Iran Update August 03-07, 2009

Aug 06, 2009 20:05

Still no word from Nico...what is going on? I see no new blog posts from him on Huffington Post not just Iran themed but nothing at all. Not since the 27th of July.

for now enjoy more of hijinks of Ahmadidn'tWin.

July 31-August 02, 2009 post | July 29-30, 2009 post | July 27-28 post | July 25-26, 2009 post | July 24, 2009 post | July 20-23, 2009 Week post | July 18-19, 2009 post | July 17, 2009 post | July 16, 2009 post | July 15, 2009 post | July 14, 2009 post | July 13, 2009 post | July 12, 2009 post | July 11, 2009 post | July 10, 2009 post | July 9, 2009 posts | July 8, 2009 post | July 7, 2009 post | July 6, 2009 post | July 5, 2009 post | July 4, 2009 post

Important Links

Iranian Justice

Iran Tube <- Vid hosting for Iran vids

Tehran Bureau: Ayatollah Watch <- List of the Ayatollahs and which side they are on

Anonymous Intelligence Collective <- Iran information collective Iran Mapping Project

Iran Human Rights Documentation Center <- Documenting the Human Rights Violations conducted by the Iranian Government (English and Farsi)

Paul Coelho blog <- Interview with the doctor that tried to save Neda's life.

Heritage Org
All a Twitter: How Social Networking Shaped Iran's Election Protests (July 20, 2009 - James Jay Carafano, Ph.D.)

More pictures of the Friday Prayers Protest
Vid of Friday Sermon Tehran Riots
Wikinews on Rafsanjani's speech

Juan Cole <- Guy who interviewed Nico | Rafsanjani's steps to resolve Iran's crisis | Friday's Sermon Fateful for Iran

Khandaniha <- Iranian site that has video of Friday's Sermon in 7 parts

What Bernard Kouchner REALLY said about Iran

More pictures of the Friday Prayers Protest
Tehran Bureau: Vid of Friday Sermon Tehran Riots
Iran.whyweprotest: Vid of Friday Sermon Protests
Wikinews on Rafsanjani's speech
HipHop show in Berlin, in solidarity with the protest movement in Iran
Amnesty International USA: Iranian Petition

Juan Cole <- Guy who interviewed Nico | Rafsanjani's steps to resolve Iran's crisis | Friday's Sermon Fateful for Iran

Khandaniha <- Iranian site that has video of Friday's Sermon in 7 parts

Dynamic Internet Technology <- "Attack the Cyberwalls!: The Internet Is the Pathway to Democracy in Places Like Iran"

Index of 500+ vids of Iranian protests

Rooz online - Eng

Iran protest flickr page

Youtube: peivel17 <- Green Wave channel

Global Day of Action in Stockholm Sweden, pics and vid | Sohrab's mother speaks to Tehran's city council

Youtube user: We Are Neda

Life Goes on in Tehran (a monthly photoblog)

Iran Election 2009 <- a new blog with information on Iran especially the Trials ran by Tony Allaway
My name is Tony Allaway and, having worked in turn on both English language Iranian newspapers (Kayhan International and Tehran Journal), I reported on the Iranian revolution, Iran-Iraq war and American hostage crisis (the only journalist there for all 444 days the crisis lasted)

Salon's real time coverage of the protests from June 16

Reporters without Borders Freedom Iran Violations List <- Updated with new reports when they happen

Views from the Occident <- research blog about Islam and militants? Very informative though. his Iran label posts

Pedestrian -
In Kahrizak, we had to Lick the Water

Iran Uprising Blogging...Latest Headlines! (August 08, 2009)


Revolution in Iran | Feel Good page <- music vid page

Robin Wright

A letter from an Iranian named Fayah idiomagic
"I love life. I love to laugh and be with my friends. There are so many books I want to read, movies I want to see, people I want to meet. I want to marry, to be a good wife and mother. I want to grow old with the people I love, to feel the sun on my face, to see the ocean, to travel.

