Lebanon and Israel forces involved in border clash

Aug 03, 2010 15:06

Lebanese and Israeli soldiers have exchanged fire along their shared border, with each reporting casualties.

Unnamed Lebanese officials say soldiers opened fire at Israeli troops who crossed into Lebanon. They say at least two Lebanese soldiers were killed.

The Israeli army said its soldiers had been hit on its side of the border, with at least ( Read more... )

israel, lebanon

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Comments 11

luomo August 3 2010, 13:21:20 UTC
Unnamed Lebanese officials say soldiers opened fire at Israeli troops who crossed into Lebanon.

"The soldiers were on routine activity in Israeli territory, in an area that lies between the "blue line" (the internationally recognised border between Israel and Lebanon) and the security fence, thus within Israeli territory," the IDF said in a statement.

who to believe, unnamed lebanese officials, or the IDF?


zoram August 3 2010, 14:07:06 UTC
Ah, yes. The ever trustworthy and unbiased IDF.


dragoon1940 August 3 2010, 14:54:39 UTC
Oh, I'm sure we can all trust the IDF.

Oh wait, no we can't.


hazel_belle August 3 2010, 15:54:48 UTC
So with the tensions these two nations already have, it was brought to bullets over a tree basically? The poor tree did nothing but grow there.


camila12j August 3 2010, 17:33:00 UTC
oh god not again :(


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