backlash and the positive publicity PP is getting- that and the $$$$. These kinds of stories give me hope for humanity.


(The comment has been removed)

serendipity_15 February 2 2012, 22:59:51 UTC

I hope more high profile people resign in protest and leave SGK as just a shell. I also hope that the Connecticut affiliate continues to work with Planned Parenthood, it would be a wonderful "fuck you" to the national headquarters.


bnmc2005 February 2 2012, 23:01:09 UTC
I will add to the earlier post below this one.


celtic_thistle February 3 2012, 00:37:15 UTC


anjak_j February 2 2012, 22:48:18 UTC
Bloomberg is a douchebag, however I have to agree with the sentiment - “Politics have no place in health care..." He's right - healthcare would be so much better in the US if the politicians kept themselves out of it and didn't use it as a political football to boot.

And I'm glad that a high-profile politician is putting his weight behind this, even if he likely does have an ulterior motive for doing so. Probably making himself look good as he shits on another disadvantaged group.


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