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filbypott February 13 2011, 01:59:52 UTC
Ron Paul will never get anywhere because he doesn't have backing from the right-wing establishment, but Mitt Romney? He scares me.


txvoodoo February 13 2011, 02:31:38 UTC
The rank-and-file right-wing Christians don't trust Romney's Mormonism.


filbypott February 13 2011, 14:39:46 UTC
Yeah, but if he plays his cards right he could attract a lot of swing voters.


tmlforsyth February 13 2011, 03:20:08 UTC
Was he that horrible as Governor? He did veer far right in 2008, which really was upsetting as I considered him viable until he sold his integrity like John McCain did as early as 2001, really.

Well as Massachusetts Presidential candidates go, he's taller than Dukakis, better looking than Kerry, but impressions of him aren't as funny as they were of Paul Tsongas.


filbypott February 13 2011, 14:38:25 UTC
Thing about Mitt Romney as governor - he was vaguely moderate, a la Scott Brown, and his tenure wasn't a disaster. But that's because he'll do anything to please anyone as long as it gets him elected. He never HAD integrity, he just said what voters wanted to hear.

And as governor? He was barely ever here in Mass. He was constantly jetting around the country campaigning for president. Beacon Hill was just his stepping stone to the White House. And the whole fucking time, he kept talking about how Massachusetts should be more like fucking Utah.

Romney is a piece of shit. He's a blank slate who will adopt ANY political position if he thinks it'll bring him more power. He is the ultimate cynical politician.


tmlforsyth February 13 2011, 15:24:21 UTC
That is what I thought Romney was like. He always struck me as a phony. I also recall he was very unpopular when his term ended and Deval Patrick swept the state, though I know little about him, but he isn't making waves nationally.


filbypott February 13 2011, 17:09:37 UTC
Deval? He buddied up with Obama in the '08 elections but otherwise isn't making any waves. He's not an exceptional statesman, but he's not bad. No scandals or anything. Just an average politician.


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