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Comments 79

trendreject January 12 2012, 21:07:28 UTC
I am so outraged by this story that I can not even find the words to sum up my feelings. With the invention of social media I really wish there was a way the Military could screen these type of people out. If they are under 21 and have photos of themselves getting smashed on facebook or at any age bragging about drug usage, violence, etc. as their facebook status it should be held against them in a screening process to prevent these horrible assholes from getting any form of status or power.


erunamiryene January 12 2012, 21:17:30 UTC
This times eleventy billion.


___closetome January 12 2012, 23:59:42 UTC
If they are under 21 and have photos of themselves getting smashed on facebook or at any age bragging about drug usage, violence, etc. as their facebook status it should be held against them in a screening process to prevent these horrible assholes from getting any form of status or power.

If they did that they'd have to reject 90% of recruits lbr.


baked_goldfish January 13 2012, 00:51:37 UTC
The thing is, recruiters are already supposed to nix a potential recruit if they have a certain history or questionable tattoos (like ones that indicate they're white supremacists) or whatever. But recruiters are driven by numbers, because each branch's budgets are partially dictated by their enlistment rates, so a lot of recruiters will find ways around the various disqualifications already on the books. At least this was my experience with Army recruiters.

My bet is if the military instituted a "Check their FB" rule, the recruiters who found anything would simply say to the potential recruit, "Lock that shit so we can pretend I never saw it," and then the kid will still get in. I can't see it working without recruiter buy-in, and I can't see recruiter buy-in until they get rid of the "more recruits = more money" mentality.


beoweasel January 12 2012, 21:32:19 UTC
Pamela Geller said that she, "Loved these marines" and added, “Perhaps this is the infidel interpretation of the Islamic ritual of washing and preparing the body for burial.”

Though I guess I shouldn't be surprised, that woman is a hateful bigot.


sankaku_atama January 12 2012, 21:38:59 UTC
What a charming woman. What does she do, barbecue puppies for a finale?


ultra_obscene84 January 12 2012, 23:34:00 UTC
She also punches small children.


celtic_thistle January 13 2012, 00:41:13 UTC
That woman is a piece of shit.


angelus7988 January 12 2012, 21:37:33 UTC
"While we have not yet verified the origin or authenticity of this video, the actions portrayed are not consistent with our core values and are not indicative of the character of the Marines in our Corps."

Oh, of course it's indicative of the character of the Marines, and the military in general. The best way to train someone to kill and be killed for their country is to teach them that the people they're killing aren't people. Of course shit like this is going to happen when you dehumanize people. Why do you think sort of shit always happens? I swear, it's like spitting into the air, then wondering why it's raining.


erunamiryene January 12 2012, 21:54:54 UTC
Actually ... the Corps (I can't speak for the rest of the military) has been taking steps for some time to try to avoid that whole "dehumanizing" thing. Most of my classes prior to deployment focused on that very subject, that we weren't there to fuck up their homes or treat them like shit or be total assholes. We were taught culture, customs, courtesies, and it was made very clear that if you fucked up, you were going to pay greatly. My husband got the same kinds of classes before his year long deployment in 2006.

IDK, I guess it's just not really jiving with my 8 years in. Don't get me wrong, there are some severe assholes, but I feel like if so many were that far gone, PTSD wouldn't be such a big deal. /shrug

I feel I need to point out that I am not in any way excusing what these fuckheads did. I know quite a few people, myself included, that would like to give them a beatdown for this bullshit.


angelus7988 January 12 2012, 22:21:19 UTC
Thank you for the correction. I guess there's just a lot of asshole in the military.


erunamiryene January 12 2012, 22:26:12 UTC
There are. :/ It's like the police - same kind of institution attracts the same kinds of dicks. The Marines definitely have a lot (honestly, the misogyny is one of the big reasons I got out). Most of the ones I knew, though, would draw the line at something like this.


kitanabychoice January 12 2012, 21:37:47 UTC

... )


nikoel January 12 2012, 21:38:38 UTC
This just about put me off my lunch. Fucking hell.


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