July 25-26, 2009 Iran Update

Jul 26, 2009 21:02

I wasn't able to go to the protest.

Global Day of Action in Stockholm Sweden, pics and vid | Sohrab's mother speaks to Tehran's city council

Youtube user: We Are Neda

July 24, 2009 post | July 20-23, 2009 Week post | July 18-19, 2009 post | July 17, 2009 post | July 16, 2009 post | July 15, 2009 post | July 14, 2009 post | July 13, 2009 post | July 12, 2009 post | July 11, 2009 post | July 10, 2009 post | July 9, 2009 posts | July 8, 2009 post | July 7, 2009 post | July 6, 2009 post | July 5, 2009 post | July 4, 2009 post

Important Links

Iranian Justice

Iran Tube <- Vid hosting for Iran vids

Tehran Bureau: Ayatollah Watch <- List of the Ayatollahs and which side they are on

Anonymous Intelligence Collective <- Iran information collective Iran Mapping Project

Iran Human Rights Documentation Center <- Documenting the Human Rights Violations conducted by the Iranian Government (English and Farsi)

Paul Coelho blog <- Interview with the doctor that tried to save Neda's life.

Heritage Org
All a Twitter: How Social Networking Shaped Iran's Election Protests (July 20, 2009 - James Jay Carafano, Ph.D.)

More pictures of the Friday Prayers Protest
Vid of Friday Sermon Tehran Riots
Wikinews on Rafsanjani's speech

Juan Cole <- Guy who interviewed Nico | Rafsanjani's steps to resolve Iran's crisis | Friday's Sermon Fateful for Iran

Khandaniha <- Iranian site that has video of Friday's Sermon in 7 parts

What Bernard Kouchner REALLY said about Iran

More pictures of the Friday Prayers Protest
Tehran Bureau: Vid of Friday Sermon Tehran Riots
Iran.whyweprotest: Vid of Friday Sermon Protests
Wikinews on Rafsanjani's speech
HipHop show in Berlin, in solidarity with the protest movement in Iran
Amnesty International USA: Iranian Petition

Juan Cole <- Guy who interviewed Nico | Rafsanjani's steps to resolve Iran's crisis | Friday's Sermon Fateful for Iran

Khandaniha <- Iranian site that has video of Friday's Sermon in 7 parts

Dynamic Internet Technology <- "Attack the Cyberwalls!: The Internet Is the Pathway to Democracy in Places Like Iran"

Index of 500+ vids of Iranian protests

Rooz online - Eng

Iran protest flickr page

Youtube: peivel17 <- Green Wave channel


Keeping the Change | Flash Mobs: A New Twist on Solidarity With Iran by Maryam

Nite Owl's live translations of the Sermon

Pedestrian | July 17, 2009 Friday Sermon | Pictures & Stories | "I was there" | July 18, 2009 Now it is our turn | Unverified Reports <- Qom wants Khamenei to side with protesters

Tehran Bureau: Friday Prayers Update (July 17, 2009)

Peace With Iran <- Blog

Iranian Leftists Report of a female protester 'possibly' gang raped and murdered

Demotix <- The mighty photojournalism site Iran election page pictures of demostrations outside Iranian embassy in London

Mightier Than

ABC reporter jim sciutto's twitblog

LA Times - Babylon & Beyond First images to emerge of July 9, 2009 protests large crowd gets dispersed by teargass on July 9, 2009 protests | July 17, 2009 -> Iran: Human Rights Lawyer Shadi Sadr Arrested | Iran: In Video, anger boils over at Friday Sermon | IRAN: Full text of Rafsanjani's lengthy speech | July 18, 2009 - IRAN: U.S. addresses Tehran unrest in daily briefing | July 19, 2009 Egypt: Cleric backed by Iran charged in Egypt | IRAN: Iranian cleric sees a long-planned conspiracy in protests

iran.whyweprotest.net 18 Tir / 9 July forum thread <- lots of vids and first hand account by a protester in Iran

goftaniha.org Ex-Basij Founder's Blog being used to ID Basij - in Farsi

Ayatollah Watch <- Information on Ayatollahs

Ahmedi's takeover has been planned since 2004

Out the Basij

ID the Basiji

twit blog about how another Ayatollah has gone against the regime

Lara Setrakian - ABC News reporter's blog TEHRAN UNREST: "IT WAS NOTHING LESS THAN WAR. PRAY FOR US."