My country is in a terrible state. People have no jobs. There is no money. People have no freedom. Women must hide themselves from the world, and we have no choices.

Our people--we are not terrorists. We hate terrorists. And that is what our government has become. They kill our people for no reason. They torture us in their prisons because we want freedom. They make our country look evil, they make our religion look evil.

We are fighting for our freedom, for our religion, for our country. If we do nothing while injustice abounds, we become unjust. We turn into the ones we hate.

I have to fight. I have to go back on the streets. I will make them kill me. I will join Neda, with my friends, and then maybe the world will hear us.

I never thought I would become a martyr, but it is needed. The more of us they kill, the smaller they become, the more strength the people will have. Maybe my death will mean nothing, but maybe it will buy my country freedom.

I am very sad that I will never be a mother, that I will never do the things I love, but I would rather die than do nothing and know that I am to blame for the tortures, the murder, the hatred.

Please tell the world how much we love life. That we are not terrorists. We just want to be free."

Keeping the Change | Flash Mobs: A New Twist on Solidarity With Iran by Maryam

Nite Owl's live translations of the Sermon

Pedestrian | July 17, 2009 Friday Sermon | Pictures & Stories | "I was there" | July 18, 2009 Now it is our turn | Unverified Reports <- Qom wants Khamenei to side with protesters

Tehran Bureau: Friday Prayers Update (July 17, 2009)

Peace With Iran <- Blog

Iranian Leftists Report of a female protester 'possibly' gang raped and murdered

Demotix <- The mighty photojournalism site Iran election page pictures of demostrations outside Iranian embassy in London

Mightier Than

ABC reporter jim sciutto's twitblog

LA Times - Babylon & Beyond First images to emerge of July 9, 2009 protests large crowd gets dispersed by teargass on July 9, 2009 protests | July 17, 2009 -> Iran: Human Rights Lawyer Shadi Sadr Arrested | Iran: In Video, anger boils over at Friday Sermon | IRAN: Full text of Rafsanjani's lengthy speech | July 18, 2009 - IRAN: U.S. addresses Tehran unrest in daily briefing | July 19, 2009 Egypt: Cleric backed by Iran charged in Egypt | IRAN: Iranian cleric sees a long-planned conspiracy in protests 18 Tir / 9 July forum thread <- lots of vids and first hand account by a protester in Iran Ex-Basij Founder's Blog being used to ID Basij - in Farsi

Ayatollah Watch <- Information on Ayatollahs

Ahmedi's takeover has been planned since 2004

Out the Basij

ID the Basiji

twit blog about how another Ayatollah has gone against the regime

Lara Setrakian - ABC News reporter's blog TEHRAN UNREST: "IT WAS NOTHING LESS THAN WAR. PRAY FOR US."

National Iranian American Council's Blog July 9, 2009 protest coverage <- vids and pics

NY Times - The Lede Blog July 9, 2009 protest coverage | Young election protester buried in Tehran <- a new Martyr

PERSIA.ORG "Struggle for a Free Iran" <- Has dedicated their front page to information on those who have been killed and detained
Iran Negah "Ezclusive views into Iranian politics & society"

University of Texas - Austin "Power of Protest: University experts condemn violence, but urge diplomacy toward Iran"

Keeping the Change | Keeping the Change FB | Nooroz News: Tehran's Morgues Reportedly Holds the Bodies of Hundreds of Dead Protesters July 15: Twitter Iran and more impressions from the front lines of the global media revolution

Mohsen Sazegara | explaining what to do and how to do the protests
1- where to go
2- how to do it
3- things to bring
4- what to do at nights
5- slogens to write
6- which marker to write with (green neon marker in this case)


