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Comments 61

rex_dart February 13 2011, 01:57:30 UTC
Rep. Ron Paul, R-Tex

I would give anything for this to read "Rep. Ron Paul, T-Rex".


blackjedii February 13 2011, 02:04:51 UTC
He'd have ~feathers~


notgarystu February 13 2011, 08:57:35 UTC
That is too badass. Unfortunately, it's unlikely that Tyrannosaurus wouldn't have had feathers due to its size. (Bigger size=less need for insulation.)


bludstone February 13 2011, 16:45:24 UTC
No no. Ron Paul is a dinosaur HUNTER in his off time.

See, I have proof. http://robrimes.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/dinopaul.jpg


baked_goldfish February 13 2011, 01:57:36 UTC
Mitt Romney won the previous two years, didn't he?


newantt February 13 2011, 02:15:18 UTC
He won 09, 08 and 07.


baked_goldfish February 13 2011, 02:30:19 UTC
Poor guy. He's like the guy everyone says is great to take home to mom and dad, but nobody actually wants to date him.


squid_ink February 13 2011, 02:33:16 UTC
LOL my parents would hate him


filbypott February 13 2011, 01:59:52 UTC
Ron Paul will never get anywhere because he doesn't have backing from the right-wing establishment, but Mitt Romney? He scares me.


txvoodoo February 13 2011, 02:31:38 UTC
The rank-and-file right-wing Christians don't trust Romney's Mormonism.


filbypott February 13 2011, 14:39:46 UTC
Yeah, but if he plays his cards right he could attract a lot of swing voters.


tmlforsyth February 13 2011, 03:20:08 UTC
Was he that horrible as Governor? He did veer far right in 2008, which really was upsetting as I considered him viable until he sold his integrity like John McCain did as early as 2001, really.

Well as Massachusetts Presidential candidates go, he's taller than Dukakis, better looking than Kerry, but impressions of him aren't as funny as they were of Paul Tsongas.


kitschaster February 13 2011, 02:01:34 UTC
Dang Sarah. You got beat by Bachmann. That's harsh.

That said, noooooooo Ron Paul, pls.


layweed February 13 2011, 02:20:11 UTC
But if their powers combine, they will have 7%


kitschaster February 13 2011, 03:39:06 UTC

... )


bowtomecha February 13 2011, 11:31:20 UTC
he needs to be at least half white to win the presidency and he's only 2/5ths. And one half of that is commie.


blackjedii February 13 2011, 02:03:01 UTC

I don't like Ron Paul; not the least of my last memory of him was when he went on Lawrence O'Donnell and instead of discussing the issues went on a tirade of "YOU PROMISED ME I WOULDN'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS. YOU LIED TO ME. YOU PRIMSED ME I WOULDN'T HAVE TO TALK ABOUT THAT SUBJECT. I WANT YOU TO KNOW YOU LIED TO ME." It was... less than ideal.


keithmex17 February 13 2011, 05:21:27 UTC

... )


star_maple February 13 2011, 07:45:59 UTC
Right-click, save.

I love that game so much.


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