National Iranian American Council's Blog July 9, 2009 protest coverage <- vids and pics

NY Times - The Lede Blog July 9, 2009 protest coverage | Young election protester buried in Tehran <- a new Martyr

PERSIA.ORG "Struggle for a Free Iran" <- Has dedicated their front page to information on those who have been killed and detained
Iran Negah "Ezclusive views into Iranian politics & society"

University of Texas - Austin "Power of Protest: University experts condemn violence, but urge diplomacy toward Iran"

Keeping the Change | Keeping the Change FB | Nooroz News: Tehran's Morgues Reportedly Holds the Bodies of Hundreds of Dead Protesters

Ndn.org: July 15: Twitter Iran and more impressions from the front lines of the global media revolution

Mohsen Sazegara | explaining what to do and how to do the protests
1- where to go
2- how to do it
3- things to bring
4- what to do at nights
5- slogens to write
6- which marker to write with (green neon marker in this case)


Retweeters to watch
@LaraABCNews <- Reporter out of Dubai who's been in contact with Iranians
@Pray4FreeIran <- retweeter who spreads messages about Iran
@AustinHeap <- The genius behind ProxyHeap and Haystack (says that Node 1 is a go?)
@StopAdmedi <- twitter account for Mousavi supporters
@nicopitney <- I didn't know he had a twitter account
@Iran_Translator <- NiteOwl
@bistoon <- IRGC already actively hunt him b/c of student revolt in 1999 so I can rec him
@IranAnon <- Yes it is the Iranian Anonymous crowd
@niacouncil <- National Iranian-American Council
@iranhrdc <- Iran Human Rights Documenting Center

Useful Resources

News: NIAC Insight | Kodoom
Translations: Google Translate | TehranBroadcast.com | Translate4Iran
Helping Iranians use the web: Haystack | Tor Project (English & Farsi) | IranHelp.org (Farsi) Demonstrations: Facebook | sharearchy | WhyWeProtest
Activism: Avaaz.org | National Iranian American Council

Mousavi's main website | Mousavi's backup/English | Mousavi's FB

Haystack's how you can help digg page
Haystack <- The all powerful proxy (still in testing) Want to help? Don't know anything techwise? Then donate some cash and keep this revolution going, you may just save someone(s) life! Haystack is needing donations! Donate Here.
Haystack Network wesbite | Haystack Twitter page | Haystack needs help! |Twitter | FB

Protest Advice
Brainstorm Ideas | Downloading/Uploading Vid programs
Torrent/dl list of videos showing police brutality in Iran
Blog that has links to LA Protest that 35-50,000 people turn out
the pictures

Want to know how the power check system in Iran works? The Wall Street Journal has an excellent graph.
Bearing Witness In Iran Weighs Heavily On Cohen: Roger Cohen on NPR
Voice of the Voiceless
YekIran <- Worldwide Protest Map
Wiki on 18th Tir Protests 1999
Wiki of Iranian Election Protests
Reporters Without Borders <- List of how many reporters are in prison in Iran

Sea of Green Radio <-an 'anon' Iran blog twitter radionomy anonymous Sea of Green radio
Eng Trans of Mousavi FB that has protest instructions and routes
mowjcamp <- Mousavi/Opposition website in Farsi

Nedanet Resource Page | hacktivists software tools
Downforeveryoneorjustme <- check websites to see if it's down | service uptime <- free remote website uptime monitoring designed to help you detect website downtime
Wiki: DNS Cache Poisoning
Paryvan wiki
VANISH: Self-Destructing Digital Data burned messages for spies the digital way
Steganography Solution
EFF.org Surveillance Self-Defense International <- 6 Ideas For Those Needing Defensive Technology to Protect Free Speech from Authoritarian Regimes and 4 Ways the Rest of Us Can Help