Retweeters to watch
@LaraABCNews <- Reporter out of Dubai who's been in contact with Iranians
@Pray4FreeIran <- retweeter who spreads messages about Iran
@AustinHeap <- The genius behind ProxyHeap and Haystack (says that Node 1 is a go?)
@StopAdmedi <- twitter account for Mousavi supporters
@nicopitney <- I didn't know he had a twitter account
@Iran_Translator <- NiteOwl
@bistoon <- IRGC already actively hunt him b/c of student revolt in 1999 so I can rec him
@IranAnon <- Yes it is the Iranian Anonymous crowd
@niacouncil <- National Iranian-American Council
@iranhrdc <- Iran Human Rights Documenting Center
@EANewsFeed <- Enduring America news feed

Useful Resources

News: NIAC Insight | Kodoom
Translations: Google Translate | | Translate4Iran
Helping Iranians use the web: Haystack | Tor Project (English & Farsi) | (Farsi) Demonstrations: Facebook | sharearchy | WhyWeProtest
Activism: | National Iranian American Council

Mousavi's main website | Mousavi's backup/English | Mousavi's FB

Haystack's how you can help digg page
Haystack <- The all powerful proxy (still in testing) Want to help? Don't know anything techwise? Then donate some cash and keep this revolution going, you may just save someone(s) life! Haystack is needing donations! Donate Here.
Haystack Network wesbite | Haystack Twitter page | Haystack needs help! |Twitter | FB

Protest Advice
Brainstorm Ideas | Downloading/Uploading Vid programs
Torrent/dl list of videos showing police brutality in Iran
Blog that has links to LA Protest that 35-50,000 people turn out
the pictures

Want to know how the power check system in Iran works? The Wall Street Journal has an excellent graph.
Bearing Witness In Iran Weighs Heavily On Cohen: Roger Cohen on NPR
Voice of the Voiceless
YekIran <- Worldwide Protest Map
Wiki on 18th Tir Protests 1999
Wiki of Iranian Election Protests
Reporters Without Borders <- List of how many reporters are in prison in Iran

Sea of Green Radio <-an 'anon' Iran blog twitter radionomy anonymous Sea of Green radio
Eng Trans of Mousavi FB that has protest instructions and routes
mowjcamp <- Mousavi/Opposition website in Farsi

Nedanet Resource Page | hacktivists software tools
Downforeveryoneorjustme <- check websites to see if it's down | service uptime <- free remote website uptime monitoring designed to help you detect website downtime
Wiki: DNS Cache Poisoning
Paryvan wiki
VANISH: Self-Destructing Digital Data burned messages for spies the digital way
Steganography Solution Surveillance Self-Defense International <- 6 Ideas For Those Needing Defensive Technology to Protect Free Speech from Authoritarian Regimes and 4 Ways the Rest of Us Can Help

Mightier Than Iran: The Rooftop Project <- Site trying to find vids of the roof top shoutings for every single night since the protests began.
Iran News <- One Stop Source
for News/YouTube/Blog/Political Cartoon links about Iran's Election and the aftermath (massive library of information)
The Guardian's list of dead and detained
Voice of America News
Iran 360 <- Photojournalism site
Slate's stash of Iran political cartoons
Green cd hour long video from Iran <- Split up into nine parts on

Where is My <- List or/way of organizing world wide protests
Iran Human Rights
Human Rights Activists In Iran The Latest Update on the Detainees of July 9 and a List of 90 Confirmed in Prison Iran <- Nate Silver "the guru of statistics" input on the validity of the Iranian election outcome
Google News: Iran Election - 30, 700 articles in the past month

Austin for Iran <- Site for organizing protests in Austin Texas
Map of Tehran
Petition for the release of American-Iranian Kian Tajbakhsh

OnlyMehdi Youtube page <- Lots of vids on Iran
United 4 Iran <- Protest page | @united4iran
iran.whyweprotest best articles and links

Amnesty International
Reporters Uncensored | Reporters Uncensored Livestream

Share that vid <- Another vid site
Live Leak <- Another vid site
Massive Video Archive of Iran Protest Footage
USA SWAT Expert Advice - It might save their lives <- on Iran.whyweprotest forum
vid on How to use police tactics against a baton | more vids on youtube <- For Iranian's in self-defense
Vids of Ahmedinejad speech on July 16, 2009 in Mashaad


Live Blogs on Iran

The Guardian: July 17, 2009 - Iran Crisis Friday Prayers

Revolutionary Road... <- Live from Tehran UPDATES | Revolution Road FB | Twitter <- Has lots of twitpics of the Friday Sermon Protest | List of Killed, Arrested and Released as of July 22, 2009 <- There is an interactive slide that has pictures of some of the dead.

