Lebanon and Israel forces involved in border clash

Aug 03, 2010 15:06

Lebanese and Israeli soldiers have exchanged fire along their shared border, with each reporting casualties.

Unnamed Lebanese officials say soldiers opened fire at Israeli troops who crossed into Lebanon. They say at least two Lebanese soldiers were killed.

The Israeli army said its soldiers had been hit on its side of the border, with at least two hurt.

The border has been relatively quiet since a 2006 conflict between Israel and Lebanese Hezbollah militants.

The UN peacekeeping force stationed in southern Lebanon has urged both sides to show "maximum restraint" following the clash.

In a statement, Lebanon's Prime Minister Saad Hariri condemned Israeli "aggression" and said Lebanon's sovereignty had been violated.

The Israeli army said its forces where working on its side of the border when they received warnings to leave the area.

"The soldiers were on routine activity in Israeli territory, in an area that lies between the "blue line" (the internationally recognised border between Israel and Lebanon) and the security fence, thus within Israeli territory," the IDF said in a statement.

People in Lebanese army uniform then opened fire on the troops, wounding two of them, the army said.

The Lebanese army says it started firing after warning the Israeli soldiers not to uproot a tree blocking their view in the village of Adaysseh on the Lebanese side.

The exchange comes a day after rockets were fired at the Israeli resort of Eilat, with a stray rocket killing one in the nearby port of Aqaba in Jordan.


I was unable to find any more updates online, but Al-Jazeera News channel have reported that three Lebanese soldiers have been killed, four injured and one civilian -working for a local news station- has been critically injured. It is unclear what kind of causalities the IDF soldiers have suffered other than reported in this article.

israel, lebanon

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