Mightier Than Iran: The Rooftop Project <- Site trying to find vids of the roof top shoutings for every single night since the protests began.
Iran News <- One Stop Source
for News/YouTube/Blog/Political Cartoon links about Iran's Election and the aftermath (massive library of information)
The Guardian's list of dead and detained
Voice of America News
Iran 360 <- Photojournalism site
Slate's stash of Iran political cartoons
Green cd hour long video from Iran <- Split up into nine parts on iran.whyweprotest.net

Where is My Vote.org <- List or/way of organizing world wide protests
Iran Human Rights
Human Rights Activists In Iran The Latest Update on the Detainees of July 9 and a List of 90 Confirmed in Prison
fivethirtyeight.com: Iran <- Nate Silver "the guru of statistics" input on the validity of the Iranian election outcome
Google News: Iran Election - 30, 700 articles in the past month

Austin for Iran <- Site for organizing protests in Austin Texas
Map of Tehran
Petition for the release of American-Iranian Kian Tajbakhsh

OnlyMehdi Youtube page <- Lots of vids on Iran
United 4 Iran <- Protest page | @united4iran
iran.whyweprotest best articles and links

Iran Solidarity.org.uk
Amnesty International
Reporters Uncensored | Reporters Uncensored Livestream

Share that vid <- Another vid site
Live Leak <- Another vid site
Massive Video Archive of Iran Protest Footage
USA SWAT Expert Advice - It might save their lives <- on Iran.whyweprotest forum
vid on How to use police tactics against a baton | more vids on youtube <- For Iranian's in self-defense
Vids of Ahmedinejad speech on July 16, 2009 in Mashaad


Live Blogs on Iran

The Guardian: July 17, 2009 - Iran Crisis Friday Prayers

Revolutionary Road... <- Live from Tehran UPDATES | Revolution Road FB | Twitter <- Has lots of twitpics of the Friday Sermon Protest | List of Killed, Arrested and Released as of July 22, 2009 <- There is an interactive slide that has pictures of some of the dead.

Andrew Sullivan's blog <- Political blog but he has a lot of coverage on iran. Andrew Sullivan's blog "Iran Erupts Again" Counter Targeting the Protesters Abbas Kiarostami's "10" <- Andrew Sullivan has a feature of exhibiting artists and music | Outing Iran: Marg bar <- The real meaning of Marg bar

Enduring America blog | Latest from Iran: July 18 A Victory Followed By....? | Latest from Iran: July 19 Breathing Space

Nico's Pitney's live blog on HuffPo The most excellent live blog out there. Has an absolute ton of information dating back the very first day. Filled with pictures and vids.
Nico's Iran Page (it seems he deleted off the info from July 7th but it can be found here)
Nico moved offices on Friday...I don't think there's a Saturday update
July 20, 2009

Week of July 13, 2009 | July 10, 2009 | July 9, 2009 | July 8th | July 7th | July 6th | July 5th | July 3rd | July 2nd | July 1st | June 30th | June 29th | June 28th | June 27th | June 26th | June 25th | June 24th | June 22nd | June 21st | June 20th pt 2 | June 20th pt 1 | June 19th | June 18th | June 17th | June 16th | June 15th

NiteOwl's Green Briefs <- Anonymous teamed up The Pirate Bay (before they sold out) to provide logistical help to the Iranians in a safe anonymous forum - the vids of Anonymous declaring 'war' on Iranian govt are interesting to watch. NiteOwl's Green Briefs are compilations of news reports straight from Iranians.
Nite Owl's live translations of the Sermon |
Who is Who | Pronouciation Guide

#37 (July 23) | #38 (July 24) | #39 (July 25)