Andrew Sullivan's blog <- Political blog but he has a lot of coverage on iran. Andrew Sullivan's blog "Iran Erupts Again" Counter Targeting the Protesters Abbas Kiarostami's "10" <- Andrew Sullivan has a feature of exhibiting artists and music | Outing Iran: Marg bar <- The real meaning of Marg bar

Enduring America blog | Latest from Iran: July 18 A Victory Followed By....? | Latest from Iran: July 19 Breathing Space

Nico's Pitney's live blog on HuffPo <- The most excellent live blog out there. Has an absolute ton of information dating back the very first day. Filled with pictures and vids.

Week of July 27, 2009

Week of July 20, 2009 | Week of July 13, 2009 | July 10, 2009 | July 9, 2009 | July 8th | July 7th | July 6th | July 5th | July 3rd | July 2nd | July 1st | June 30th | June 29th | June 28th | June 27th | June 26th | June 25th | June 24th | June 22nd | June 21st | June 20th pt 2 | June 20th pt 1 | June 19th | June 18th | June 17th | June 16th | June 15th

NiteOwl's Green Briefs

NiteOwl's Green Briefs are compilations of news reports straight from Iranians.
Nite Owl's live translations of the Sermon |
Who is Who | Green Brief Pronouciation Guide

#48 (August 3-4, 2009 - Mordad 12-13, 1388) | #47 (August 2-3, 2009 - Mordad 11-12, 1388) | #46 (August 1, 2009 - Mordad 10, 1388) | #45 (July 31, 2009) | #44 (July 30, 2009) | #43 (July 29) | #42 (July 28, 2009) | #40-41 (July 26-27) | #39 (July 25) | #38 (July 24) | #37 (July 23) | #38 (July 24) | #39 (July 25)

Green Brief #36 (July 22) | Green Brief #35 (July 21) | Green Brief #34 (July 20) | #33 (July 19) | #30 (July 16) | #29 (July 15) | #28 (July 14) | #27 (July 13) | #26 (July 12) | #25 (July 11) | #24 (July 10) | #23 (July 9) | #22 (July 8) | #21 (July 7) | #20 (July 6) | #18-#19 (July 4-5) | #17 (July 3) | #16 (July 2) | #15 (July 1) | #14 (June 30) | #13 (June29) | #12 (June 28) | #11 (June 27) | #10 (June 26th) | #9 (June 25) | #8 (June 24) | #7 (June 23) | #6 (June 22) | #5 (June 21) | #4 (June 20 | #3 (June 19) | #2 (June 18) | #1 (June 17)

Newspaper Articles

The Guardian
Iran's dead and detained updated - August 07, 2009
Lost leaders (August 07, 2009 - Simon Tisdall)
Live Blog of Protests of Ahmadinejad's Inauguration (August 5, 2009 - Matthew Weaver
Challenges ahead for Ahmadinejad (Massoumeh Torfeh - August 06, 2009)
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad begins his second terms as Iran's president (Ian Black - August 05, 2009)
The players in Iran's political theatre are fluffing their lines (Ali Ansari - August 05, 2009)
Q&A: What next for Iran? (Ian Black - August 05, 2009)
Iran activist criticises UK over Ahmadinejad inauguration (Haroon Siddique - August 05, 2009)
Britain's decision to send its ambassador to the inauguration ceremony of the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has been criticised by an opposition activist whose husband was detained in the post-election crackdown.

