Sanders: 'What do the Russians have on Mr. Trump?'

Mar 23, 2017 15:57

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Thursday piled onto ongoing questions about President Trump and his associates' ties to Russia.

Days after the FBI confirmed it is probing any possible cooperation between Trump's team and Moscow, Sanders implied Russian President Vladimir Putin might "have" something on the president.

How does it happen that we ( Read more... )

russia, electoral malfeasance, fbi, vladimir putin, conspiracies, bernie sanders, i can see russia from my house, spying, donald trump

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grace_om March 23 2017, 21:56:57 UTC
He needs to release all of his financials to prove he's not in debt to the oligarchs. Because if he is, he's compromised.


chaya March 24 2017, 03:34:36 UTC
Someone remind me the year of the tax records he leaked? --I'm sorry, that someone leaked?


skittish_derby March 24 2017, 11:26:03 UTC


chaya March 24 2017, 17:28:00 UTC
Yeah, I vaguely remembered it was a decade old. So, useless as proof to anything, but I'm sure he'll reference it to say he's in the clear.


skittish_derby March 24 2017, 20:17:43 UTC
It certainly wasn't good enough to conclude anything. Yet no one is asking about his tax returns anymore. It is probably just that there is SO MUCH SCANDAL every. single. day. that this is just such a minor thing now even though it is so not minor.


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