Green Brief #36 (July 22) | Green Brief #35 (July 21) | Green Brief #34 (July 20) | #33 (July 19) | #30 (July 16) | #29 (July 15) | #28 (July 14) | #27 (July 13) | #26 (July 12) | #25 (July 11) | #24 (July 10) | #23 (July 9) | #22 (July 8) | #21 (July 7) | #20 (July 6) | #18-#19 (July 4-5) (NiteOwl's net didn't let him access the archives of twitter (?) so it's late) | #17 (July 3) | #16 (July 2) | #15 (July 1) | #14 (June 30) | #13 (June29) | #12 (June 28) | #11 (June 27) | #10 (June 26th) | #9 (June 25) | #8 (June 24) | #7 (June 23) | #6 (June 22) | #5 (June 21) | #4 (June 20 | #3 (June 19) | #2 (June 18) | #1 (June 17)

Newspaper Articles

Iran 360: blog
Sohrab A'rabi's mother speaks out to Tehran City Council (July 24, 2009)

Protesters call for Iran rights (July 25, 2009 - Arthur Strain)
Documentary: Iran and the West: From Khomeni to Ahmedinejad (July 20, 2009)

New York Times
In Iran, President's Deputy is Stepping Down (July 24, 2009 - Robert F. Worth)
Chinese State TV Starts Arabic Channel (July 26, 2009 - AP)
Gates, in Visit to Israel, Will Find Iran Looming (July 25, 2009 - Elisabeth Bumiller)
Iran's Opposition Calls Crackdown 'Immoral' (July 25, 2009 - Robert F. Worth and Nazila Fathi)
Clinton Makes Case for White House's Diplomatic Record (July 26, 2009 - Brian Knowlton)

The Guardian
The limits of freedom (July 26, 2009 - Gal Wettstein)
White House steps up diplomatic push to revive Middle East peace process (July 26, 2009 - Ian Black)
Chinese hack Melbourne flim festival site to protest at Uighur documentary (July 26, 2009 - Mark Tran)

Los Angeles Times
Iran's top cleric pushes Ahmadinejad on Aide (July 25, 2009 - Borzou Daragahi)
Son of Iranian politican's aide dies in prison (July 25, 2009 - Borzou Daragahi)
Mohsen Ruholamini, whose father was a senior advisor to conservative politician Mohsen Rezai, was reportedly arrested during a July 9 protest against President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Mohsen Ruholamini, a computer science engineer in his 20s, was reportedly arrested during a July 9 protest against Ahmadinejad that also marked the anniversary of a student uprising. His family was informed Tuesday night by telephone that he had died.

His father, Abdul-Hossein Ruholamini, was a senior advisor to Rezai, a former Revolutionary Guard commander who ran as a conservative in the election.

On Tuesday, Mousavi's family confirmed the detention of his brother-in-law, 62-year-old physicist Shahpour Kazemi, who was taken into custody a month ago.

"I have consoled my old parents during this time and I have held back from stirring tensions over this issue," Mousavi's wife, Zahra Rahnavard, told the semiofficial Iranian Labor News Agency on Thursday. "I can't tolerate the immoral wave of trumped-up accusations against my brother."

On Thursday, police arrested the father of Massoud Hashemzadeh, a 27-year-old musician killed in the unrest, after his family insisted on placing mourning banners outside their home.

The mother of another young man killed in the unrest, Sohrab Aarabi, addressed the Tehran City Council this week in a dramatic speech that was videotaped and posted to the Internet.

"I could barely eat," Parvin Fahimi told council members in a teary presentation about her monthlong quest for her missing son. "I still can't eat. My throat clenches up, and I've only sustained myself with liquids these recent times.

"Why did they kill my child?" she demanded. "On whose orders? I want to ask the City Council, what did Sohrab want . . . ... other than freedom of expression?"

Iranian president fires two top officials; 2 more protesters reportedly killed (July 26, 2009 - Borzou Daragahi and Ramin Mostaghim)
With a week to go before the expiration of his current government, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad abruptly sacked his ministers of Intelligence and Culture today, a move that many consider retribution for their opposition to an aide he had appointed.

Meanwhile, accounts surfaced of two more protesters killed in recent days. Fresh clashes broke out today between protesters and security forces in northern Tehran.
Opposition leaders submitted an application to hold a massive public ceremony later this week to commemorate dozens who have died in demonstrations against the June 12 reelection of the president, which they allege was marred by vote-rigging.