The Guardian's List of Iranian Dead and Detained has been updated (August 05, 2009)
Ahmadinejad sworn in for second term amid walkouts and protests (August 05, 2009 - Lee Glendinning and Haroon Siddique)
Pictures of Ahmadinejad's swear in
Stars fill gaps at Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's swearing-in ceremony (Robert Tait - August 04, 2009)
So when a host of senior clerics and political luminaries announced they were boycotting Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's endorsement ceremony to protest against his disputed re-election, his aides decided that past indiscretions would be no barrier to filling the empty seats.

Among those present at yesterday's event was Dariush Farziayi, aka Amoo Pourang (Uncle Pourang), presenter of a popular children's TV phone-in programme recently pulled from the schedules after a young caller revealed live on air that his toy monkey was named Ahmadinejad.

Farziayi was among a group of celebrities invited to make up the numbers after leading officials and opposition figures, including former presidents Hashemi Rafsanjani and Mohammad Khatami, as well as relatives of the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, declined to attend.

At least one senior adviser to the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei - who endorsed Ahmadinejad for a second term - and Mir Hossein Mousavi, the leading reformist candidate who claims the June election was stolen from him, were also absent.

In their place was a non-political list of figures from the sporting and entertainment world, including Iran's national football team coach, Afshin Ghotbi, an Olympic gold medal-wining weightlifter nicknamed the "Iranian Hercules", Hossein Rezazadeh and several actors.

Iranian TV confirms three US hikers arrested for illegal entry (August 04, 2009 - AP)
A newscaster on state television claimed their case is being used by the west for propaganda against Iran and cast doubt on whether they were hikers who had lost their way, saying western media had also reported some of them were journalists.

The day I heckled Ahmadinejad (August 04, 2009 - Fariba Amini)
Iran: The power and the ignominy (August 04, 2009 - Editorial)
The supreme leader's endorsement of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for his second term as president yesterday was a diffident affair. The ceremony was not broadcast live on state television, and Iran's Arabic channel showed Ayatollah Ali Khamenei holding out an arm to keep the man he was endorsing at a distance. Instead of being allowed to kiss the hand of the man he had recently likened to his father, Mr Ahmadinejad had to be content with the supreme leader's shoulder.

The no-shows were more significant. This was the first time the ceremony was boycotted by previous presidents, Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and Mohammad Khatami. The opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi, Mehdi Karoubi and Hassan Khomeini, the grandson of the Islamic Republic's founder, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, also stayed away. Iran's state-run Press TV said that the leader of the three branches of government - the chiefs of parliament, the judiciary and the guardian council - all attended the ceremony, but the tree itself showed signs of wilting. Within hours there were fresh demonstrations at the two squares of Vali-e-Asr and Vanak in Tehran.

Iran's supreme leader backs Ahmadinejad (August 03, 2009 - Ian Black, Middle East editor and Saeed Kamali Dehghan in Tehran)
Time's running out for Obama in Iran (August 03, 2009 - Simon Tisdall)
Video of Khamenei's Approval of Ahmadinejad

Thiandian News
Iranian blogger tells of escape from Tehran (August 05, 2009 - Nadeem Sarwar and Sajjad Malik)

Huffington Post
Intelligence Director: Iran Covertly Supplying Arms To Taliban, CIA Closely Tracking Global Economic Crisis (Marcus Baram - August 06, 2009)
In another development that threatens to raise tensions in the region, Blair said that "Iran is covertly supplying arms to Afghan insurgents while publicly posing as supportive of the Afghan government." That includes the provision of small arms, mines, rocket-propelled grenades, rockets, mortars and plastic explosives. Ironically, Blair also noted that Iran has been assisting Afghanistan with developing their security capabilities through the "construction of border security facilities."

