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trendreject January 12 2012, 21:07:28 UTC
I am so outraged by this story that I can not even find the words to sum up my feelings. With the invention of social media I really wish there was a way the Military could screen these type of people out. If they are under 21 and have photos of themselves getting smashed on facebook or at any age bragging about drug usage, violence, etc. as their facebook status it should be held against them in a screening process to prevent these horrible assholes from getting any form of status or power.


erunamiryene January 12 2012, 21:17:30 UTC
This times eleventy billion.


___closetome January 12 2012, 23:59:42 UTC
If they are under 21 and have photos of themselves getting smashed on facebook or at any age bragging about drug usage, violence, etc. as their facebook status it should be held against them in a screening process to prevent these horrible assholes from getting any form of status or power.

If they did that they'd have to reject 90% of recruits lbr.


baked_goldfish January 13 2012, 00:51:37 UTC
The thing is, recruiters are already supposed to nix a potential recruit if they have a certain history or questionable tattoos (like ones that indicate they're white supremacists) or whatever. But recruiters are driven by numbers, because each branch's budgets are partially dictated by their enlistment rates, so a lot of recruiters will find ways around the various disqualifications already on the books. At least this was my experience with Army recruiters.

My bet is if the military instituted a "Check their FB" rule, the recruiters who found anything would simply say to the potential recruit, "Lock that shit so we can pretend I never saw it," and then the kid will still get in. I can't see it working without recruiter buy-in, and I can't see recruiter buy-in until they get rid of the "more recruits = more money" mentality.


romp January 13 2012, 01:54:51 UTC
I love the idea but I think that might be the end of recruitment.


roseofjuly January 13 2012, 06:05:07 UTC
It should come out in the psych screen - which is not just for psychological illness but also supposed to be to find people who are simply psychologically unsuitable for service, like the ones who say "I want to join the Army because I want to kill people." (I have heard people say this.) But it sometimes - often? - does not.


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