Ahmadinejad's latest moves suggest that neither the burgeoning reformist movement shaking the country well nor a weeklong hard-line effort against his pick for his first deputy have spurred the president to change his approach.

Ahmadinejad dumped Intelligence Minister Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Ejei and Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Mohammad-Hossein Saffar-Harandi a day after he accepted the resignation of his first vice president under pressure from his own hard-line supporters, including Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.
Though Ahmadinejad had long announced plans to reshuffle the Cabinet of his next government, the sudden nature of today's dismissals were considered an insulting rejoinder to the two ministers, who stormed out of a Cabinet meeting last week during an argument with the president over the appointment of Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei as first vice president, in line to succeed the president. Some analysts have said hard-liners opposed Mashaei because of friendly comments he made last year about Israel. Others say he is a member of a secretive sect, the Hojjatieh, which has a messianic worldview so extreme that the Islamic Republic's founder, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, had outlawed it.

Ahmadinejad has since appointed Mashaei his chief of staff. Senior lawmaker Hamid-Reza Haji-Babai told the Mehr news agency today that Ahmadinejad's confirmation by Khamenei is set for Aug. 4 and his swearing-in ceremony will take place the next day.

Protesters supporting opposition candidates Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi have vowed to stage another day of peaceful protest when Ahmadinejad is formally sworn in.

Dozens of Iranians have been killed and hundreds arrested in the weeks of unrest sparked by the election. Today, reformist newspapers announced the death of Amir Javadifar and Hossein Akbari. Javadifar, a student of industrial management in the city of Qazvin, was arrested July 9. Akbari, 20, a clerk at a publishing house, died after he was arrested during a July 17 demonstration that followed a Friday prayer sermon.

News outlets say both are believed to have died while in custody.

Unrest broke out today after authorities suddenly canceled a mourning ceremony for Mohsen Ruholamini, a 25-year-old student killed in the July 9 unrest. Ruholamini's father is a respected scholar and a ranking advisor to Mohsen Rezai, a conservative politician and former leader of the Revolutionary Guards.

Babylon & Beyond blog: Iran: Ahadinejad cuts wages raised before election (July 26, 2009)
Tens of thousands of Iranians were in for a shock in recent days when they got their paychecks and found their wages had dropped back to the same level as before election season.
After boosting the salaries of government employees and retirees for two months in the run-up to the June 12 elections -- in what critics decried as a naked attempt at vote-buying -- the government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has slashed wages again.
According to a report Sunday by the semi-official Iranian Labor News Agency, wages for retired army personnel have been cut by $100 to $250 per month. Hamshahri, a daily newspaper run by Tehran's mayor, put the decreases at $60 to $200 per month.
That's no small change in a country where civil servants and retirees typically live off a few hundred dollars a month and inflation continues to eat into people's standard of living.
The salary cuts also have hit other public service employees, who were lavished with praise and bonuses in the weeks before the election.
One schoolteacher, speaking on condition of anonymity, said her salary was increased from $370 to $540 two months before the election. When she looked at her paycheck at the end of the Persian month of Tir several days ago, she discovered it was back down to the same as before the election.
Many considered the salary increases long-overdue adjustments for inflation.

Global protests staged over post-election crackdown in Iran (July 25, 2009)
Zakaria: Violence could flare again in Iran (July 24, 2009 - Fareed Zakaria)

National Post
Now is the time to confront Iran (July 25, 2009)

Washington Post
Iran opposition asks to commemorate unrest victims (July 26, 2009 - Reuters)

China View
"High Speed" causes plane crash in northeast Iran (July 26, 2009)

Revolutionary Guard tightens hold in Iran crisis (July 26, 2009 - AP)

Pedestrian blog
What is happening in Evin Prison: things are bad in prisons. They are going from, to worse to macabre." (July 25, 2009)

