Sanders: 'What do the Russians have on Mr. Trump?'

Mar 23, 2017 15:57

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Thursday piled onto ongoing questions about President Trump and his associates' ties to Russia.

Days after the FBI confirmed it is probing any possible cooperation between Trump's team and Moscow, Sanders implied Russian President Vladimir Putin might "have" something on the president.

How does it happen that we ( Read more... )

russia, electoral malfeasance, fbi, vladimir putin, conspiracies, bernie sanders, i can see russia from my house, spying, donald trump

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Comments 28

eveofrevolution March 23 2017, 21:28:46 UTC
moonshaz March 23 2017, 21:34:32 UTC
My cut tag got messed up somehow, but I think I fixed it. (It was cutting out the wrong part of the post, as you noted.) Got rid of the extra paragraphs, and also added a couple more tags. :-)


eveofrevolution March 24 2017, 00:55:50 UTC
moonshaz March 24 2017, 01:57:01 UTC

I think I've got it fixed now.


grace_om March 23 2017, 21:56:57 UTC
He needs to release all of his financials to prove he's not in debt to the oligarchs. Because if he is, he's compromised.


chaya March 24 2017, 03:34:36 UTC
Someone remind me the year of the tax records he leaked? --I'm sorry, that someone leaked?


skittish_derby March 24 2017, 11:26:03 UTC


chaya March 24 2017, 17:28:00 UTC
Yeah, I vaguely remembered it was a decade old. So, useless as proof to anything, but I'm sure he'll reference it to say he's in the clear.


blackjedii March 23 2017, 22:12:39 UTC
Welp one of those posters was me and as I've said before -
It is not so much that I take umbrage with Russia attempting to skew the election (like duh no shit how many countries have we helped "democratize")
But that the Dems cannot use "Russia hacked us!!" as an excuse for their own failings. Ie it is fair to say "Russia clearly preferred Trump and his rhetoric and probably did help the email scandal"; it is not fair to use that as blanket excuses when the DNC did not pour money into lower-ballot races, even attempt to run opponents for R districts, ignoring Wisconsin, the whole we-don't-need-no-stinkin-yard-signs, etc.


rainbows_ March 24 2017, 01:27:15 UTC

Completely agree.


moonshaz March 24 2017, 02:39:42 UTC

I agree for the most psrt.

As I said in the op, I'm not sure it's possible to know for sure how much, if any, impact the Russian hacking might have had on the election's outcome; I truly believe that there are a lot of different reasons why the Dems lost, INCLUDING (but not necessarily limited to) mistakes that were made by the DNC and the Clinton campaign. I do agree that those mistakes ned to be acknowledged, addressed, and not repeated. I also agree, that trying to use the Russians as any kind of an excuse for the loss would be highly inaccurate, inappropriate, and nonproductive, to say the least.

As to taking umbrage with what the Russians did, I'm not pleased with it, BUT that is not the central issue at this point in time, imv. The BIG question as of now is to what extent Trump and his henchman were involved in COLLUDING AND CONSPIRING with the RussIans to attempt to skew the outcome of the election. There are a lot of signs, from what I'm reading, that this DID indeed occur, and if it can eventually be proven, Trump will be in ( ... )


mutive March 24 2017, 18:37:49 UTC
I agree.

Even more than that, there's the question as to what Trump will do (assuming he did collude with the Russians) in exchange for their help. It's exceedingly worrisome to think that the president of the US may owe *huge* favors to a foreign country.


lightframes March 23 2017, 22:13:01 UTC
If this does end up bringing him down, it's going to take a long time. I hope they don't let it go.


blackjedii March 23 2017, 22:42:22 UTC
Just wait for the poll numbers and the town halls. When the Rs no longer worry about losing their base, they'll go to Pence or they'll sink on the same ship.

Hypothetically. Admittedly my faith in reality is pretty shaky right now - is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide...


naotmaa March 24 2017, 01:57:22 UTC
It seems there is a lot of dirt on Trump and his ties to Russia and they're compounding everyday.

I found these articles interesting about some on the left and their defensive attitude when it comes to Russia. (although this one is a lot more inflammatory, it makes some interesting points)


moonshaz March 24 2017, 05:20:58 UTC
Thanks for these links - this is exactly what I'm talking about!


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