The Geopolitics of Facebook (August 06, 2009 - John Feffer)
Patrick Disney: When all you have is a hammer, every Iran problem looks like a nail (August 07, 2009 - Patrick Disney)
Iran Forced Confessions Discussed By Former Prisoners (August 07, 2009 - SCHEHEREZADE FARAMARZI)
Obama's big Mideast Push (August 07, 2009 - Eric Margolis)
Liz Cheney Hopes We Don't Have to "Roast a Few Marsh-Mullahs" in Iran (August 07, 2009 - Chris Kelly)
Iran: Americans' Arrest Can Not Be Confirmed Or Denied (August 05, 2009 - AP)
Ahmadinejad sworn in as president amid crisis (August 05, 2009 - Nasser Karimi)
Obama's cairo address two months on (August 05, 2009 - William Bradley)
Iran's "Flying Coffins"" (August 05, 2009 - Ali Delforoush)

The Washington Independent
Obama Aide Declares End to War on Terrorism (Spencer Ackerman - August 06, 2009)

Ariel Silverstone blog
Cyberwar Iran 2009: Part XVII - Follow the Money (June 24, 2009)

Press Tv <- ...they are starting to criticize the
Iran questions $18.5B treasure transfer (August 04, 2009)
The Central Bank of Iran has questioned the transfer of a container-load carrying $18.5 billion worth of gold and cash from Iran to Turkey through courier services.

Court rulings not based on confessions: Top prosecutor (August 07, 2009)
Lawmakers, officials absent as Ahmadinejad sworn in (August 05, 2009)
Norway summons Iran envoy over rights issues (August 06, 2009)
Iran's report slams violation of human rights in West (August 05, 2009)
Iran develops new pilot training jet (August 05, 2009)
Ahmadinejad sworn in as Iran president (August 05, 2009)
One of Mousavi's top campaigners detained in workplace (August 05, 2009)
Ahmadinejad 'not awaiting congratulations' (August 05, 2009)
Larijani slams West 'hasty' attitude to Iran (August 05, 2009)

John Bolton still doesn't get this whole diplomacy thing (Alex Koppelman - August 05, 2009)

Los Angeles Times
Ahmadinejad inauguration marked by discord (August 06, 2009 - Borzou Daragahi and Ramin Mostaghim)
Editor says journalist held in Iran would not have strayed from Iraq (August 05, 2009 - Maria L. La Ganga and Liz Sly)
Iranian ceremony highlights split (August 03, 2009 - Borzou Daragahi)
Iran court warns against criticizing proceedings (August 3, 2009 - Borzou Daragahi)
Bayblon & Beyond blog: IRAN: Militiamen crack down on protest during Ahmadinejad inauguaration (August 05, 2009)
Babylon & Beyond blog: IRAN: Ahmadinejad gets ready to 'stick heads to the ceiling' (August 03,2009)
Bizhan Nobaveh, a pro-Ahmadinejad member of parliament, gave an interview with a reporter from the newspaper Etemaad that was carried by several other news websites:

Reporter: Mr. Nobaveh, what are you doing for the detained? Did you know the son of Ruholamini? Are you looking into why he was killed during his detention?

Nobaveh: Who is saying this? Now it’s possible he hit his head against the floor.

Reporter: His corpse says something different.

Nobaveh: Why are you speaking nonsense? We have to ask the government to look into this.

Babylon & Beyond blog: MIDDLE EAST: U.N. report finds many problems in Arab world (August 03, 2009)
The newest in a series of U.N. studies called the Arab Human Development Reports offers a sobering glimpse at the problems facing the Arab world: water scarcity, urban growth, persistent poverty, lack of democracy and human rights and a rapidly growing young population.

These strains are intensifying during the global economic crisis.