Huffington Post
Iranians worldwide roll out Green Scroll against Ahmadinejad (July 25, 2009 - Diane Tucker)
Global demonstrations in solidarity with Iranians (July 25, 2009 - Matthew Palevsky)
The Basij are cordially invited to join the opposition (July 25, 2009 - Melody Moezzi)
Iran's women a driving force behind green movement (July 24, 2009)
Even though official reporting of events has been very limited due to restrictions by the government, we were able to get a glimpse of what is going on in the streets via amateur videos and photos. What was evident in all those images is a very clear presence of women of all ages in the protests. Photos showed young, green-clad girls standing defiantly next to other, male protesters.
The images give evidence of the bravery of Iranian women. Today those women are not just fighting for a sheerer head-scarf or the freedom to show a little more of their arms; they are fighting to change the political face of the country and thus their future.
For years many women have carried out subtle campaigns of civil disobedience. They pushed the boundaries with acts as small as wearing brighter nail polish, more make up and even by smoking cigarettes in cafes. These were considered huge steps. But these protests were as far as women would go because they feared punishment.
Azadeh Moaveni, who reported for Time Magazine from Tehran, in her latest book "Honeymoon in Tehran" described how the general population in Iran was not ready for revolt: "Every few months an editor at Time would ask whether we could do an 'Iranian youth at boiling point' story, and I would explain that Iranian youth weren't even heating up yet."
Moaveni's view, which was very apt at the time, shows how so much changed this June when election results were announced and young Iranians felt anger and frustration. Many women, who used to be preoccupied with the latest fashion trends and what to wear to the next party, faced bullets and batons in the streets. Risking their lives, or imprisonment, they were fighting for what they had yearned for over many years. They were trying to get their rights by peaceful means because they knew the consequences.
Women have been undoubtedly a great part of the so called "Green Movement." Zahra Rahnavard, the wife of opposition leader Mir-Hossein Mousavi, became a key part of the campaign. Her presence meant a promise of a more open arena for women in the political scene and maybe some relaxation of the rigid social laws. Young women appreciated the attention that Mousavi gave his wife, treating her as his equal and a friend. They envisioned that such relationships would become more widespread in Iran if he became the next president.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's declaration of an overwhelming victory, however, was a big blow to their hopes. They now feel betrayed and dejected. One friend who supported Mousavi told me two days before the election that if Mousavi didn't win, she wouldn't stay in Iran for a moment longer.

The Gulf States already have links with Israel (July 24, 2009 - Sultan Sooud Al-Qassemi)
Stand with detained Iranian artists (July 24, 2009 - Robert Redford)
Becoming a green girl (July 23, 2009 - Charlotte Safavi)
The last demonstration I attended about Iran was in 1979, when I was a teenager living in England. Two of my Iranian cousins -- outspoken women in their twenties -- had recently fled to London, seeking political asylum after the Islamic Revolution. They took me to the Speaker's Corner at Hyde Park, where the event's organizers placed us front and center to lead the march.

A few days later, photographs of the rally ran in the Iran-based magazine Zan-e Rooz -- Today's Woman. In almost every picture, a female member of my family looked back at me, including myself. The magazine had labeled us SAVAK sluts and foreign agents.

"I guess we're not going back," laughed one cousin, pointing at her image, mouth agape.
"Not unless we check-in at the Hotel Evin," cracked the other. Evin Prison is the notorious detention center in Tehran, housing political prisoners since the early 70's. It has a special section for women.
Now 30 years later, I dress for the D.C. protest. I defiantly slip on a scoop neck, sleeveless shirt in green (the color of the reformist movement), blow-dry my hair, which I will never cover, and put on the tightest jeans I can find in my closet. I slash fuchsia lipstick across my lips. I want to make a mullah sweat under his turban, blush beneath his beard, point his wagging finger at me.

At the meeting spot in Georgetown, I join the swelling ranks of green. Most of the women are Iranian-Americans or Iranians with temporary visas. They cross generations -- a baby girl in a green onesie with polka dots, an Audrey Hepburn look-alike, an elderly woman in sensible shoes surrounded by her middle-aged daughters. Despite the rain, we set out down Wisconsin Avenue.

