Investigation Starting into Mormon Church and Mormon Congressmen Over Personal Use of US Diplomats

Dec 15, 2010 23:55

Salt Lake City, UT - The Mormon church has once again gotten its hands caught in the cookie jar. Political watchdogs are calling for an investigation into the Mormon Church as well as Mormon members of Congress for using US Diplomats to further their religious agenda ( Read more... )

mormonism, separation of church and state, switzerland, mormons, congress, harry reid, religion, fuckery, orrin hatch, foreign policy

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Comments 62

theartema December 16 2010, 10:44:25 UTC
Sounds like some bullshit to me, I'm glad there'll be an investigation. The Mormon Church continues to astound me with their invasive assholery. They're probably still posthumously baptizing Holocaust victims despite demands to stop, too.


theartema December 16 2010, 10:52:04 UTC
Also it's bs that they essentially got carte blanche to spread their religious beliefs on the dime of the American taxpayer. If a high-profile atheist tried to do this, oooooh the shit would hit the fan. And I say this as a Christian. :|


archon_mentha December 16 2010, 16:37:27 UTC
Wow. I'd never heard of the posthumous baptism before. That's a special level of douchery.


brewsternorth December 16 2010, 17:52:33 UTC
I think it's the main reason why the websites that will tell you if a person has died, and if so, where and when, are oftentimes run by Mormons.

And agreed, it is offensive.


deborahkla December 16 2010, 11:20:49 UTC
I just love the rather gothic names of several of these Mormon congressmen:

Hatch, Crapo, Flake, Buck, Heller, Chaffetz. Joseph Smith would be so proud.


tmlforsyth December 16 2010, 17:19:36 UTC
Twenty years ago, New Hampshire elected a Mormon Democrat to Congress, Dick Swett.


devil_ad_vocate December 16 2010, 17:58:36 UTC
I'm not gonna touch that... (trying to control inappropriate humor).


deborahkla December 18 2010, 15:12:40 UTC

Now that one tops them all without a doubt. :-D


spinnigold December 16 2010, 12:08:09 UTC
Is there something particularly magical about Switzerland that the Mormon Church feel they need a large number of missionaries for? Because dat place is TINY.
I guess they consider it particularly Godless or something.


rhodanum December 16 2010, 12:38:49 UTC
I suspect that it's less a case of them being especially interested in Switzerland and more a knee-jerk reaction out of having had their activity limited there. They would have probably reacted in a similar manner if these immigration restrictions been discussed in any country where they regularly send missionaries.

Because we certainly can't have national interest interfering with the Lord's work, now can we? -_-


blackjedii December 16 2010, 13:29:13 UTC
My bet?

$$$$ or possibly Swiss banks.

But mostly $$$$$


devil_ad_vocate December 16 2010, 18:00:39 UTC
Can you see those missionaries peddling their bikes up and down mountains? Maybe the LDS church is planning to enter "Team Moroni" in the Tour de France!


rhodanum December 16 2010, 12:51:12 UTC
I have to say that I love the Swiss ambassador's letter! Such an eloquent and highly polite way of effectively telling them that they're barking up the wrong tree! XD


carmy_w December 16 2010, 16:11:38 UTC
As well as pointing out the fallacies in their arguments!


keeni84 December 16 2010, 13:02:01 UTC
Like we need to spread another racist and sexist religion.


estella7 December 16 2010, 15:54:39 UTC
Don't forget homophobic!


popehippo December 16 2010, 16:02:34 UTC
Whaaaaaat, it's not racist because they think POC are the child of SATAN! IT'S JUST THEIR BELIEFS, M'KAY.


cyranothe2nd December 16 2010, 21:15:07 UTC
And we all know that ~personal beliefs~ are sacrosanct and should never be called wrong.


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