Babylon & Beyond blog: World: Follow Los Angles Times World Coverage on Facebook (August 07, 2009)
Babylon & Beyond blog: Iraq: Three American Hikers Held in Iran Made a Mistake (August 07, 2009)

New York Times
book review: Into the Eye of a Storm (August 05, 2009 - Roger Cohen)
As Ahmadinejad Is Sworn In for 2nd Term, Deep Fissures Are Laid Bare (August 05, 2009 - Robert F. Worth and Nazila Fathi)
Signs of Dissent Emerge in an Iranian Power Base (August 04, 2009 - Qum Journal)
Attack on Twitter Came in Two Waves (August 07, 2009 - Jenna Wortham)
The Lede blog: Protesters Press on in Iran (August 07, 2009)
The Lede blog: Latest Updates on Iran's Post-Election Crisis (August 05, 2009)
The Lede blog: Despite Protests Ahmadinejad Consolidates Grip on Power (August 04, 2009)
Iran's show trial (August 06, 2009 - OpEd)

The Wall Street Journal
There is a military option in Iran (August 06, 2009)
Thousands Mourn in Tehran (July 31, 2009 - FARNAZ FASSIHI)
German Firm Withdraws Threat to Fire Employees in Iran (August 03, 2009 - MATTHEW KARNITSCHNIG)

Al Jazeera
US backtracks on Iran poll remarks (August 05, 2009)
Iran in arms race with Israel (August 06, 2009 - Paul Beaver)

Reporters Without Borders
New Wave of Arreests of Journalists (August 06, 2009)

Washington Times
Power struggle hits Iran intelligence agency (August 06, 2009 - Iason Athanasiadis) <- yes the freed Greek Journalist
Iran begins mass trial for election activists (August 02, 2009 - Ali Akbar Dareini)
Ahmadinejad sworn in as Iran's president (August 05, 2009 - Nasser Karimi)
Exclusive: U.S. seeks to protect Iran terror group (August 04, 2009 - Eli Lake)
Crude Iran prisons house protesters (July 31, 2009 - Iason Athanasiadis)
Swiss ask Iran about missing Americans (August 02, 2009 - AP)
Cohen: Middle East FEARFUL of IRAN (July 29, 2009 - Nicholas Kralev)
Iran's supreme leader backs Ahmadinejad (August 04, 2009 - Ali Akbar Darein - AP)

Iran shuts down journalists' association (August 06, 2009)
Iran bans Ramadan umra pilgrimage as swine flu spreads (August 06, 2009)
Little hope Iran will meet U.S. diplomatic deadline (August 06, 2009)
Russia ready to commission radar watching Iran: report (August 06, 2009)

Christian Science Monitor
Why Iran's Revolutionary Guards mercilessly crack down (August 06, 2009 - Gareth Smyth)
Now sworn in, Ahmadinejad could crack down harder (August 05, 2009 - Iason Athanasiadis <- starting to become a fan of his
CEO Evan Williams reveals London is top Twitter city (August 07, 2009 - Jason Hiner) <- covers twitter downtime delay for Iran

Iran Executions Increase Since Election (August 07, 2009 - Tucker Reals)

Ynet New
Report: Israel planned to strike Iran during riots (August 07, 2009 - Roee Nahmias)

JTA news
DHL gets fined for violating Iran embargo (August 07, 2009)
U.S. intel: no Iranian bomb until 2013 at earliest

Iran dissidents: Behind confessions, prison ordeal (August 07, 2009 - SCHEHEREZADE FARAMARZI)
NKorea, Iran use similar script to get their way (August 07, 2009 - BRIAN MURPHY)

Jerusalem Post
Iran reportedly kills seven lawyers (August 06, 2009 - Sabina Amidi)

Iran: OPEC governor doubts ban on gasoline exports (August 07, 2009 - AP)

Tehran Times
Iran, Oman sign MoU to construct Hormoz petrochemical unit (August 08, 2009)
Iran, Oman sign security pack (August 06, 2009)

Iran further along in missiles than thought (August 07, 2009 - Richard Shulman)

The Washington Post
Iran years from fuel for bomb, report says (August 07, 2009 - Walter Pincus)

Iran has held other American in recent years (August 05, 2009)
Security tight as Iran's Ahmadinejad sworn in (August 5, 2009)

Irish Times
Paying a high price for returning to live in Iran (August 05, 2009 -


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