Washington Times
Senate OKs funds to thwart Iran web censors (July 26, 2009 - Eli Lake)
Rallies around globe back Iran protests (July 26, 2009 - Cassie Fleming)
Clinton: U.S. still ready to engage Iran, N. Korea (July 26, 2009 - Steven R. Hurst)

Waking from its sleep (July 23, 2009 -

Tehran Bureau
Ahmadinejad sacks Ministers; VP nominee to remain close (July 26, 2009 - Muhammad Sahimi)
America's misguided left (July 24, 2009 - Muhammad Sahimi)
International day of action (July 26, 2009 - Leila Darabi)
Fight or Flight? (July 25, 2009 - Setareh Sabety)
Another friend who went to the 18th Tir demonstrations - according to G, only the very brave attended at this stage - was dragged out of his car and beaten until he lost consciousness and left for dead. No one came to his aid. After his basij assailants were gone, one brave woman took him to his home. His parents did not take him to the hospital for fear of getting arrested. They waited three days, then took him in, claiming he had had an accident.
G stopped going to demonstrations. Like many, she chanted Allah o Akbar from the rooftop of her home, but she was afraid to go out on the streets. Some of her friends continued, but most stayed home. She left the country for a trip to Europe that her company had scheduled months in advance.
When I ask her what she plans to do when she returns to Iran in a few days, she tells me a refrain I have heard often these past thirty years, “I will do my best to leave Iran and get a job in Europe or Canada.” When I ask her why she wants to leave, G responds: “Ahmadinejad will be declared president in August and things will get much worse. It will be unbearable living in Iran. I have professional expertise. I can get better pay abroad. I want to live and work somewhere where my work is appreciated. Once I settle down, I will then bring my parents and my brother.”
This young, hardworking woman’s incredibly beautiful eyes, radiant smile, and pragmatism brings tears to my eyes. My unprofessional welling-up shocks her.
“What’s the matter?” she asks, “Did I say something to upset you?”
“My dear girl,” I answer, “everything you have said makes me upset. The thought of increasing the number of people in the Diaspora makes me want to cry. I want to go back as much as you want to get out! ”

A charter for the Green Movement (July 23, 2009 - Saya Ovaisy)
Lines are drawn in Iran (July 22, 2009 - Farideh Farhi)
Reformists urge Grand Ayatollahs to weigh in (July 25, 2009)

Press TV
Iran assembles 50 Ukrainian passenger planes (July 26, 2009)
Tehran court finds Iran Minister guilty of fraud (July 26, 2009)
Iran will hit Israeli nuclear sites if attacked (July 25, 2009)
Despite uproar, Ahmadinejad appoints Mashaei to new job (July 25, 2009)
Karroubi sets mind on 'major party reforms' (July 26, 2009)
Passenger plane makes emergency landing in Tehran (July 26, 2009)
Mousavi camp rejects links with foreign embassies (July 26, 2009)
Ahmadinejad to be sworn in August 5 (July 26, 2009)
In Iran, 3 Ministers are sacked over 'deputy row' (July 26, 2009)

Green Scroll vids

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The Rally in Austin

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Sohrab A'rabi's mother speaks to the Tehran City Council pt 1 English translation/script

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Sohrab A'rabi's mother speaks to the Tehran City Council pt 2

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In London some people recognized a PressTV reporter and let's say it didn't go well for him.
Some of what they are saying is: "Jasoos boro gom sho!" "Get lost you spy!"
At 2:20 you can see a man in a white shirt pounding the front of the camera-man's car. We lose them off the left side, but the car moves forward. At 2:22 we see the man fall head over heels backward. But he falls to the side which indicates to me that it isn't because he got hit by the car. Probably police.

Yes, that was my guess too. Probably why the crowd got so angry.

He was pounding on the car as it was moving. He probably lost his balance and fell or the police took him down so he wouldn't get ran over.

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Blame the following vids on this and this and talks of Israel doing a preemptive strike on Iran over nuclear weapons.

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